Module page

Algebra II                  

academic year:   2013/2014
instructor:  Valentina Barucci
degree course:  Mathematics - DM 270/04 (triennale), II year
type of training activity:  caratterizzante
credits:  9 (72 class hours)
scientific sector:  MAT/02 Algebra
teaching language:  italiano
period:  II sem (03/03/2014 - 13/06/2014)

Lecture meeting time and location

Presence: highly recommended

Module aims: Il corso descrive le proprietà elementari dei gruppi finiti e delle loro azioni su insiemi e la teoria delle estensioni algebriche di campi. In particolare:

  1. Principali teoremi elementari di per i gruppi finiti, inclusi i teoremi di Sylow;
  2. Elementi algebrici e trascendenti;
  3. Classificazione dei campi finiti;
  4. Corrispondenza di Galois;
  5. Costruibilità con riga e compasso;
  6. Risolubilità delle equazioni polinomiali.

Module subject:

  • Groups.
  • Group actions and symmetries.
  • Finite groups and Sylow theorems.
  • Field theory
  • Galois Theory

Detailed module subject: Diario delle lezioni

Suggested reading:
Michael Artin, "Algebra", Boringhieri, 1997.
Giulia Maria Piacentini Cattaneo, Algebra, un approccio algoritmico, Zanichelli 1996.
G. Campanella, "Appunti di Algebra 2" ed esercizi,

Type of course: standard


Examination tests:

Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge and understanding
Successful students will be able to remember the main concepts and technical tools of the course. They will know elementary examples of finite groups , in particular groups of symmetries. They will understand how to treat some classical mathematical problems with tools from algebra and from field theory.

Skills and attributes:
Successful students will be able to solve problems concerning finite groups, field extensions, splitting field of a polynomial and to calculate the Galois group of some classes of polynomials.

Personal study: the percentage of personal study required by this course is the 65% of the total.

Statistical data on examinations

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