Chiamate dirette
Expression of interest Professor in Mathematics
The Mathematics Department Guido Castelnuovo of Sapienza Università di Roma is seeking for outstanding candidates with research interests in any field of Mathematics for associate and full professorship positions covered through a “chiamata diretta” procedure1.
The Department of Mathematics is committed to increasing the gender balance of its faculty and particularly welcomes applications from qualified women.
Job specifications
- Position. Associate or Full Professor2.
- Institution. Dipartimento di Matematica Guido Castelnuovo, SAPIENZA Università di Roma (
- Field. Any field of Mathematics.
- Duration. Permanent position.
- Salary. The basic annual gross salary3 for an Associate Professor is 50.653 EUR, while that of a Full Professor is 68.890 EUR.
- Teaching load. 120 hours per year (mostly in Italian, with some exceptions of courses held in English).
- Qualification required at the moment of the application. One of the following:
- scholars who have been working abroad on a permanent teaching or research position in a foreign university or research institution (art. 1 c.9 L. n. 230/2005) for at least three years, and holding an academic position equivalent to that which they are applying to with this call;
- winners, as P.I., of ERC grants of a duration of at least three years, which have not been completed for more than three years (art. 29 c. 7 L. n. 240/2010, Art. 7, c. 2, D. M. n. 635/2016).
- How to apply. By email, at the email address
- Deadline for application. January 31st 2024.
- Expected starting date. November 1st 2025.
Our Department of Mathematics has strong research groups in a number of fields over a wide range of interests; also note that the city of Roma has two other very active mathematics departments. Moreover, we have been recently awarded with the “Dipartimento di Eccellenza” (Excellence Project 2023-2027) by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR). We are seeking established scientists with an outstanding record of high impact research, excellence and leadership. The successful candidate will be expected to actively contribute to the department’s academic program, its strategy and governance, as well as providing scientific leadership and to participate in large-scale grant applications, especially in connection with the “Dipartimento di Eccellenza” program.
- This means that there will be not an open competition to select the candidate, but rather an internal discussion in the Departement Board, which then proposes the person to hire, possibly among those who expressed their interest.
- Respectively “Professore Associato” or “Professore Ordinario”, see for more information.
- Intended to be for the lowest salary class; salary classes increase every two years.
Additional Information about the job specifications
- Salary. Many benefits are included, such as national health insurance, thirteen months of salary, contributions towards pension and retirement settlement. In order to have a clue of what your monthly net salary will approximately be, you may want to check for instance this website.
Please note that for successful candidates having held academic positions abroad, there are some tax benefits, as, for example, a tax relief up to 90% of the salary that may be granted for a duration up to ten years.
This means, by way of example, that a net monthly pay without these tax benefits would increase by about 50%.
Beware: the law about these tax benefits is being reviewed by the Italian government, so that these conditions might change.
You may also want to take a look at this website to have a rough idea of the living cost in Roma. - How to apply. Submit a brief CV, a list of publications, a research statement and a teaching statement, as well as names of some mathematicians who could possibly provide a recommendation letter.
The applications will be reviewed by a cross disciplinary Selection Committee and will follow the official “Chiamate dirette” procedure.
The “Chiamate dirette” recruitment process involves several approval steps and requires the endorsement of the Ministry of Education, University, and Research.
The procedure is therefore expected to be completed and the position to be filled within November 2025.
The Rector confirms the appointment by Decree and sets the relative salary class based on seniority of service and merit (art. 1, c. 9, L. n. 230/2005).
Links to information and legislative references (unfortunately in Italian only):
L. 230/2005
L. n. 240/2010
D.M. n. 635/2016
L. n. 58/2019