Module page

Meccanica razionale                  

academic year:   2013/2014
instructors:  Carlo Boldrighini, Piero Negrini
degree course:  Mathematics - DM 270/04 (triennale)
type of training activity:  caratterizzante
credits:  9 (72 class hours)
scientific sector:  MAT/07 Fisica matematica
teaching language:  italiano
program:   I-Z
period:  II sem (04/03/2014 - 07/06/2014)

Lecture meeting time and location

Presence: highly recommended

Module aims:

In Theoretical Mechanics course the student has the opportunity to use all the techniques he already learned to analyze relevant problems. The aim of these lectures is to introduce the student to the mathematical (qualitative and quantitative) methods of the Classical Mechanics . Newton equations are studied both for constrained and unconstrained systems. In particular we deal with some classical integrable problems, e.g. one-dimensional motions, rigid body problem in the case symmetry of the masses. The learner is also introduced to the variational calculus. Finally the stability of the stationary motions are analyzed from the linear and non linear point of view.

Module subject:
The Newtonian paradigma. Some recalls on the theory of first order differential systems. Qualitative analysis of one-dimensional Newton equation: stationary solutions, their stability properties. Pictures of the orbits in the phase space. Linear systems and resonances. The two body problem and the Kepler laws. N-body systems. Cardinal equations. Ideal constraints and the Lagrange equations. Lagrangian systems and variational principles. Symmetries and first integrals. The stability problem of equilibrium. Linear analysis and normal modes. Lagrange-Dirichlet theorem. Rigid body Kinematics. Euler angles, lagrangian formulation and important cases of the dynamics of the rigid body.

Suggested reading:
P. Buttà, P. Negrini, Note del corso di Meccanica Razionale, Ed. Nuova Cultura

Type of course: standard

Examination tests:

Prerequisites: Calculus I, Linear Algebra, Mathematical Analysis I, Geometry I

Knowledge and understanding:
Successful students will be able to 
build up models and then apply mathematical methods, both qualitative, quantitative and numerical.

Skills and attributes: Successful students will be able to: 1) study the pictures of the motions in the phase plane, to evaluate the periods of periodic solutions. 
 2) study the problem of the stability of the equilibrium by employing some methods of the Liapunov theory and by performing the spectral analysis to compute the frequencies of the oscillations around a stable equilibrium. 
 3) choose local coordinates for the configuration submanifolds of the constrained systems (e.g. Euler angles for SO(3), spherical coordinates, and so on) 
4 4) recognize and use the variational nature of the Lagrange equations 
 5) exploit the existence of first integrals to reduce the Lagrange system.

Personal study: the percentage of personal study required by this course is the 65% of the total.

Statistical data on examinations

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