
Sono esposti in questa pagina tutti i lavori caricati su arXiv, contenenti nel campo report number la stringa identificativa del dipartimento Roma01.Math

arXiv search for rn:Roma01.Math


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572 results for (rn:Roma01.Math*)
  1. arxiv-id: 2501.08657v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Liouville type results for the fractional truncated Laplacians in a half-space
    Giulio Galise, Hitoshi Ishii
    Published: 2025-01-15


  2. arxiv-id: 2501.04405v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The generalized Mukai conjecture for spherical varieties with a reductive general isotropy group
    Paolo Bravi, Guido Pezzini
    Published: 2025-01-08


  3. arxiv-id: 2411.02356v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Error Estimate for a Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations on Networks
    Elisabetta Carlini, Valentina Coscetti, Marco Pozza
    Published: 2024-11-04


  4. arxiv-id: 2410.23925v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Fully nonlinear elliptic PDEs in thin domains with oblique boundary condition
    Isabeau Birindelli, Ariela Briani, Hitoshi Ishii
    Published: 2024-10-31


  5. arxiv-id: 2410.05901v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Dissipation-dispersion analysis of fully-discrete implicit discontinuous Galerkin methods and application to stiff hyperbolic problems
    Maya Briani, Gabriella Puppo, Giuseppe Visconti
    Published: 2024-10-08


  6. arxiv-id: 2409.10145v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The thermodynamic limit in mean field neural networks
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Pierluigi Bianco, Alberto Fachechi, Diego Pallara
    Published: 2024-09-16


  7. arxiv-id: 2409.05575v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Communication in Multiplex Transportation Networks
    Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2024-09-09


  8. arxiv-id: 2407.18101v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Modular sheaves with many moduli
    Kieran G. O'Grady
    Published: 2024-07-25


  9. arxiv-id: 2407.14235v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Algebraic localization of generalized Wannier bases implies Roe triviality in any dimension
    Vincenzo Rossi, Gianluca Panati
    Published: 2024-07-19


  10. arxiv-id: 2407.02225v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Asymptotics of the $φ^4_1$ measure in the sharp interface limit
    Lorenzo Bertini, Paolo Buttà, Giacomo Di Gesù
    Published: 2024-07-02


  11. arxiv-id: 2406.15041v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Effective quantum dynamics for magnetic fermions
    Margherita Ferrero, Domenico Monaco
    Published: 2024-06-21
    Journal Reference: Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Volume 4 (September 17, 2024) ocnmp:13820


  12. arxiv-id: 2406.13797v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Quantum automata and languages of finite index
    Andrea Benso, Flavio D'Alessandro, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2024-06-19


  13. arxiv-id: 2406.12720v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Liouville results for semilinear integral equations with conical diffusion
    Isabeau Birindelli, Lele Du, Giulio Galise
    Published: 2024-06-18


  14. arxiv-id: 2406.09924v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Fundamental operating regimes, hyper-parameter fine-tuning and glassiness: towards an interpretable replica-theory for trained restricted Boltzmann machines
    Alberto Fachechi, Elena Agliari, Miriam Aquaro, Anthony Coolen, Menno Mulder
    Published: 2024-06-14


  15. arxiv-id: 2406.01734v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Weak Kähler hyperbolicity is birational
    Francesco Bei, Benoît Claudon, Simone Diverio, Stefano Trapani
    Published: 2024-06-03


  16. arxiv-id: 2405.19090v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Unitarity of minimal $W$-algebras and their representations II: Ramond sector
    Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Möseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2024-05-29


  17. arxiv-id: 2405.10809v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Framization and Deframization
    Francesca Aicardi, Jesús Juyumaya, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2024-05-17


  18. arxiv-id: 2405.06518v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Long time evolution of concentrated vortex rings with large radius
    Paolo Buttà, Guido Cavallaro, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2024-05-10
    Journal Reference: J. Stat. Phys. 191 (2024), Article 164


  19. arxiv-id: 2404.19577v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Test function approach to fully nonlinear equations in thin domains
    Isabeau Birindelli, Ariela Briani, Hitoshi Ishii
    Published: 2024-04-30


  20. arxiv-id: 2404.16862v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Edge Importance in Complex Networks
    Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2024-04-17


  21. arxiv-id: 2403.03901v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A notion of $s$-fractional mass for $1$-currents in higher codimension
    Marco Cicalese, Tim Heilmann, Andrea Kubin, Fumihiko Onoue, Marcello Ponsiglione
    Published: 2024-03-06


  22. arxiv-id: 2402.15488v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Perturbative criteria for the ergodicity of interacting dissipative quantum lattice systems
    Lorenzo Bertini, Alberto De Sole, Gustavo Posta, Carlo Presilla
    Published: 2024-02-23


  23. arxiv-id: 2402.15367v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    A CWENO large time-step scheme for Hamilton--Jacobi equations
    E. Carlini, R. Ferretti, S. Preda, M. Semplice
    Published: 2024-02-23


  24. arxiv-id: 2402.03798v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system with infinite mass and velocities in $\mathbb{R}^3$
    Guido Cavallaro, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2024-02-06
    Journal Reference: Communications in Mathematical Sciences 22 (No. 5), 1455-1461 (2024)


  25. arxiv-id: 2401.16114v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A spectral approach to Hebbian-like neural networks
    Elena Agliari, Domenico Luongo, Alberto Fachechi
    Published: 2024-01-29


  26. arxiv-id: 2401.04451v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Reductions of well-ordering principles to combinatorial theorems
    Lorenzo Carlucci, Leonardo Mainardi, Konrad Zdanowski
    Published: 2024-01-09


  27. arxiv-id: 2310.17443v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the Smooth Locus in Flat Linear Degenerations of Flag Varieties
    Sabino Di Trani
    Published: 2023-10-26


  28. arxiv-id: 2310.11111v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Nonlocal degenerate Isaacs operators: Hölder regularity
    Isabeau Birindelli, Giulio Galise, Yannick Sire
    Published: 2023-10-17


  29. arxiv-id: 2310.05721v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Stability of $L^2-$invariants on stratified spaces
    Francesco Bei, Paolo Piazza, Boris Vertman
    Published: 2023-10-09


  30. arxiv-id: 2310.00732v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Leapfrogging vortex rings as scaling limit of Euler Equations
    Paolo Buttà, Guido Cavallaro, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2023-10-01


  31. arxiv-id: 2309.04753v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the Spectrum of Exterior Algebra, and Generalized Exponents of Small Representations
    Sabino Di Trani
    Published: 2023-09-09


  32. arxiv-id: 2309.02238v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The geometry of antisymplectic involutions, II
    Laure Flapan, Emanuele Macrì, Kieran G. O'Grady, Giulia Saccà
    Published: 2023-09-05


  33. arxiv-id: 2309.01229v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Inverse modeling of time-delayed interactions via the dynamic-entropy formalism
    Elena Agliari, Francesco Alemanno, Adriano Barra, Michele Castellana, Daniele Lotito, Matthieu Piel
    Published: 2023-09-03


  34. arxiv-id: 2308.09598v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Enhancing multiplex global efficiency
    Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2023-08-18


  35. arxiv-id: 2308.04106v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Parallel Learning by Multitasking Neural Networks
    Elena Agliari, Andrea Alessandrelli, Adriano Barra, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi
    Published: 2023-08-08
    Journal Reference: J. Stat. Mech. (2023) 113401


  36. arxiv-id: 2308.01421v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Regularization, early-stopping and dreaming: a Hopfield-like setup to address generalization and overfitting
    Elena Agliari, Francesco Alemanno, Miriam Aquaro, Alberto Fachechi
    Published: 2023-08-01


  37. arxiv-id: 2307.14685v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    Quinpi: Integrating stiff hyperbolic systems with implicit high order finite volume schemes
    Gabriella Puppo, Matteo Semplice, Giuseppe Visconti
    Published: 2023-07-27


  38. arxiv-id: 2307.09252v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Heat kernels of perturbed operators and index theory on G-proper manifolds
    Paolo Piazza, Hessel Posthuma, Yanli Song, Xiang Tang
    Published: 2023-07-18


  39. arxiv-id: 2307.06172v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    State dependence of tunneling processes and thermonuclear fusion
    Roberto Onofrio, Carlo Presilla
    Published: 2023-07-12
    Journal Reference: Nuclear Physics A 1043, 122830 (2024)


  40. arxiv-id: 2307.05238v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Moduli of abelian varieties near the locus of products of elliptic curves
    Samuel Grushevsky, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2023-07-11


  41. arxiv-id: 2307.00345v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Microcanonical phase transitions for the vortex system
    Dario Benedetto, Emanuele Caglioti, Margherita Nolasco
    Published: 2023-07-01
    Journal Reference: Math. Mech. Compl. Sys. 12 (2024) 85-112


  42. arxiv-id: 2306.13430v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Ultrametric identities in glassy models of Natural Evolution
    Elena Agliari, Francesco Alemanno, Miriam Aquaro, Adriano Barra
    Published: 2023-06-23
    Journal Reference: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56, 385001, 2023


  43. arxiv-id: 2305.07978v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Network analysis with the aid of the path length matrix
    Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2023-05-13


  44. arxiv-id: 2305.07160v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On decorated representation spaces associated to spherical surfaces
    Gabriele Mondello, Dmitri Panov
    Published: 2023-05-11


  45. arxiv-id: 2303.11764v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Variational worn stones
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà
    Published: 2023-03-21
    Journal Reference: Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 248:48 (2024)


  46. arxiv-id: 2303.08464v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A $\mathbb{Z}_2$ invariant for chiral and particle-hole symmetric topological chains
    Domenico Monaco, Gabriele Peluso
    Published: 2023-03-15
    Journal Reference: J. Math. Phys. 64(4), 041904 (2023)


  47. arxiv-id: 2302.05269v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Defining relations for minimal unitary quantum affine W-algebras
    Dražen Adamović, Victor . G. Kac, Pierluigi Möseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2023-02-10
    Journal Reference: Comm. Math. Phys. 405 (2024), no. 2, Paper No. 33


  48. arxiv-id: 2302.02602v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Random matching in 2D with exponent 2 for gaussian densities
    Emanuele Caglioti, Francesca Pieroni
    Published: 2023-02-06


  49. arxiv-id: 2301.11702v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    From particle systems to the BGK equation
    Paolo Buttà, Mario Pulvirenti, Sergio Simonella
    Published: 2023-01-27
    Journal Reference: Ensaios Matem\'aticos 38 (2023), pp. 127-140


  50. arxiv-id: 2212.00606v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Dense Hebbian neural networks: a replica symmetric picture of supervised learning
    Elena Agliari, Linda Albanese, Francesco Alemanno, Andrea Alessandrelli, Adriano Barra, Fosca Giannotti, Daniele Lotito, Dino Pedreschi
    Published: 2022-11-25


  51. arxiv-id: 2211.14067v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Dense Hebbian neural networks: a replica symmetric picture of unsupervised learning
    Elena Agliari, Linda Albanese, Francesco Alemanno, Andrea Alessandrelli, Adriano Barra, Fosca Giannotti, Daniele Lotito, Dino Pedreschi
    Published: 2022-11-25


  52. arxiv-id: 2211.11669v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    An elementary approach to the model structure on DG-Lie algebras
    Emma Lepri
    Published: 2022-11-21


  53. arxiv-id: 2211.08970v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Rigid stable vector bundles on hyperkähler varieties of type $K3^{[n]}$
    Kieran Gregory O'Grady
    Published: 2022-11-16


  54. arxiv-id: 2211.02593v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Large deviations for diffusions: Donsker-Varadhan meet Freidlin-Wentzell
    Lorenzo Bertini, Davide Gabrielli, Claudio Landim
    Published: 2022-11-04
    Journal Reference: Ensaios Matem\'aticos 38, 77-104 (2023)


  55. arxiv-id: 2210.09355v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    A tensor formalism for multilayer network centrality measures using the Einstein product
    Smahane El-Halouy, Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2022-10-17


  56. arxiv-id: 2210.04809v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Topology vs localization in synthetic dimensions
    Domenico Monaco, Thaddeus Roussigné
    Published: 2022-10-10
    Journal Reference: Journal of Mathematical Physics 64, 011902 (2023)


  57. arxiv-id: 2209.02666v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Vanishing viscosity limit for concentrated vortex rings
    Paolo Buttà, Guido Cavallaro, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2022-09-06
    Journal Reference: J. Math. Phys. 63 (2022), 123103


  58. arxiv-id: 2208.10812v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Representation formulas for pairings between divergence-measure fields and $BV$ functions
    Giovanni E. Comi, Graziano Crasta, Virginia De Cicco, Annalisa Malusa
    Published: 2022-08-23


  59. arxiv-id: 2208.08164v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Propagation of minima for nonlocal operators
    Isabeau Birindelli, Giulio Galise, Hitoshi Ishii
    Published: 2022-08-17
    Journal Reference: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics 154 (2024) 1033-1046


  60. arxiv-id: 2208.02101v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    Unitarity of minimal $W$-algebras and their representations I
    Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Möseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2022-08-03
    Journal Reference: Commun. Math. Phys. 401, 79-145 (2023)


  61. arxiv-id: 2208.00694v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Semiregularity maps and deformations of modules over Lie algebroids
    Ruggero Bandiera, Emma Lepri, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2022-08-01
    Journal Reference: Pure and Applied Mathematics QuarterlyVolume 20, Issue 5, Pages 2013 - 2050 (2024)


  62. arxiv-id: 2207.08554v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    Regressive versions of Hindman's Theorem
    Lorenzo Carlucci, Leonardo Mainardi
    Published: 2022-07-18


  63. arxiv-id: 2207.06469v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the variational nature of the Anzellotti pairing
    Graziano Crasta, Virginia De Cicco
    Published: 2022-07-13


  64. arxiv-id: 2207.04741v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Two slope functions minimizing fractional seminorms and applications to misfit dislocations
    Lucia De Luca, Marcello Ponsiglione, Emanuele Spadaro
    Published: 2022-07-11


  65. arxiv-id: 2207.04139v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Differentiating Siegel modular forms, and the moving slope of ${\mathcal A}_g$
    Samuel Grushevsky, Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Gabriele Mondello, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2022-07-08


  66. arxiv-id: 2206.11923v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Trace distance ergodicity for quantum Markov semigroups
    Lorenzo Bertini, Alberto De Sole, Gustavo Posta
    Published: 2022-06-23
    Journal Reference: Journal of Functional Analysis, 286, Issue 7 (2024)


  67. arxiv-id: 2206.02676v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    The structured distance to singularity of a symmetric tridiagonal Toeplitz matrix
    Silvia Noschese
    Published: 2022-06-06


  68. arxiv-id: 2205.04920v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the vanishing discount approximation for compactly supported perturbations of periodic Hamiltonians: the 1d case
    Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta, Andrea Davini
    Published: 2022-05-10


  69. arxiv-id: 2205.02626v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Perron communicability and sensitivity of multilayer networks
    Smahane El-Halouy, Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2022-05-05
    Journal Reference: Numerical Algorithms 92 (2023), pp. 597-617


  70. arxiv-id: 2204.11521v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On a geometric combination of functions related to Prékopa-Leindler inequality
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà
    Published: 2022-04-25


  71. arxiv-id: 2204.09582v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Theta groups and projective models of hyperkähler varieties
    Kieran G. O'Grady
    Published: 2022-04-20


  72. arxiv-id: 2204.05812v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the banded Toeplitz structured distance to symmetric positive semidefiniteness
    Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2022-04-12
    Journal Reference: The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 38 (2022), pp. 260-273


  73. arxiv-id: 2204.04096v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Weakly Kähler hyperbolic manifolds and the Green--Griffiths--Lang conjecture
    Francesco Bei, Simone Diverio, Philippe Eyssidieux, Stefano Trapani
    Published: 2022-04-08


  74. arxiv-id: 2204.01498v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Primary and secondary invariants of Dirac operators on $G$-proper manifolds
    Paolo Piazza, Xiang Tang
    Published: 2022-04-04


  75. arxiv-id: 2203.14273v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Non-linear PDEs approach to statistical mechanics of Dense Associative Memories
    Elena Agliari, Alberto Fachechi, Chiara Marullo
    Published: 2022-03-27


  76. arxiv-id: 2203.08497v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    New approaches for studying conformal embeddings and collapsing levels for $W$--algebras
    Drazen Adamovic, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2022-03-16
    Journal Reference: Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2023, no.22, 19431-19475


  77. arxiv-id: 2203.08044v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    From charge to spin: analogies and differences in quantum transport coefficients
    Giovanna Marcelli, Domenico Monaco
    Published: 2022-03-15
    Journal Reference: Journal of Mathematical Physics 63, 072102 (2022)


  78. arxiv-id: 2203.03987v5 [Abstract, pdf]
    Rank 4 stable vector bundles on hyperkähler fourfolds of Kummer type
    Kieran G. O'Grady
    Published: 2022-03-08
    Journal Reference: ?pijournal de G?om?trie Alg?brique, Special volume in honour of Claire Voisin (December 5, 2024) epiga:10857


  79. arxiv-id: 2203.01304v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Supervised Hebbian Learning
    Francesco Alemanno, Miriam Aquaro, Ido Kanter, Adriano Barra, Elena Agliari
    Published: 2022-03-02
    Journal Reference: Europhysics Letters, Volume 141, Number 1 (2034)


  80. arxiv-id: 2202.07311v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Asymptotic probability of energy increasing solutions to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation
    Giada Basile, Dario Benedetto, Lorenzo Bertini, Emanuele Caglioti
    Published: 2022-02-15


  81. arxiv-id: 2201.01673v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A stochastic particle system approximating the BGK equation
    Paolo Buttà, Mario Pulvirenti
    Published: 2022-01-05
    Journal Reference: Kinet. Relat. Models 16 (2023), pp. 269-293


  82. arxiv-id: 2201.01576v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Symmetric Fermi projections and Kitaev's table: topological phases of matter in low dimensions
    David Gontier, Domenico Monaco, Solal Perrin-Roussel
    Published: 2022-01-05
    Journal Reference: J. Math. Phys. 63, 041902 (2022)


  83. arxiv-id: 2112.14150v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Continuous limits of residual neural networks in case of large input data
    M. Herty, A. Thuenen, T. Trimborn, G. Visconti
    Published: 2021-12-28


  84. arxiv-id: 2112.13936v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The Asymptotics of the Area-Preserving Mean Curvature and the Mullins-Sekerka Flow in Two Dimensions
    Vesa Julin, Massimiliano Morini, Marcello Ponsiglione, Emanuele Spadaro
    Published: 2021-12-27


  85. arxiv-id: 2112.03071v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Purely linear response of the quantum Hall current to space-adiabatic perturbations
    Giovanna Marcelli, Domenico Monaco
    Published: 2021-12-06
    Journal Reference: Letters in Mathematical Physics, volume 112, Article number: 91 (2022)


  86. arxiv-id: 2111.12985v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    $L_{\infty}$ liftings of semiregularity maps via Chern-Simons classes
    Ruggero Bandiera, Emma Lepri, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2021-11-25


  87. arxiv-id: 2111.12439v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Large deviations for a binary collision model: energy evaporation
    Giada Basile, Dario Benedetto, Lorenzo Bertini, Emanuele Caglioti
    Published: 2021-11-24


  88. arxiv-id: 2110.11206v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Combinatorial and Topological Aspects of Path Posets, and Multipath Cohomology
    Luigi Caputi, Carlo Collari, Sabino Di Trani
    Published: 2021-10-21
    Journal Reference: Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (2023)


  89. arxiv-id: 2110.08099v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Mean-field limit for particle systems with topological interactions
    Dario Benedetto, Emanuele Caglioti, Stefano Rossi
    Published: 2021-10-15


  90. arxiv-id: 2110.03418v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Double Multiplicative Poisson Vertex Algebras
    Maxime Fairon, Daniele Valeri
    Published: 2021-10-07
    Journal Reference: International Mathematics Research Notices (2022); rnac245


  91. arxiv-id: 2109.10228v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A semi-Lagrangian scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations with oblique boundary conditions
    Elisa Calzola, Elisabetta Carlini, Xavier Dupuis, Francisco J. Silva
    Published: 2021-09-21


  92. arxiv-id: 2109.07425v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Moduli of sheaves on $K3$'s and higher dimensional HK varieties
    Kieran G. O'Grady
    Published: 2021-09-15


  93. arxiv-id: 2109.06142v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Slopes of Siegel cusp forms and geometry of compactified Kuga varieties
    Flora Poon, Riccardo Salvati Manni, Gregory Sankaran
    Published: 2021-09-13


  94. arxiv-id: 2108.00982v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Higher orbital integrals, rho numbers and index theory
    Paolo Piazza, Hessel Posthuma, Yanli Song, Xiang Tang
    Published: 2021-08-02


  95. arxiv-id: 2107.12105v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the semisimplicity of the category $KL_k$ for affine Lie superalgebras
    Drazen Adamovic, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2021-07-26
    Journal Reference: Adv. Math. 405 (2022), Paper No. 108493, 35 pp


  96. arxiv-id: 2107.07303v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Maximum principles and related problems for a class of nonlocal extremal operators
    Isabeau Birindelli, Giulio Galise, Delia Schiera
    Published: 2021-07-15


  97. arxiv-id: 2107.00453v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Some combinatorial properties of skew Jack symmetric functions
    Paolo Bravi, Jacopo Gandini
    Published: 2021-07-01


  98. arxiv-id: 2106.12215v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Communication in Complex Networks
    Omar De la Cruz Cabrera, Jiafeng Jin, Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2021-06-23


  99. arxiv-id: 2107.14081v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Model of vehicle interactions with autonomous cars and its properties
    M. Herty, G. Puppo, G. Visconti
    Published: 2021-06-19


  100. arxiv-id: 2106.08978v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Pattern recognition in Deep Boltzmann machines
    Elena Agliari, Linda Albanese, Francesco Alemanno, Alberto Fachechi
    Published: 2021-06-16
    Journal Reference: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Volume 54, Number 50 (2021)


  101. arxiv-id: 2106.08297v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Diagonal sections of copulas, multivariate conditional hazard rates and distributions of order statistics for minimally stable lifetimes
    Rachele Foschi, Giovanna Nappo, Fabio L. Spizzichino
    Published: 2021-06-15


  102. arxiv-id: 2106.07529v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Estimating the interaction graph of stochastic neuronal dynamics by observing only pairs of neurons
    Emilio De Santis, Antonio Galves, Giovanna Nappo, Mauro Piccioni
    Published: 2021-06-14


  103. arxiv-id: 2106.04893v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the multiplication of spherical functions of reductive spherical pairs of type A
    Paolo Bravi, Jacopo Gandini
    Published: 2021-06-09


  104. arxiv-id: 2105.13723v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A New Algorithm for the LQR Problem with Partially Unknown Dynamics
    Agnese Pacifico, Andrea Pesare, Maurizio Falcone
    Published: 2021-05-28


  105. arxiv-id: 2105.13708v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Convergence of the Value Function in Optimal Control Problems with Unknown Dynamics
    Andrea Pesare, Michele Palladino, Maurizio Falcone
    Published: 2021-05-28


  106. arxiv-id: 2105.03861v5 [Abstract, pdf]
    Universally irreducible subvarieties of Siegel moduli spaces
    Gabriele Mondello, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2021-05-09


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    Time evolution of vortex rings with large radius and very concentrated vorticity
    Guido Cavallaro, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2021-05-04
    Journal Reference: Journal of Mathematical Physics 62, 053102 (2021)


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    Cyclic forms on DG-Lie algebroids and semiregularity
    Emma Lepri
    Published: 2021-04-26


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    Comparison between the Cauchy problem and the scattering problem for the Landau damping in the Vlasov-HMF equation
    Dario Benedetto, Emanuele Caglioti, Stefano Rossi
    Published: 2021-03-29


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    Some remarks on segregation of k species in strongly competing system
    Flavia Lanzara, Eugenio Montefusco
    Published: 2021-03-11


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    The relativistic Hopfield model with correlated patterns
    Elena Agliari, Alberto Fachechi, Chiara Marullo
    Published: 2021-03-10
    Journal Reference: Journal of Mathematical Physics 61, 123301 (2020)


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    A regularity result for a class of non-uniformly elliptic operators
    Fausto Ferrari, Giulio Galise
    Published: 2021-03-08


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    Estimating and increasing the structural robustness of a network
    Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2021-02-27


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    Convergence of supercritical fractional flows to the mean curvature flow
    Lucia De Luca, Andrea Kubin, Marcello Ponsiglione
    Published: 2021-02-25


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    Global time evolution of concentrated vortex rings
    Paolo Buttà, Guido Cavallaro, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2021-02-15
    Journal Reference: Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 73 (2022), Article 70


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    Connections and $L_{\infty}$ liftings of semiregularity maps
    Emma Lepri, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2021-02-09


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    The geometry of antisymplectic involutions, I
    Laure Flapan, Emanuele Macrì, Kieran G. O'Grady, Giulia Saccà
    Published: 2021-02-03
    Journal Reference: Math. Z. 300 (2022), 3457-3495 (special issue in honor of Olivier Debarre)


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    Quinpi: integrating conservation laws with CWENO implicit methods
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    Published: 2021-02-01


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    Anisotropic perimeter and isoperimetric quotient of inner parallel bodies
    Graziano Crasta
    Published: 2021-01-09


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    Unitarity of minimal $W$-algebras
    Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Möseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2020-12-29
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    A note on Griffiths' conjecture about the positivity of Chern-Weil forms
    Filippo Fagioli
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    Kobayashi hyperbolicity, negativity of the curvature and positivity of the canonical bundle
    Simone Diverio
    Published: 2020-11-23


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    Convergence results for an averaged LQR problem with applications to reinforcement learning
    Andrea Pesare, Michele Palladino, Maurizio Falcone
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    Higher genera for proper actions of Lie groups, Part 2: the case of manifolds with boundary
    Paolo Piazza, Hessel Posthuma
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    Journal Reference: Ann. K-Th. 6 (2021) 713-782


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    Fractional truncated Laplacians: representation formula, fundamental solutions and applications
    Isabeau Birindelli, Giulio Galise, Erwin Topp
    Published: 2020-10-06


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    Pointwise Universal Gysin formulae and Applications towards Griffiths' conjecture
    Simone Diverio, Filippo Fagioli
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    Journal Reference: Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) Vol. XXIII (2022), 1597-1624


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    A comparative analysis of denoising algorithms for extragalactic imaging surveys
    V. Roscani, S. Tozza, M. Castellano, E. Merlin, D. Ottaviani, M. Falcone, A. Fontana
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    Invariant Hermitian forms on vertex algebras
    Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Möseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2020-08-30
    Journal Reference: Commun. Contemp. Math. 24 (2022), no. 5, Paper No. 2150059


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    Vectorial crystallization problems and collective behavior
    Lucia De Luca, Angelo Ninno, Marcello Ponsiglione
    Published: 2020-08-08


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    Moduli of spherical tori with one conical point
    Alexandre Eremenko, Gabriele Mondello, Dmitri Panov
    Published: 2020-08-06
    Journal Reference: Geom. Topol. 27 (2023) 3619-3698


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    Mean-field limit of a hybrid system for multi-lane multi-class traffic
    Xiaoqian Gong, Benedetto Piccoli, Giuseppe Visconti
    Published: 2020-07-29


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    On the vanishing discount problem from the negative direction
    Andrea Davini, Lin Wang
    Published: 2020-07-24


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    Tolerance versus synaptic noise in dense associative memories
    Elena Agliari, Giordano De Marzo
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    Moduli spaces for Lamé functions and Abelian integrals of the second kind
    Alexandre Eremenko, Andrei Gabrielov, Gabriele Mondello, Dmitri Panov
    Published: 2020-06-30
    Journal Reference: Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 24, (2022) N2, 1-68


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    A Stabilization of a Continuous Limit of the Ensemble Kalman Inversion
    Dieter Armbruster, Michael Herty, Giuseppe Visconti
    Published: 2020-06-27


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    Spin Hall conductivity in insulators with non-conserved spin
    Domenico Monaco, Lara Ulčakar
    Published: 2020-06-22
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    Concavity properties of solutions to Robin problems
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà
    Published: 2020-06-12


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    Replica symmetry breaking in neural networks: a few steps toward rigorous results
    Elena Agliari, Linda Albanese, Adriano Barra, Gabriele Ottaviani
    Published: 2020-05-30


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    Functions and eigenvectors of partially known matrices with applications to network analysis
    Mohammed Al Mugahwi, Omar De la Cruz Cabrera, Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2020-05-12


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    Positive Scalar Curvature on Spin Pseudomanifolds: the Fundamental Group and Secondary Invariants
    Boris Botvinnik, Paolo Piazza, Jonathan Rosenberg
    Published: 2020-05-06
    Journal Reference: SIGMA 17 (2021), 062, 39 pages


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    Signatures of Witt spaces with boundary
    Paolo Piazza, Boris Vertman
    Published: 2020-04-29


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    Long time localization of modified surface quasi-geostrophic equations
    Guido Cavallaro, Roberto Garra, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2020-04-23
    Journal Reference: DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS SERIES B Volume 26, Number 9 (2021)


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    Existence issues for a large class of degenerate elliptic equations with nonlinear Hamiltonians
    I. Birindelli, G. Galise, A. Rodríguez
    Published: 2020-04-15


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    On Frobenius' theta formula
    Alessio Fiorentino, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2020-04-10
    Journal Reference: SIGMA 16 (2020), 057, 14 pages


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    Long time behaviour of discrete volume preserving mean curvature flows
    Massimiliano Morini, Marcello Ponsiglione, Emanuele Spadaro
    Published: 2020-04-09


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    A new approach to transport coefficients in the quantum spin Hall effect
    Giovanna Marcelli, Gianluca Panati, Stefan Teufel
    Published: 2020-04-02
    Journal Reference: Ann. Henri Poincare' 22, 1069-1111 (2021)


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    Cucker-Smale type dynamics of infinitely many individuals with repulsive forces
    Paolo Buttà, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2020-03-13
    Journal Reference: J. Stat. Phys. 181 (2020), pp. 2094-2108


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    Stability of the stationary solutions of the Allen-Cahn equation with non-constant stiffness
    Paolo Buttà, Emilio N. M. Cirillo, Giulio Sciarra
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    Journal Reference: Wave Motion 98, 102641, 2020


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    Multidimensional smoothness indicators for first-order Hamilton-Jacobi equations
    Maurizio Falcone, Giulio Paolucci, Silvia Tozza
    Published: 2020-02-25


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    Particle approximation of the BGK equation
    Paolo Buttà, Maxime Hauray, Mario Pulvirenti
    Published: 2020-02-24
    Journal Reference: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. Vol. 240 (2021), pp. 785-808


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    Discrete approximation of the viscous HJ equation
    Andrea Davini, Hitoshi Ishii, Renato Iturriaga, Hector Sanchez Morgado
    Published: 2020-02-16


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    Allen-Cahn equation for the truncated Laplacian: unusual phenomena
    Isabeau Birindelli, Giulio Galise
    Published: 2020-02-11


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    Second order fully semi-Lagrangian discretizations of advection-diffusion-reaction systems
    Luca Bonaventura, Elisabetta Carlini, Elisa Calzola, Roberto Ferretti
    Published: 2020-02-11


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    Středa formula for charge and spin currents
    Domenico Monaco, Massimo Moscolari
    Published: 2020-02-06
    Journal Reference: Reviews in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 32 (2020), 2060003


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    Stochastic homogenization of a class of nonconvex viscous HJ equations in one space dimension
    Andrea Davini, Elena Kosygina
    Published: 2020-02-06
    Journal Reference: Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 333, 5 October 2022, Pages 231-267


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    Principal eigenvalues for k-Hessian operators by maximum principle methods
    Isabeau Birindelli, Kevin R. Payne
    Published: 2019-12-19


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    Yangians vs minimal W-algebras: a surprizing coincidence
    Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2019-12-16
    Journal Reference: Commun. Contemp. Math. 23 (2021), no. 4, 2050036


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    Modular sheaves on hyperkähler varieties
    Kieran G. O'Grady
    Published: 2019-12-05


  159. arxiv-id: 1912.00847v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    New concentration phenomena for a class of radial fully nonlinear equations
    Giulio Galise, Alessandro Iacopetti, Fabiana Leoni, Filomena Pacella
    Published: 2019-12-02


  160. arxiv-id: 1911.12707v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Generalized Guerra's interpolation schemes for dense associative neural networks
    Elena Agliari, Francesco Alemanno, Adriano Barra, Alberto Fachechi
    Published: 2019-11-28


  161. arxiv-id: 1911.12689v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Neural networks with redundant representation: detecting the undetectable
    Elena Agliari, Francesco Alemanno, Adriano Barra, Martino Centonze, Alberto Fachechi
    Published: 2019-11-28
    Journal Reference: Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 028301 (2020)


  162. arxiv-id: 1911.10523v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Euclidean random matching in 2D for non-constant densities
    Dario Benedetto, Emanuele Caglioti
    Published: 2019-11-24


  163. arxiv-id: 1911.08204v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Positivity sets of supersolutions of degenerate elliptic equations and the strong maximum principle
    Isabeau Birindelli, Giulio Galise, Hitoshi Ishii
    Published: 2019-11-19


  164. arxiv-id: 1911.05524v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Time evolution of a Vlasov-Poisson plasma with different species and infinite mass in $\mathbb{R}^3$
    Silvia Caprino, Guido Cavallaro, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2019-11-13
    Journal Reference: Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik (2020) 71: 1


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    Some aspects of the inertial spin model for flocks and related kinetic equations
    Dario Benedetto, Paolo Buttà, Emanuele Caglioti
    Published: 2019-11-06
    Journal Reference: Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 30 (2020), pp. 1987-2022


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    Approximation of solutions to non-stationary Stokes system
    Flavia Lanzara, Vladimir Maz'ya, Gunther Schmidt
    Published: 2019-10-25


  167. arxiv-id: 1910.06557v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Minimizing immersions of a hyperbolic surface in a hyperbolic $3$-manifold
    Francesco Bonsante, Gabriele Mondello, Jean-Marc Schlenker
    Published: 2019-10-15


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    Harmonic theta series and the Kodaira dimension of $\mathcal{A}_6$
    Moritz Dittmann, Riccardo Salvati Manni, Nils R. Scheithauer
    Published: 2019-09-16
    Journal Reference: Alg. Number Th. 15 (2021) 271-285


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    The Haldane model and its localization dichotomy
    Giovanna Marcelli, Domenico Monaco, Massimo Moscolari, Gianluca Panati
    Published: 2019-09-07
    Journal Reference: Rend. Mat. Appl. 39, 307-327 (2018)


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    Minimal index and dimension for inclusions of von Neumann algebras with finite-dimensional centers
    Luca Giorgetti
    Published: 2019-08-24
    Journal Reference: Operator Theory 27, Theta Ser. Adv. Math. (2020) 183-191


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    Nilpotent orbits of height 2 and involutions in the affine Weyl group
    Jacopo Gandini, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2019-08-04
    Journal Reference: Indag. Math. (N.S.) 31 (2020), no. 4, 568-594


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    Numerical approximation of the Schrödinger equation with concentrated potential
    Lehel Banjai, María López-Fernández
    Published: 2019-08-04


  173. arxiv-id: 1907.12985v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Liouville-type results in exterior domains for radial solutions of fully nonlinear equations
    Giulio Galise, Alessandro Iacopetti, Fabiana Leoni
    Published: 2019-07-30


  174. arxiv-id: 1907.10690v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Formality conjecture for minimal surfaces of Kodaira dimension 0
    Ruggero Bandiera, Marco Manetti, Francesco Meazzini
    Published: 2019-07-24
    Journal Reference: Compositio Math. 157 (2021) 215-235


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    2-torsion points on theta divisors
    Giuseppe Pareschi, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2019-07-16
    Journal Reference: International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2021, Issue 19, p. 14616-14628,


  176. arxiv-id: 1906.06303v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The $0$-fractional perimeter between fractional perimeters and Riesz potentials
    Lucia De Luca, Matteo Novaga, Marcello Ponsiglione
    Published: 2019-06-14


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    Signed Radon measure-valued solutions of flux saturated scalar conservation laws
    M. Bertsch, F. Smarrazzo, A. Terracina, A. Tesei
    Published: 2019-06-14


  178. arxiv-id: 1906.05625v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Discontinuous viscosity solutions of first order Hamilton-Jacobi equations
    M. Bertsch, F. Smarrazzo, A. Terracina, A. Tesei
    Published: 2019-06-13


  179. arxiv-id: 1906.03876v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Propagation of chaos for a General Balls into Bins dynamics
    Nicoletta Cancrini, Gustavo Posta
    Published: 2019-06-10
    Journal Reference: Electron. J. Probab. 26(none): 1-20 (2021)


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    Revisiting Relations between Stochastic Ageing and Dependence for Exchangeable Lifetimes with an Extension for the IFRA/DFRA Property
    Giovanna Nappo, Fabio L. Spizzichino
    Published: 2019-05-24


  181. arxiv-id: 1905.04212v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    On subvarieties of singular quotients of bounded domains
    Benoît Cadorel, Simone Diverio, Henri Guenancia
    Published: 2019-05-10


  182. arxiv-id: 1905.03862v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The Dirichlet problem for fully nonlinear degenerate elliptic equations with a singular nonlinearity
    Isabeau Birindelli, Giulio Galise
    Published: 2019-05-09


  183. arxiv-id: 1904.10371v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Non-coercive radially symmetric variational problems: Existence, symmetry and convexity of minimizers
    Graziano Crasta, Annalisa Malusa
    Published: 2019-04-23
    Journal Reference: Symmetry 2019 11(5), 688


  184. arxiv-id: 1904.04798v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the segmentation of astronomical images via level-set methods
    Silvia Tozza, Maurizio Falcone
    Published: 2019-04-09


  185. arxiv-id: 1904.04785v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Time evolution of concentrated vortex rings
    Paolo Buttà, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2019-04-09
    Journal Reference: J. Math. Fluid Mech. 22 (2020), Article 9


  186. arxiv-id: 1903.07433v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Efficacy of a magnetic shield against a Vlasov-Poisson plasma
    Silvia Caprino, Guido Cavallaro, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2019-03-18
    Journal Reference: Reports on Mathematical Physics 84, 85-116 (2019)


  187. arxiv-id: 1903.06644v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    The Brunn-Minkowski inequality for the principal eigenvalue of fully nonlinear homogeneous elliptic operators
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà
    Published: 2019-03-15
    Journal Reference: Adv. Math. 359 (2020), 106855


  188. arxiv-id: 1903.04777v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Exact calculations of first-passage properties on the pseudofractal scale-free web
    Junhao Peng, Elena Agliari, Zhongzhi Zhang
    Published: 2019-03-12
    Journal Reference: Chaos 25, 073118 (2015)


  189. arxiv-id: 1903.03794v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Conformal embeddings in affine vertex superalgebras
    Dražen Adamović, Pierluigi Möseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi, Ozren Perše
    Published: 2019-03-09
    Journal Reference: Adv. Math. 360 (2020) 106918


  190. arxiv-id: 1903.03658v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Scaling laws for diffusion on (trans)fractal scale-free networks
    Junhao Peng, Elena Agliari
    Published: 2019-03-08
    Journal Reference: Chaos 27, 083108 (2017)


  191. arxiv-id: 1903.03653v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Exact results for the first-passage properties in a class of fractal networks
    Junhao Peng, Elena Agliari
    Published: 2019-03-08
    Journal Reference: Chaos 29, 023105 (2019)


  192. arxiv-id: 1903.02803v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Variable Order, Directional H2-Matrices for Helmholtz Problems with Complex Frequency
    Steffen Börm, Maria Lopez-Fernandez, Stefan Sauter
    Published: 2019-03-07


  193. arxiv-id: 1902.10436v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On deformations of diagrams of commutative algebras
    Emma Lepri, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2019-02-27


  194. arxiv-id: 1902.10386v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Homotopy abelianity of the DG-Lie algebra controlling deformations of pairs (variety with trivial canonical bundle, line bundle)
    Donatella Iacono, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2019-02-27
    Journal Reference: International Journal of MathematicsVol. 32, No. 11, 2150086 (2021)


  195. arxiv-id: 1902.08822v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Existence through convexity for the truncated Laplacians
    Isabeau Birindelli, Giulio Galise, Hitoshi Ishii
    Published: 2019-02-23


  196. arxiv-id: 1902.06486v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Deformations of polystable sheaves on surfaces: quadraticity implies formality
    Ruggero Bandiera, Marco Manetti, Francesco Meazzini
    Published: 2019-02-18


  197. arxiv-id: 1902.06052v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Pairings between bounded divergence-measure vector fields and BV functions
    Graziano Crasta, Virginia De Cicco, Annalisa Malusa
    Published: 2019-02-16


  198. arxiv-id: 1902.02101v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Symmetry and localization for magnetic Schroedinger operators: Landau levels, Gabor frames and all that
    Massimo Moscolari, Gianluca Panati
    Published: 2019-02-06
    Journal Reference: Acta Applicandae Mathenaticae (Online First 2019)


  199. arxiv-id: 1901.08282v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A Quantum Model of Feshbach Resonances
    R. Carlone, M. Correggi, D. Finco, A. Teta
    Published: 2019-01-24
    Journal Reference: Ann. H. Poincar\'e 20 (2019), 2899-2935


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    Cyclic Gerstenhaber-Schack cohomology
    Domenico Fiorenza, Niels Kowalzig
    Published: 2018-12-26


  201. arxiv-id: 1812.09077v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Dreaming neural networks: rigorous results
    Elena Agliari, Francesco Alemanno, Adriano Barra, Alberto Fachechi
    Published: 2018-12-21


  202. arxiv-id: 1812.08408v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    A spectral method for bipartizing a network and detecting a large anti-community
    A. Concas, S. Noschese, L. Reichel, G. Rodriguez
    Published: 2018-12-20
    Journal Reference: J. Comput. Appl. Math. 373 (2020) 112306 (15 pages)


  203. arxiv-id: 1812.03026v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    A High-Order Scheme for Image Segmentation via a modified Level-Set method
    Maurizio Falcone, Giulio Paolucci, Silvia Tozza
    Published: 2018-12-07


  204. arxiv-id: 1812.02140v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Convergence of Adaptive Filtered Schemes for First Order Evolutionary Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
    Maurizio Falcone, Giulio Paolucci, Silvia Tozza
    Published: 2018-12-05


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    Accurate computation of the high dimensional diffraction potential over hyper-rectangles
    Flavia Lanzara, Vladimir Maz'ya, Gunther Schmidt
    Published: 2018-12-04


  206. arxiv-id: 1811.12810v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the supremal version of the Alt-Caffarelli minimization problem
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà
    Published: 2018-11-30
    Journal Reference: Advances in Calculus of Variations, vol. 14, no. 3, 2021, pp. 327-341


  207. arxiv-id: 1811.10024v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the first eigenvalue of the normalized p-Laplacian
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà, Bernd Kawohl
    Published: 2018-11-25


  208. arxiv-id: 1811.08298v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A novel derivation of the Marchenko-Pastur law through analog bipartite spin-glasses
    Elena Agliari, Francesco Alemanno, Adriano Barra, Alberto Fachechi
    Published: 2018-11-20


  209. arxiv-id: 1811.02387v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    $L^2$-critical NLS on noncompact metric graphs with localized nonlinearity: topological and metric features
    Simone Dovetta, Lorenzo Tentarelli
    Published: 2018-11-06
    Journal Reference: Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 58 (2019), no. 3, Art. 108, 26 pp


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    Dreaming neural networks: forgetting spurious memories and reinforcing pure ones
    Alberto Fachechi, Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra
    Published: 2018-10-29


  211. arxiv-id: 1810.12160v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The Relativistic Hopfield network: rigorous results
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Matteo Notarnicola
    Published: 2018-10-29


  212. arxiv-id: 1810.11075v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Free energies of Boltzmann Machines: self-averaging, annealed and replica symmetric approximations in the thermodynamic limit
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Brunello Tirozzi
    Published: 2018-10-20
    Journal Reference: J. Stat. Mech. (2019) 033301


  213. arxiv-id: 1810.08570v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Deformations of algebraic schemes via Reedy-Palamodov cofibrant resolutions
    Marco Manetti, Francesco Meazzini
    Published: 2018-10-19
    Journal Reference: Indagationes Mathematicae 31, 7-32 (2020)


  214. arxiv-id: 1809.10159v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the limit configuration of four species strongly competing systems
    Flavia Lanzara, Eugenio Montefusco
    Published: 2018-09-26
    Journal Reference: Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. NoDEA (2019) 26:19


  215. arxiv-id: 1809.08019v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Propagation of Chaos for a Balls into Bins Model
    Nicoletta Cancrini, Gustavo Posta
    Published: 2018-09-21
    Journal Reference: Electron. Comm. in Probab. Volume 24 (2019), paper no. 1


  216. arxiv-id: 1809.02398v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    A note on Lang's conjecture for quotients of bounded domains
    Sébastien Boucksom, Simone Diverio
    Published: 2018-09-07
    Journal Reference: ?pijournal de G?om?trie Alg?brique, Volume 5 (March 25, 2021) epiga:6050


  217. arxiv-id: 1808.10343v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    Blow-up for the pointwise NLS in dimension two: absence of critical power
    Riccardo Adami, Raffaele Carlone, Michele Correggi, Lorenzo Tentarelli
    Published: 2018-08-30
    Journal Reference: J. Differential Equations 269 (2020), no. 1, 1-37


  218. arxiv-id: 1808.05119v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A DG-enhancement of D(QCoh(X)) with applications in deformation theory
    Francesco Meazzini
    Published: 2018-08-15


  219. arxiv-id: 1808.02230v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Eigenvector sensitivity under general and structured perturbations of tridiagonal Toeplitz-type matrices
    Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2018-08-07


  220. arxiv-id: 1807.10904v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Hamiltonians for Two-Anyon Systems
    M. Correggi, L. Oddis
    Published: 2018-07-28
    Journal Reference: Rend. Mat. Appl. 39, 277-292 (2018)


  221. arxiv-id: 1807.06474v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Strong convergence of a positive preserving drift-implicit Euler scheme for the fixed delay CIR process
    Federico Flore, Giovanna Nappo
    Published: 2018-07-17


  222. arxiv-id: 1807.04373v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    Spherical surfaces with conical points: systole inequality and moduli spaces with many connected components
    Gabriele Mondello, Dmitri Panov
    Published: 2018-07-11
    Journal Reference: Geom. Funct. Anal. (2019), pp. 1-84


  223. arxiv-id: 1807.02144v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    Ergodic invariant measures on the space of geodesic currents
    Viveka Erlandsson, Gabriele Mondello
    Published: 2018-07-05


  224. arxiv-id: 1806.08754v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    An operadic approach to vertex algebra and Poisson vertex algebra cohomology
    Bojko Bakalov, Alberto De Sole, Reimundo Heluani, Victor G. Kac
    Published: 2018-06-22
    Journal Reference: Jpn. J. Math. 14, 249-342 (2019)


  225. arxiv-id: 1806.08622v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    The Bruhat order on abelian ideals of Borel subalgebras
    Jacopo Gandini, Andrea Maffei, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2018-06-22
    Journal Reference: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 373 (2020), no. 10, 6999-7018


  226. arxiv-id: 1807.03609v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Non-Convex Multi-species Hopfield models
    Elena Agliari, Danila Migliozzi, Daniele Tantari
    Published: 2018-06-22


  227. arxiv-id: 1806.06599v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Arnoldi decomposition, GMRES, and preconditioning for linear discrete ill-posed problems
    Silvia Gazzola, Silvia Noschese, Paolo Novati, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2018-06-18


  228. arxiv-id: 1806.00997v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A Feynman-Kac type formula for a fixed delay CIR model
    Federico Flore, Giovanna Nappo
    Published: 2018-06-04


  229. arxiv-id: 1805.01751v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On some Grassmannians carrying an even Clifford structure
    Paolo Piccinni
    Published: 2018-05-04
    Journal Reference: Differential Geometry and Applications, 59 (2019) 122-137


  230. arxiv-id: 1804.10348v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    An introduction to the two-dimensional Schrödinger equation with nonlinear point interactions
    R Carlone, M Correggi, L Tentarelli
    Published: 2018-04-27
    Journal Reference: Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math. 9 (2018), no. 2, 187-195


  231. arxiv-id: 1804.08573v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Bernoulli free boundary problem for the infinity Laplacian
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà
    Published: 2018-04-23


  232. arxiv-id: 1804.06249v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    An extension of the pairing theory between divergence-measure fields and BV functions
    Graziano Crasta, Virginia De Cicco
    Published: 2018-04-15
    Journal Reference: J. Funct. Anal. 276 (2019), pp. 2605-2635


  233. arxiv-id: 1804.03499v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Morse index and uniqueness of positive solutions of the Lane-Emden problem in planar domains
    Francesca De Marchis, Massimo Grossi, Isabella Ianni, Filomena Pacella
    Published: 2018-04-10


  234. arxiv-id: 1804.01247v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    A non-linear kinetic model of self-propelled particles with multiple equilibria
    Paolo Buttà, Franco Flandoli, Michela Ottobre, Boguslaw Zegarlinski
    Published: 2018-04-04
    Journal Reference: Kinetic and Relat. Models Vol. 12 (2019), pp. 791-827


  235. arxiv-id: 1803.09999v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A uniqueness criterion for measure-valued solutions of scalar hyperbolic conservation laws
    Michiel Bertsch, Flavia Smarrazzo, Andrea Terracina, Alberto Tesei
    Published: 2018-03-27


  236. arxiv-id: 1803.09997v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Radon measure-valued solutions of first order hyperbolic conservation laws
    Michiel Bertsch, Flavia Smarrazzo, Andrea Terracina, Alberto Tesei
    Published: 2018-03-27


  237. arxiv-id: 1803.00642v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Efficient high order algorithms for fractional integrals and fractional differential equations
    Lehel Banjai, María López-Fernández
    Published: 2018-03-01


  238. arxiv-id: 1802.07203v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Endomorphisms of Koszul complexes: formality and application to deformation theory
    Francesca Carocci, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2018-02-20
    Journal Reference: Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, Series 2 (2020) 69: 175-193


  239. arxiv-id: 1802.06707v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Formal deformation theory in left-proper model categories
    Marco Manetti, Francesco Meazzini
    Published: 2018-02-19
    Journal Reference: New York J. Math. 25, 1259-1311 (2019)


  240. arxiv-id: 1802.04194v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On large deviations of interface motions for statistical mechanics models
    Lorenzo Bertini, Paolo Buttà, Adriano Pisante
    Published: 2018-02-12
    Journal Reference: Ann. Henri Poincar\'e 20 (2019), pp. 1785-1821


  241. arxiv-id: 1802.03432v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Asymptotic analysis and energy quantization for the Lane-Emden problem in dimension two
    Francesca De Marchis, Massimo Grossi, Isabella Ianni, Filomena Pacella
    Published: 2018-02-09


  242. arxiv-id: 1802.02929v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Kostant's pair of Lie type and conformal embeddings
    Drazen Adamovic, Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi, Ozren Perse
    Published: 2018-02-08
    Journal Reference: Affine, Vertex and W-algebras (D. Adamovic, P. Papi editors), Springer Indam Series n. 37, pp. 1-22, 2019


  243. arxiv-id: 1801.09880v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    An application of collapsing levels to the representation theory of affine vertex algebras
    Drazen Adamovic, Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi, Ozren Perse
    Published: 2018-01-30
    Journal Reference: Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2020, no. 13, 4103-4143


  244. arxiv-id: 1801.06659v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On positive solutions of fully nonlinear degenerate Lane-Emden type equations
    Giulio Galise
    Published: 2018-01-20


  245. arxiv-id: 1801.02849v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Numerical inverse Laplace transform for convection-diffusion equations
    Nicola Guglielmi, Maria López-Fernández, Giancarlo Nino
    Published: 2018-01-09


  246. arxiv-id: 1801.02611v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Spin Conductance and Spin Conductivity in Topological Insulators: Analysis of Kubo-like terms
    Giovanna Marcelli, Gianluca Panati, Clément Tauber
    Published: 2018-01-08
    Journal Reference: Annales Henri Poincare 20 (6), 2071-2099 (2019)


  247. arxiv-id: 1801.01861v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Complex Reaction Kinetics in Chemistry: A unified picture suggested by Mechanics in Physics
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Giulio Landolfi, Sara Murciano, Sarah Perrone
    Published: 2018-01-05
    Journal Reference: Complexity 2018


  248. arxiv-id: 1712.09717v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Higher brackets on cyclic and negative cyclic (co)homology
    Domenico Fiorenza, Niels Kowalzig
    Published: 2017-12-28


  249. arxiv-id: 1712.05666v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Approximate controllability of the Jaynes-Cummings dynamics
    Lorenzo Pinna, Gianluca Panati
    Published: 2017-12-15
    Journal Reference: Journal of Mathematical Physics 59, 072101 (2018)


  250. arxiv-id: 1711.10426v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    A fully-discrete scheme for systems of nonlinear Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations
    Elisabetta Carlini, Francisco J. Silva
    Published: 2017-11-28


  251. arxiv-id: 1711.07413v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Magnetic Schrödinger Operators as the Quasi-Classical Limit of Pauli-Fierz-type Models
    M. Correggi, M. Falconi, M. Olivieri
    Published: 2017-11-20
    Journal Reference: J. Spectr. Theory 9 (2019), 1287-1325


  252. arxiv-id: 1710.11468v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Regular functions on spherical nilpotent orbits in complex symmetric pairs: exceptional cases
    Paolo Bravi, Jacopo Gandini
    Published: 2017-10-31


  253. arxiv-id: 1710.10249v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Universal low-energy behavior in a quantum Lorentz gas with Gross-Pitaevskii potentials
    Giulia Basti, Serena Cenatiempo, Alessandro Teta
    Published: 2017-10-27


  254. arxiv-id: 1710.06775v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Crystalline Evolutions in Chessboard-like Microstructures
    Annalisa Malusa, Matteo Novaga
    Published: 2017-10-16


  255. arxiv-id: 1710.02938v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    An explicit solution to the weak Schottky problem
    Hershel Farkas, Samuel Grushevsky, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2017-10-09


  256. arxiv-id: 1709.01294v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    A short proof of commutator estimates
    Piero D'Ancona
    Published: 2017-09-05


  257. arxiv-id: 1708.07718v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Linear Differential Constraints for Photo-polarimetric Height Estimation
    Silvia Tozza, William A. P. Smith, Dizhong Zhu, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Edwin R. Hancock
    Published: 2017-08-25


  258. arxiv-id: 1708.02042v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the discretization of some nonlinear Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations and applications
    Elisabetta Carlini, Francisco J. Silva
    Published: 2017-08-07


  259. arxiv-id: 1708.00792v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Anzellotti's pairing theory and the Gauss--Green theorem
    Graziano Crasta, Virginia De Cicco
    Published: 2017-08-02
    Journal Reference: Adv. Math. 343 (2019), pp. 935-970


  260. arxiv-id: 1707.09204v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    A gradient flow approach to linear Boltzmann equations
    Giada Basile, Dario Benedetto, Lorenzo Bertini
    Published: 2017-07-28


  261. arxiv-id: 1707.06612v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    On deformations of pairs (manifold, coherent sheaf)
    Donatella Iacono, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2017-07-20
    Journal Reference: Can. J. Math.-J. Can. Math. 71 (2019) 1209-1241


  262. arxiv-id: 1707.03342v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Crystalline evolutions with rapidly oscillating forcing terms
    Andrea Braides, Annalisa Malusa, Matteo Novaga
    Published: 2017-07-11


  263. arxiv-id: 1706.08734v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the magnetic shield for a Vlasov-Poisson plasma
    Silvia Caprino, Guido Cavallaro, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2017-06-27
    Journal Reference: Journal of Statistical Physics 169, 1066-1097 (2017)


  264. arxiv-id: 1706.06479v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the cubic Dirac equation with potential and the Lochak--Majorana condition
    Piero D'Ancona, Mamoru Okamoto
    Published: 2017-06-19


  265. arxiv-id: 1706.05816v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The Göpel variety
    Eberhard Freitag, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2017-06-19


  266. arxiv-id: 1706.04840v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On large potential perturbations of the Schrödinger, wave and Klein--Gordon equations
    Piero D'Ancona
    Published: 2017-06-15


  267. arxiv-id: 1706.01870v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    The Gauss map and secants of the Kummer variety
    Robert Auffarth, Giulio Codogni, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2017-06-06


  268. arxiv-id: 1706.00654v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Universal and shape dependent features of surface superconductivity
    Michele Correggi (Sapienza University of Rome), Bharathiganesh Devanarayanan (LPMMC), Nicolas Rougerie (LPMMC)
    Published: 2017-06-02


  269. arxiv-id: 1705.06489v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Regularization matrices for discrete ill-posed problems in several space-dimensions
    Laura Dykes, Guangxin Huang, Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2017-05-18


  270. arxiv-id: 1705.05346v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Liouville theorems for a family of very degenerate elliptic non linear operators
    Isabeau Birindelli, Giulio Galise, Fabiana Leoni
    Published: 2017-05-15


  271. arxiv-id: 1705.03203v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Local Density Approximation for Almost-Bosonic Anyons
    M. Correggi, D. Lundholm, N. Rougerie
    Published: 2017-05-09
    Journal Reference: in "Mathematical Problems in Quantum Physics", F. Bonetto, D. Borthwick, E. Harrell, M. Loss edts., Contemp. Math. 717, 77-92, AMS, 2018


  272. arxiv-id: 1704.01449v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Computing Unstructured and Structured Polynomial Pseudospectrum Approximations
    Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2017-04-05


  273. arxiv-id: 1703.10770v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Phase transition for the Maki-Thompson rumour model on a small-world network
    Elena Agliari, Angelica Pachon, Pablo M. Rodriguez, Flavia Tavani
    Published: 2017-03-31


  274. arxiv-id: 1703.05210v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Neural Networks retrieving Boolean patterns in a sea of Gaussian ones
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Chiara Longo, Daniele Tantari
    Published: 2017-03-15


  275. arxiv-id: 1703.03231v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The projective model structure on contractions
    Marco Manetti, Chiara Spagnoli
    Published: 2017-03-09


  276. arxiv-id: 1702.08832v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Efimov effect for a three-particle system with two identical fermions
    Giulia Basti, Alessandro Teta
    Published: 2017-02-28


  277. arxiv-id: 1702.07530v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Convergence of the solutions of discounted Hamilton--Jacobi systems
    Andrea Davini, Maxime Zavidovique
    Published: 2017-02-24


  278. arxiv-id: 1702.06089v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On classification of non-equal rank affine conformal embeddings and applications
    Drazen Adamovic, Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi, Ozren Perse
    Published: 2017-02-20
    Journal Reference: Selecta Mathematica, (2018) 24, 2455-2498


  279. arxiv-id: 1702.03651v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Well-posedness of the Two-dimensional Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Concentrated Nonlinearity
    Raffaele Carlone, Michele Correggi, Lorenzo Tentarelli
    Published: 2017-02-13
    Journal Reference: Ann. Inst. H. Poincar\'e Anal. Non Lin\'eaire 36 (2019), no. 1, 257-294


  280. arxiv-id: 1702.02797v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Boundary driven Brownian gas
    Lorenzo Bertini, Gustavo Posta
    Published: 2017-02-09
    Journal Reference: ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 16, 361-388 (2019)


  281. arxiv-id: 1702.01043v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Rigidity results for variational infinity ground states
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà
    Published: 2017-02-03
    Journal Reference: Indiana Univ. Math. J. 68 (2019), pp. 353-367


  282. arxiv-id: 1701.06095v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    New bounds on the strength of some restrictions of Hindman's Theorem
    Lorenzo Carlucci, Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk, Francesco Lepore, Konrad Zdanowski
    Published: 2017-01-21


  283. arxiv-id: 1701.01317v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Effective Potentials Generated by Field Interaction in the Quasi-Classical Limit
    Michele Correggi, Marco Falconi
    Published: 2017-01-05
    Journal Reference: Ann. Henri Poincar\'e 19(1), 189-235 (2018)


  284. arxiv-id: 1612.09586v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Dispersive estimates for the Dirac equation in an Aharonov-Bohm field
    Federico Cacciafesta, Luca Fanelli
    Published: 2016-12-30


  285. arxiv-id: 1612.09557v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The Localization Dichotomy for gapped periodic quantum systems
    D. Monaco, G. Panati, A. Pisante, S. Teufel
    Published: 2016-12-30


  286. arxiv-id: 1612.09552v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Optimal decay of Wannier functions in Chern and Quantum Hall insulators
    D. Monaco, G. Panati, A. Pisante, S. Teufel
    Published: 2016-12-30
    Journal Reference: Commun. Math. Phys. 359, 61-100 (2018)


  287. arxiv-id: 1612.03657v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Prescribed Gauss curvature problem on singular surfaces
    Teresa D'Aprile, Francesca De Marchis, Isabella Ianni
    Published: 2016-12-12


  288. arxiv-id: 1612.01700v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A family of degenerate elliptic operators: maximum principle and its consequences
    Isabeau Birindelli, Giulio Galise, Hitoshi Ishii
    Published: 2016-12-06


  289. arxiv-id: 1612.01300v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Regular functions on spherical nilpotent orbits in complex symmetric pairs: classical Hermitian cases
    Paolo Bravi, Jacopo Gandini
    Published: 2016-12-05
    Journal Reference: Kyoto J. Math. 60, no. 2 (2020), 405-450


  290. arxiv-id: 1612.01267v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Sharp $L^p$ estimates for Schrödinger groups on spaces of homogeneous type
    The Anh Bui, Piero D'Ancona, Fabio Nicola
    Published: 2016-12-05


  291. arxiv-id: 1612.00950v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    A limiting absorption principle for the Helmholtz equation with variable coefficients
    Federico Cacciafesta, Piero D'Ancona, Renato Lucà
    Published: 2016-12-03


  292. arxiv-id: 1611.04914v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Long time evolution of concentrated Euler flows with planar symmetry
    Paolo Buttà, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2016-11-15
    Journal Reference: SIAM J. Math. Anal. 50 (2018), pp. 735-760


  293. arxiv-id: 1611.04805v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Spherical Schrödinger Hamiltonians: Spectral Analysis and Time Decay
    Luca Fanelli
    Published: 2016-11-15


  294. arxiv-id: 1611.04415v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Approximated structured pseudospectra
    Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2016-11-14


  295. arxiv-id: 1611.00942v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Local density approximation for the almost-bosonic anyon gas
    Michele Correggi (Sapienza University of Rome), Douglas Lundholm (KTH), Nicolas Rougerie (LPMMC)
    Published: 2016-11-03
    Journal Reference: Analysis & PDE 10 (2017) 1169-1200


  296. arxiv-id: 1610.08684v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Formal Abel-Jacobi maps
    Domenico Fiorenza, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2016-10-27


  297. arxiv-id: 1610.08673v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A fast solution method for time dependent multidimensional Schrödinger equations
    Flavia Lanzara, Vladimir Maz'ya, Gunther Schmidt
    Published: 2016-10-27


  298. arxiv-id: 1610.07500v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    "Weak yet strong" restrictions of Hindman's Finite Sums Theorem
    Lorenzo Carlucci
    Published: 2016-10-24


  299. arxiv-id: 1610.05445v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    A weak variant of Hindman's Theorem stronger than Hilbert's Theorem
    Lorenzo Carlucci
    Published: 2016-10-18


  300. arxiv-id: 1610.04137v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Quiver representations over a quasi-Frobenius ring and Gorenstein-projective modules
    Francesco Meazzini
    Published: 2016-10-13


  301. arxiv-id: 1610.01229v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    When Ext is a Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra
    Niels Kowalzig
    Published: 2016-10-04


  302. arxiv-id: 1609.06881v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the cohomology of some exceptional symmetric spaces
    Paolo Piccinni
    Published: 2016-09-22


  303. arxiv-id: 1609.05810v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Removable singularities for degenerate elliptic Pucci operators
    Giulio Galise, Antonio Vitolo
    Published: 2016-09-19


  304. arxiv-id: 1609.00573v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Circulant preconditioners for discrete ill-posed Toeplitz systems
    L. Dykes, S. Noschese, L. Reichel
    Published: 2016-09-02


  305. arxiv-id: 1608.04043v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Existence and uniqueness of solutions to parabolic equations with superlinear Hamiltonians
    Andrea Davini
    Published: 2016-08-14
    Journal Reference: Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (2017)


  306. arxiv-id: 1608.02336v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    The Vlasov-Poisson equation in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with infinite charge and velocities
    Silvia Caprino, Guido Cavallaro, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2016-08-08
    Journal Reference: Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 15, 407-442 (2018)


  307. arxiv-id: 1607.08267v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Assessment of Predictor-Corrector strategy for the Burridge-Knopoff model
    Pierfrancesco Moschetta, Corrado Mascia
    Published: 2016-07-27


  308. arxiv-id: 1607.05659v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Asymptotic profile of positive solutions of Lane-Emden problems in dimension two
    Francesca De Marchis, Isabella Ianni, Filomena Pacella
    Published: 2016-07-19


  309. arxiv-id: 1607.04634v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Topology of representation spaces of surface groups in PSL(2,R) with assigned boundary monodromy and nonzero Euler number
    Gabriele Mondello
    Published: 2016-07-15


  310. arxiv-id: 1607.03308v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Spherical nilpotent orbits and abelian subalgebras in isotropy representations
    Jacopo Gandini, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2016-07-12
    Journal Reference: Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 95 (1), 323--352 (2017)


  311. arxiv-id: 1607.01561v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Rational curves on fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds
    Simone Diverio, Claudio Fontanari, Diletta Martinelli
    Published: 2016-07-06


  312. arxiv-id: 1607.01324v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Birational geometry of the moduli space of quartic K3 surfaces
    Radu Laza, Kieran G. O'Grady
    Published: 2016-07-05
    Journal Reference: Compositio Math. 155 (2019) 1655-1710


  313. arxiv-id: 1607.01198v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Quantization of Measures and Gradient Flows: a Perturbative Approach in the 2-Dimensional Case
    Emanuele Caglioti, François Golse, Mikaela Iacobelli
    Published: 2016-07-05
    Journal Reference: Ann. Inst. H. Poincar\'e Anal. Non Lin. 35 (2018) 1531-1555


  314. arxiv-id: 1606.06060v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Analysis of a Mogi-type model describing surface deformations induced by a magma chamber embedded in an elastic half-space
    Andrea Aspri, Elena Beretta, Corrado Mascia
    Published: 2016-06-20


  315. arxiv-id: 1606.04468v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the variety associated to the ring of theta constants in genus 3
    Eberhard Freitag, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2016-06-14


  316. arxiv-id: 1606.01381v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    Quasi-negative holomorphic sectional curvature and positivity of the canonical bundle
    Simone Diverio, Stefano Trapani
    Published: 2016-06-04


  317. arxiv-id: 1605.09005v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the chain rule formulas for divergences and applications to conservation laws
    Graziano Crasta, Virginia De Cicco
    Published: 2016-05-29
    Journal Reference: Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 153 (2017), Pages 275-293


  318. arxiv-id: 1605.07201v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Robust determination of maximally-localized Wannier functions
    Éric Cancès, Antoine Levitt, Gianluca Panati, Gabriel Stoltz
    Published: 2016-05-23
    Journal Reference: Phys. Rev. B 95, 075114 (2017)


  319. arxiv-id: 1605.03357v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A Morse index formula for radial solutions of Lane-Emden problems
    Francesca De Marchis, Isabella Ianni, Filomena Pacella
    Published: 2016-05-11


  320. arxiv-id: 1605.02898v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Finite W-algebras for gl_N
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac, Daniele Valeri
    Published: 2016-05-10
    Journal Reference: Adv. Math. 327 (2018), 173-224


  321. arxiv-id: 1605.03015v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Una tentazione affascinante
    Claudio Bernardi
    Published: 2016-05-09
    Journal Reference: Asimmetrie, Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, 2016


  322. arxiv-id: 1605.02583v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    From conjecture generation by maintaining dragging to proof
    Anna Baccaglini-Frank, Samuele Antonini
    Published: 2016-05-09


  323. arxiv-id: 1605.02582v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Maintaining dragging and the pivot invariant in processes of conjecture generation
    Samuele Antonini, Anna Baccaglini-Frank
    Published: 2016-05-09


  324. arxiv-id: 1605.02580v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Educational multi-touch applications, number sense, and the homogenizing role of the educator
    Anna Baccaglini-Frank
    Published: 2016-05-09


  325. arxiv-id: 1605.01624v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Complete integrability of information processing by biochemical reactions
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Lorenzo Dello Schiavo, Antonio Moro
    Published: 2016-05-05
    Journal Reference: Scientific Reports 6, 36314 (2016)


  326. arxiv-id: 1604.06266v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    First-passage phenomena in hierarchical networks
    Flavia Tavani, Elena Agliari
    Published: 2016-04-21


  327. arxiv-id: 1604.05874v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The two-particle problem in comb-like structures
    Elena Agliari, Davide Cassi, Luca Cattivelli, Fabio Sartori
    Published: 2016-04-20


  328. arxiv-id: 1604.05864v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    The exact Laplacian spectrum for the Dyson hierarchical network
    Elena Agliari, Flavia Tavani
    Published: 2016-04-20


  329. arxiv-id: 1604.04135v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Fast and oblivious algorithms for dissipative and 2D wave equations
    Lehel Banjai, María López-Fernández, Achim Schädle
    Published: 2016-04-14


  330. arxiv-id: 1604.02726v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Weak dispersive estimates for fractional Aharonov-Bohm-Schrödinger groups
    F. Cacciafesta, L. Fanelli
    Published: 2016-04-10


  331. arxiv-id: 1604.02064v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Stochastic Allen-Cahn approximation of the mean curvature flow: large deviations upper bound
    Lorenzo Bertini, Paolo Buttà, Adriano Pisante
    Published: 2016-04-07
    Journal Reference: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. Vol. 224 (2017), pp. 659-707


  332. arxiv-id: 1604.01569v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Index theorems for couples of holomorphic self-maps
    Paolo Arcangeli
    Published: 2016-04-06


  333. arxiv-id: 1604.00893v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Conformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in minimal $W$-algebras II: decompositions
    Drazen Adamovic, Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi, Ozren Perse
    Published: 2016-04-04
    Journal Reference: Japanese Journal of Mathematics, 12, (2017), n. 2, 261-315


  334. arxiv-id: 1603.06738v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Gaussian decay of Harmonic Oscillators and related models
    Biagio Cassano, Luca Fanelli
    Published: 2016-03-22


  335. arxiv-id: 1603.06336v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    A unified approach to the well-posedness of some non-Lambertian models in Shape-from-Shading theory
    Fabio Camilli, Silvia Tozza
    Published: 2016-03-21


  336. arxiv-id: 1603.08499v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    History of Mathematics Education - Italy
    Marta Menghini
    Published: 2016-02-29


  337. arxiv-id: 1602.08982v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Guido Castelnuovo e l'insegnamento della matematica
    Marta Menghini
    Published: 2016-02-29


  338. arxiv-id: 1602.07952v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Celebrating the first century of ICMI (1908-2008) Some aspects of the history of ICMI
    Ferdinando Arzarello, Livia Giacardi, Fulvia Furinghetti, Marta Menghini
    Published: 2016-02-25


  339. arxiv-id: 1602.07946v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    From Mathematics and Education, to Mathematics Education
    Fulvia Furinghetti, José Manuel Matos, Marta Menghini
    Published: 2016-02-25


  340. arxiv-id: 1602.07551v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    What Mathematical Logic Says about the Foundations of Mathematics
    Claudio Bernardi
    Published: 2016-02-23
    Journal Reference: in "From a heuristic point of view. Essays in honor of Carlo Cellucci" (edited by E. Ippoliti and C. Cozzo), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2014, pag. 41-53


  341. arxiv-id: 1602.07552v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Un problema da discutere: un inganno con le percentuali
    Claudio Bernardi
    Published: 2016-02-23


  342. arxiv-id: 1602.07553v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Gli angoli alla base di un triangolo isoscele
    Claudio Bernardi
    Published: 2016-02-23
    Journal Reference: Archimede, LXVII (2015), pag. 193-196


  343. arxiv-id: 1602.07554v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Un problema da discutere: una rappresentazione geometrica del teorema del coseno
    Claudio Bernardi
    Published: 2016-02-23
    Journal Reference: Archimede, LXVI (2014), pag. 101-105


  344. arxiv-id: 1602.07555v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Graphs of real functions with pathological behaviors
    Claudio Bernardi
    Published: 2016-02-23


  345. arxiv-id: 1602.07141v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Regular functions on spherical nilpotent orbits in complex symmetric pairs: classical non-Hermitian cases
    Paolo Bravi, Rocco Chirivì, Jacopo Gandini
    Published: 2016-02-23
    Journal Reference: Kyoto J. Math. 57, no. 4 (2017), 717-787


  346. arxiv-id: 1602.06919v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Asymptotic analysis for the Lane-Emden problem in dimension two
    Francesca De Marchis, Isabella Ianni, Filomena Pacella
    Published: 2016-02-22


  347. arxiv-id: 1602.05906v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Estimating the turning point location in shifted exponential model of time series
    Camillo Cammarota
    Published: 2016-02-17


  348. arxiv-id: 1602.05428v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Using pivot signs to reach an inclusive definition of squares and rectangles
    Maria Giuseppina Bartolini Bussi, Anna Baccaglini-Frank
    Published: 2016-02-17
    Journal Reference: (2016) K. Krainer, N. Vondrov\'a (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 9), (pp. 1891-1897) Prague


  349. arxiv-id: 1602.05420v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Coming to see fractions on the numberline
    Elisabetta Robotti, Samuele Antonini, Anna Baccaglini-Frank
    Published: 2016-02-17
    Journal Reference: (2016) K. Krainer, N. Vondrov\'a (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 9), pp. 1975-1981


  350. arxiv-id: 1602.05907v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Trend extraction in functional data of R and T waves amplitudes of exercise electrocardiogram
    Camillo Cammarota, Mario Curione
    Published: 2016-02-16


  351. arxiv-id: 1602.04687v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Conformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in minimal $W$-algebras I: structural results
    Drazen Adamovic, Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi, Ozren Perse
    Published: 2016-02-15
    Journal Reference: Journal of Algebra, 500, (2018), 117-152


  352. arxiv-id: 1602.04626v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    A Semi-Lagrangian Scheme with Radial Basis Approximation for Surface Reconstruction
    Elisabetta Carlini, Roberto Ferretti
    Published: 2016-02-15


  353. arxiv-id: 1602.03365v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Buone pratiche didattiche per prevenire falsi positivi nelle diagnosi di discalculia: il progetto PerContare
    Anna Baccaglini-Frank, Maria Giuseppina Bartolini Bussi
    Published: 2016-02-10
    Journal Reference: Form@re - Open Journal per la formazione in rete, 15(3), (2015), pp. 170-184


  354. arxiv-id: 1602.03361v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Digital Technologies In The Early Primary School Classroom
    Nathalie Sinclair, Anna Baccaglini-Frank
    Published: 2016-02-10


  355. arxiv-id: 1602.04164v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    A Vlasov-Poisson plasma with unbounded mass and velocities confined in a cylinder by a magnetic mirror
    Silvia Caprino, Guido Cavallaro, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2016-02-10
    Journal Reference: Kinetic and Related Models 9, 657-686 (2016)


  356. arxiv-id: 1602.03318v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Regularization matrices determined by matrix nearness problems
    Guangxin Huang, Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2016-02-10


  357. arxiv-id: 1602.03307v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Some matrix nearness problems suggested by Tikhonov regularization
    Silvia Noschese, Lothar Reichel
    Published: 2016-02-10


  358. arxiv-id: 1602.01294v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Dynamics of infinite classical anharmonic crystals
    Paolo Buttà, Carlo Marchioro
    Published: 2016-02-03
    Journal Reference: J. Stat. Phys. 164 (2016), pp. 680-692


  359. arxiv-id: 1601.08129v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the quantum mechanical three-body problem with zero-range interactions
    Giulia Basti, Alessandro Teta
    Published: 2016-01-29


  360. arxiv-id: 1601.07324v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    A Semi-Lagrangian scheme for a modified version of the Hughes model for pedestrian flow
    Elisabetta Carlini, Adriano Festa, Francisco J. Silva, Marie-Therese Wolfram
    Published: 2016-01-27


  361. arxiv-id: 1601.07107v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Ergodic problems for Hamilton-Jacobi equations: yet another but efficient numerical method
    Simone Cacace, Fabio Camilli
    Published: 2016-01-26


  362. arxiv-id: 1601.02906v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Symmetry and localization in periodic crystals: triviality of Bloch bundles with a fermionic time-reversal symmetry
    Domenico Monaco, Gianluca Panati
    Published: 2016-01-12
    Journal Reference: Acta Appl. Math. 137, 185-203 (2015)


  363. arxiv-id: 1601.01543v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A computer-assisted existence proof for Emden's equation on an unbounded L-shaped domain
    Filomena Pacella, Michael Plum, Dagmar Rütters
    Published: 2016-01-07


  364. arxiv-id: 1512.09066v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    A numerical study of a two-layer model for the growth of granular matter in a silo
    Stefano Finzi Vita
    Published: 2015-12-30


  365. arxiv-id: 1512.08736v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Stochastic Allen-Cahn equation with mobility
    Lorenzo Bertini, Paolo Buttà, Adriano Pisante
    Published: 2015-12-29
    Journal Reference: Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. 24: 54 (2017)


  366. arxiv-id: 1512.05480v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Uniqueness and intrinsic properties of non-commutative Koszul brackets
    Marco Manetti
    Published: 2015-12-17
    Journal Reference: Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 12 (2017), 487-509


  367. arxiv-id: 1512.02839v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A nonautonomous chain rule in $W^{1,p}$ and $BV$
    Luigi Ambrosio, Graziano Crasta, Virginia De Cicco, Guido De Philippis
    Published: 2015-12-09
    Journal Reference: Manuscripta Math. 140 (2013), pp. 461-480


  368. arxiv-id: 1511.07850v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Existence and regularity results for Fully Non Linear Operators on the model of the pseudo Pucci's operators
    Isabeau Birindelli, Francoise Demengel
    Published: 2015-11-24


  369. arxiv-id: 1511.00265v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Error analysis for POD Approximations of infinite horizon problems via the Dynamic Programming approach
    Alessandro Alla, Maurizio Falcone, Stefan Volkwein
    Published: 2015-11-01


  370. arxiv-id: 1510.03660v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Frequency-dependent time decay of Schrödinger flows
    L. Fanelli, V. Felli, M. Fontelos, A. Primo
    Published: 2015-10-13


  371. arxiv-id: 1510.03384v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Heat equation for theta functions and vector-valued modular forms
    Sara Perna
    Published: 2015-10-12


  372. arxiv-id: 1509.09032v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Universal Lie Formulas for Higher Antibrackets
    Marco Manetti, Giulia Ricciardi
    Published: 2015-09-30
    Journal Reference: SIGMA 12 (2016), 053, 20 pages


  373. arxiv-id: 1509.08273v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Structure of solutions of multidimensional conservation laws with discontinuous flux and applications to uniqueness
    Graziano Crasta, Virginia De Cicco, Guido De Philippis, Francesco Ghiraldin
    Published: 2015-09-28
    Journal Reference: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 221 (2016), pp. 961-985


  374. arxiv-id: 1509.06878v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Classical W-algebras for gl_N and associated integrable Hamiltonian hierarchies
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac, Daniele Valeri
    Published: 2015-09-23
    Journal Reference: Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2016, 348(1), 265-319


  375. arxiv-id: 1509.06512v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Finite vs infinite decompositions in conformal embeddings
    Drazen Adamovic, Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi, Ozren Perse
    Published: 2015-09-22
    Journal Reference: Communications in Mathematical Physics, 348, 445-473 (2016)


  376. arxiv-id: 1509.01681v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Characterization of stadium-like domains via boundary value problems for the infinity Laplacian
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà
    Published: 2015-09-05
    Journal Reference: Nonlinear Anal. 133 (2016), pp. 228-249


  377. arxiv-id: 1509.00288v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Asymptotic behavior of the Riemannian Heisenberg group and its horoboundary
    Enrico Le Donne, Sebastiano Nicolussi Golo, Andrea Sambusetti
    Published: 2015-09-01


  378. arxiv-id: 1508.02549v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    A new scheme of integrability for (bi)Hamiltonian PDE
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac, Daniele Valeri
    Published: 2015-08-11
    Journal Reference: Comm. Math. Phys. 347 (2016), n. 2, 449-488


  379. arxiv-id: 1508.02051v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Asymptotic Expansion for Harmonic Functions in the Half-Space with a Pressurized Cavity
    Andrea Aspri, Elena Beretta, Corrado Mascia
    Published: 2015-08-09


  380. arxiv-id: 1507.08090v5 [Abstract, pdf]
    Existence and non existence results for the singular Nirenberg problem
    Francesca de Marchis, Rafael López-Soriano
    Published: 2015-07-29


  381. arxiv-id: 1507.05002v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    On hyperplane sections of K3 surfaces
    Enrico Arbarello, Andrea Bruno, Edoardo Sernesi
    Published: 2015-07-17


  382. arxiv-id: 1507.01360v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Exact Morse index computation for nodal radial solutions of Lane-Emden problems
    Francesca De Marchis, Isabella Ianni, Filomena Pacella
    Published: 2015-07-06


  383. arxiv-id: 1506.05753v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Algebraic models of local period maps and Yukawa algebras
    Ruggero Bandiera, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2015-06-18
    Journal Reference: Letters in Mathematical Physics 108, 2055-2097 (2018)


  384. arxiv-id: 1506.05691v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Quantitative analysis of Clausius inequality
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2015-06-18
    Journal Reference: J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2015, no. 10, P10018, 19 pp


  385. arxiv-id: 1506.05305v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A $C^1$ regularity result for the inhomogeneous normalized infinity Laplacian
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà
    Published: 2015-06-17
    Journal Reference: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (2016), pp. 2547-2558


  386. arxiv-id: 1505.06370v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Vector-valued modular forms and the Gauss map
    Francesco Dalla Piazza, Alessio Fiorentino, Samuel Grushevsky, Sara Perna, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2015-05-23


  387. arxiv-id: 1505.01994v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Spherical metrics with conical singularities on a 2-sphere: angle constraints
    Gabriele Mondello, Dmitri Panov
    Published: 2015-05-08


  388. arxiv-id: 1503.06020v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Insights in Economical Complexity in Spain: the hidden boost of migrants in international tradings
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Andrea Galluzzi, Francisco Requena-Silvente, Daniele Tantari
    Published: 2015-03-20


  389. arxiv-id: 1503.05937v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Controllability of spin-boson systems
    Ugo Boscain (CMAP, INRIA Saclay - Ile de France), Paolo Mason (CMAP, INRIA Saclay - Ile de France), Gianluca Panati (CMAP, INRIA Saclay - Ile de France), Mario Sigalotti (CMAP, INRIA Saclay - Ile de France)
    Published: 2015-03-18
    Journal Reference: Journal of Mathematical Physics 56, 092101 (2015)


  390. arxiv-id: 1503.03971v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Asymptotic geometry of negatively curved manifolds of finite volume
    F. Dal'Bo, M. Peigné, J. C. Picaud, A. Sambusetti
    Published: 2015-03-13


  391. arxiv-id: 1503.03895v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Convergence and Counting in Infinite Measure
    Françoise Dal'bo, Marc Peigné, Jean-Claude Picaud, Andrea Sambusetti
    Published: 2015-03-12


  392. arxiv-id: 1503.02999v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Morse index of radial nodal solutions of Hénon type equations in dimension two
    Ederson Moreira dos Santos, Filomena Pacella
    Published: 2015-03-10


  393. arxiv-id: 1503.02512v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Segre forms and Kobayashi-Lübke inequality
    Simone Diverio
    Published: 2015-03-09


  394. arxiv-id: 1503.00659v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Emerging heterogeneities in Italian customs and comparison with nearby countries
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Andrea Galluzzi, Marco Alberto Javarone, Andrea Pizzoferrato, Daniele Tantari
    Published: 2015-03-02


  395. arxiv-id: 1502.07897v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Decomposable cycles and Noether-Lefschetz loci
    Kieran G. O'Grady
    Published: 2015-02-27


  396. arxiv-id: 1502.05197v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Analysis and approximation of some Shape-from-Shading models for non-Lambertian surfaces
    Silvia Tozza, Maurizio Falcone
    Published: 2015-02-18


  397. arxiv-id: 1502.01629v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A dynamic domain decomposition for a class of second order semi-linear equations
    Simone Cacace, Maurizio Falcone
    Published: 2015-02-05


  398. arxiv-id: 1412.6516v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Quantitative Bounded Distance Theorem and Margulis' Lemma for Z^n actions with applications to homology
    Filippo Cerocchi, Andrea Sambusetti
    Published: 2014-12-19


  399. arxiv-id: 1412.5918v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Topological properties of hierarchical networks
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Andrea Galluzzi, Francesco Guerra, Daniele Tantari, Flavia Tavani
    Published: 2014-12-18


  400. arxiv-id: 1412.1923v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Exponential dephasing of oscillators in the Kinetic Kuramoto Model
    Dario Benedetto, Emanuele Caglioti, Umberto Montemagno
    Published: 2014-12-05


  401. arxiv-id: 1411.3260v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    A flame propagation model on a network with application to a blocking problem
    Fabio Camilli, Elisabetta Carlini, Claudio Marchi
    Published: 2014-11-12


  402. arxiv-id: 1410.6194v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Stability analysis for linear heat conduction with memory kernels described by Gamma functions
    Corrado Mascia
    Published: 2014-10-22


  403. arxiv-id: 1410.6115v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the Dirichlet and Serrin problems for the inhomogeneous infinity Laplacian in convex domains: Regularity and geometric results
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragala'
    Published: 2014-10-22
    Journal Reference: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 218 (2015), pp. 1577-1607


  404. arxiv-id: 1409.4453v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Lévy flights with power-law absorption
    Luca Cattivelli, Elena Agliari, Fabio Sartori, Davide Cassi
    Published: 2014-09-15
    Journal Reference: Phys. Rev. E 92, 042156, 28 October 2015


  405. arxiv-id: 1409.0227v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Hierarchical neural networks perform both serial and parallel processing
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Andrea Galluzzi, Francesco Guerra, Daniele Tantari, Flavia Tavani
    Published: 2014-08-31


  406. arxiv-id: 1408.4537v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Octavic theta series
    Eberhard Freitag, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2014-08-20


  407. arxiv-id: 1408.2725v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Notes on stochastic (bio)-logic gates: the role of allosteric cooperativity
    Elena Agliari, Matteo Altavilla, Adriano Barra, Lorenzo Dello Schiavo, Evgeny Katz
    Published: 2014-08-12


  408. arxiv-id: 1408.1030v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    $\mathbb{Z}_2$ invariants of topological insulators as geometric obstructions
    Domenico Fiorenza, Domenico Monaco, Gianluca Panati
    Published: 2014-08-05
    Journal Reference: Commun. Math. Phys. 343, 1115-1157 (2016)


  409. arxiv-id: 1408.0527v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Construction of real-valued localized composite Wannier functions for insulators
    Domenico Fiorenza, Domenico Monaco, Gianluca Panati
    Published: 2014-08-03
    Journal Reference: Annales Henri Poincar\'e 17 (1), 63-97 (2016)


  410. arxiv-id: 1407.7461v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Morita theory for Hopf algebroids, principal bibundles, and weak equivalences
    Laiachi El Kaoutit, Niels Kowalzig
    Published: 2014-07-28


  411. arxiv-id: 1407.6581v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Hénon type equations and concentration on spheres
    Ederson Moreira dos Santos, Filomena Pacella
    Published: 2014-07-24


  412. arxiv-id: 1407.5176v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Meta-stable states in the hierarchical Dyson model drive parallel processing in the hierarchical Hopfield network
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Andrea Galluzzi, Francesco Guerra, Daniele Tantari, Flavia Tavani
    Published: 2014-07-19


  413. arxiv-id: 1407.5019v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    From Dyson to Hopfield: Processing on hierarchical networks
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Andrea Galluzzi, Francesco Guerra, Daniele Tantari, Flavia Tavani
    Published: 2014-07-18
    Journal Reference: Physical Review Letters 114, 028103, (2015)


  414. arxiv-id: 1406.7667v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On isomorphisms between Siegel modular threefolds
    Sara Perna
    Published: 2014-06-30


  415. arxiv-id: 1406.3970v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Morse index and sign changing bubble towers for Lane-Emden problems
    Francesca De Marchis, Isabella Ianni, Filomena Pacella
    Published: 2014-06-16


  416. arxiv-id: 1405.5554v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Slow Encounters of Particle Pairs in Branched Structures
    Elena Agliari, Alexander Blumen, Davide Cassi
    Published: 2014-05-21


  417. arxiv-id: 1405.2608v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the cohomological dimension of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces
    Gabriele Mondello
    Published: 2014-05-12
    Journal Reference: Duke Math. J. 166, no. 8 (2017), 1463-1515


  418. arxiv-id: 1405.1784v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Time decay of scaling invariant Schroedinger equations on the plane
    L. Fanelli, V. Felli, M. Fontelos, A. Primo
    Published: 2014-05-08


  419. arxiv-id: 1405.1349v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On integrability of some bi-Hamiltonian two field systems of PDE
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac, Refik Turhan
    Published: 2014-05-06
    Journal Reference: J. Math. Phys. 56 (2015), no. 5, 051503


  420. arxiv-id: 1405.0627v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A stochastic approach for quantifying immigrant integration: the Spanish test case
    Elena Agliari, Adriano Barra, Pierluigi Contucci, Rickard Sandell, Cecilia Vernia
    Published: 2014-05-03
    Journal Reference: New Journal of Physics 16, 103034, (2014)


  421. arxiv-id: 1404.6466v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Macroscopic fluctuation theory
    Lorenzo Bertini, Alberto De Sole, Davide Gabrielli, Giovanni Jona-Lasinio, Claudio Landim
    Published: 2014-04-25
    Journal Reference: Reviews of Modern Physics, Volume 87, 593-636, 2015


  422. arxiv-id: 1404.5837v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Kinetic formulation and uniqueness for scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux
    Graziano Crasta, Virginia De Cicco, Guido De Philippis
    Published: 2014-04-23
    Journal Reference: Comm. Partial Differential Equations 40 (2015), pp. 694-726


  423. arxiv-id: 1404.4222v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On special covariants in the exterior algebra of a simple Lie algebra
    Corrado De Concini, Pierluigi Möseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi, Claudio Procesi
    Published: 2014-04-16
    Journal Reference: Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 25 (2014), 331-334


  424. arxiv-id: 1404.4186v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Derivation of the Fick's Law for the Lorentz Model in a low density regime
    Giada Basile, Alessia Nota, Federica Pezzotti, Mario Pulvirenti
    Published: 2014-04-16
    Journal Reference: Comm. Math. Phys. 336, 1607-1636 (2015)


  425. arxiv-id: 1404.3592v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Differential equations for real-structured (and unstructured) defectivity measures
    Paolo Buttà, Nicola Guglielmi, Manuela Manetta, Silvia Noschese
    Published: 2014-04-14
    Journal Reference: SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 36 (2015), 523-548


  426. arxiv-id: 1404.3057v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Vector valued modular forms on three dimensional ball
    Eberhard Freitag, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2014-04-11


  427. arxiv-id: 1404.0715v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Structure of classical (finite and affine) W-algebras
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac, Daniele Valeri
    Published: 2014-04-02
    Journal Reference: J. Eur. Math. Soc. 18 (2016), n. 9, 1873-1908


  428. arxiv-id: 1403.5288v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Helmholtz and dispersive equations with variable coefficients on exterior domains
    Federico Cacciafesta, Piero D'Ancona, Renato Luca'
    Published: 2014-03-20


  429. arxiv-id: 1403.2537v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Kato smoothing and Strichartz estimates for wave equations with magnetic potentials
    Piero D'Ancona
    Published: 2014-03-11


  430. arxiv-id: 1403.1708v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Front fluctuations for the stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation
    L. Bertini, S. Brassesco, P. Buttà
    Published: 2014-03-07
    Journal Reference: Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 29 (2015), 336-371


  431. arxiv-id: 1403.0115v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Blow up of solutions of semilinear heat equations in non radial domains of $\mathbb R^2$
    Francesca De Marchis, Isabella Ianni
    Published: 2014-03-01
    Journal Reference: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - A (2015) 35 (3) 891--907


  432. arxiv-id: 1402.1929v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Vector valued hermitian and quaternionic modular forms
    Eberhard Freitag, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2014-02-09
    Journal Reference: Kyoto J. Math. 55, no. 4 (2015), 819-836


  433. arxiv-id: 1402.0451v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Cancer-driven dynamics of immune cells in a microfluidic environment
    Elena Agliari, Elena Biselli, Adele De Ninno, Giovanna Schiavoni, Lucia Gabriele, Anna Gerardino, Fabrizio Mattei, Adriano Barra, Luca Businaro
    Published: 2014-02-03
    Journal Reference: Nature Scientific Reports 4, 6639 (2014)


  434. arxiv-id: 1401.6006v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Integrability of Dirac reduced bi-Hamiltonian equations
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac, Daniele Valeri
    Published: 2014-01-23
    Journal Reference: Trends in Contemporary Mathematics, Springer INdAM Series, Vol. 8 (2014), 13-32


  435. arxiv-id: 1401.2082v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Adler-Gelfand-Dickey approach to classical W-algebras within the theory of Poisson vertex algebras
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac, Daniele Valeri
    Published: 2014-01-09
    Journal Reference: Int. Math. Res. Not. 21 (2015), 11186-11235


  436. arxiv-id: 1312.7687v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    The maximum cardinality of minimal inversion complete sets in finite reflection groups
    Claudia Malvenuto, Pierluigi Möseneder Frajria, Luigi Orsina, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2013-12-30
    Journal Reference: Journal of Algebra , 424 (2015), 330-356


  437. arxiv-id: 1312.6811v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Basic vector valued Siegel modular forms of genus two
    Eberhard Freitag, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2013-12-24


  438. arxiv-id: 1311.6613v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    About the hyperbolicity of complete intersections
    Simone Diverio
    Published: 2013-11-26


  439. arxiv-id: 1311.6612v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Rational curves on Calabi-Yau threefolds and a conjecture of Oguiso
    Simone Diverio
    Published: 2013-11-26


  440. arxiv-id: 1311.4338v5 [Abstract, pdf]
    The adjoint representation inside the exterior algebra of a simple Lie algebra
    Corrado De Concini, Paolo Papi, Claudio Procesi
    Published: 2013-11-18
    Journal Reference: Advances in Mathematics, 280 (2015) 21-46


  441. arxiv-id: 1311.0757v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Computations with modified diagonals
    Kieran G. O'Grady
    Published: 2013-11-04
    Journal Reference: Rendiconti Lincei Matematica e Applicazioni 25 (2014), pp. 249 - 274


  442. arxiv-id: 1310.7728v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Two-phase entropy solutions of forward-backward parabolic problems with unstable phase
    Andrea Terracina
    Published: 2013-10-29


  443. arxiv-id: 1310.5829v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Donsker-Varadhan asymptotics for degenerate jump Markov processes
    Giada Basile, Lorenzo Bertini
    Published: 2013-10-22
    Journal Reference: ALEA, 12 (1), 1-23 (2015)


  444. arxiv-id: 1310.3048v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On some formality criteria for DG-Lie algebras
    Marco Manetti
    Published: 2013-10-11
    Journal Reference: J. Algebra 438 (2015), 90 - 118


  445. arxiv-id: 1309.6961v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Asymptotic analysis and sign changing bubble towers for Lane-Emden problems
    Francesca De Marchis, Isabella Ianni, Filomena Pacella
    Published: 2013-09-26
    Journal Reference: Journal of the European Mathematical Society (2015) 17 (8) 2037--2068


  446. arxiv-id: 1309.3746v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Relativistic Hardy inequalities in magnetic fields
    Luca Fanelli, Luis Vega, Nicola Visciglia
    Published: 2013-09-15


  447. arxiv-id: 1309.0496v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Mukai's program for curves on a K3 surface
    Enrico Arbarello, Andrea Bruno, Edoardo Sernesi
    Published: 2013-09-02


  448. arxiv-id: 1308.2647v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Singular degree of a rational matrix pseudodifferential operator
    Sylvain Carpentier, Alberto De Sole, Victor G. kac
    Published: 2013-08-12
    Journal Reference: Int Math Res Not (2015)


  449. arxiv-id: 1308.2087v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    An Efficient Policy Iteration Algorithm for Dynamic Programming Equations
    Alessandro Alla, Maurizio Falcone, Dante Kalise
    Published: 2013-08-09


  450. arxiv-id: 1307.6428v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Sharp Hardy uncertainty principle and gaussian profiles of covariant Schrödinger evolutions
    Biagio Cassano, Luca Fanelli
    Published: 2013-07-24


  451. arxiv-id: 1307.2157v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A diffusion limit for a test particle in a random distribution of scatterers
    Giada Basile, Alessia Nota, Mario Pulvirenti
    Published: 2013-07-08
    Journal Reference: Journal of Statistical Physics, 155 (6), 1087-1111 (2014)


  452. arxiv-id: 1306.6592v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On classical finite and affine W-algebras
    Alberto De Sole
    Published: 2013-06-27
    Journal Reference: Springer INdAM Series, Vol. 7 (2014), pagine 51-67


  453. arxiv-id: 1306.6589v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Dirac reduction for Poisson vertex algebras
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac, Daniele Valeri
    Published: 2013-06-27
    Journal Reference: Comm. Math. Phys. 331 (2014), n. 3, 1155-1190


  454. arxiv-id: 1306.2800v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A symmetry problem for the infinity Laplacian
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà
    Published: 2013-06-12
    Journal Reference: Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2015 (2015), pp. 8411-8436


  455. arxiv-id: 1306.1684v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Classical W-algebras and generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies for minimal and short nilpotents
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac, Daniele Valeri
    Published: 2013-06-07
    Journal Reference: Comm. Math. Phys. 331 (2014), n. 2, 623-676


  456. arxiv-id: 1305.2810v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the characterization of some classes of proximally smooth sets
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà
    Published: 2013-05-13
    Journal Reference: ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 22 (2016), pp. 710-727


  457. arxiv-id: 1305.0380v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Some remarks on non-commutative principal ideal rings
    Sylvain Carpentier, Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac
    Published: 2013-05-02
    Journal Reference: Comptes rendus Mathematique 351 (2013), pp.5-8


  458. arxiv-id: 1304.7659v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the Coble quartic and Fourier-Jacobi expansion of theta relations
    Francesco Dalla Piazza, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2013-04-29


  459. arxiv-id: 1304.4097v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    Nonabelian higher derived brackets
    Ruggero Bandiera
    Published: 2013-04-15
    Journal Reference: J. of Pure and Applied Algebra 219 (2015), no. 8, 3292-3313


  460. arxiv-id: 1303.6495v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Parametrization of the box variety by theta functions
    Eberhard Freitag, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2013-03-26


  461. arxiv-id: 1303.3438v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A new approach to the Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac, Refik Turhan
    Published: 2013-03-14
    Journal Reference: Comm. Math. Phys. 330 (2014), no. 1, 107-122


  462. arxiv-id: 1302.4756v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    The exceptional set and the Green-Griffiths locus do not always coincide
    Simone Diverio, Erwan Rousseau
    Published: 2013-02-19


  463. arxiv-id: 1302.4072v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    An adaptive POD approximation method for the control of advection-diffusion equations
    Alessandro Alla, Maurizio Falcone
    Published: 2013-02-17


  464. arxiv-id: 1302.0148v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Non-local Poisson structures and applications to the theory of integrable systems
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac
    Published: 2013-02-01
    Journal Reference: Jpn. J. Math. 8 (2013), no. 2, 233-347


  465. arxiv-id: 1301.6000v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On coisotropic deformations of holomorphic submanifolds
    Ruggero Bandiera, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2013-01-25
    Journal Reference: J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22 (2015), 1-37


  466. arxiv-id: 1301.2548v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Symmetries of abelian ideals of Borel subalgebras
    Paola Cellini, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2013-01-11
    Journal Reference: Journal of Lie Theory, 24 (2014), No. 1, 199--224


  467. arxiv-id: 1212.1895v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the Coble quartic
    Samuel Grushevsky, Riccardo Salvati Manni
    Published: 2012-12-09


  468. arxiv-id: 1211.2391v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Non-local Poisson structures and applications to the theory of integrable systems II
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac
    Published: 2012-11-11


  469. arxiv-id: 1211.1626v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Drift of phase fluctuations in the ABC model
    L. Bertini, P. Buttà
    Published: 2012-11-07
    Journal Reference: J. Stat. Phys. 152 (2013), pp. 15-36


  470. arxiv-id: 1210.7103v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a boundary value problem arising from granular matter theory
    Graziano Crasta, Annalisa Malusa
    Published: 2012-10-26
    Journal Reference: J. Differential Equations 259 (2015), pp. 3656-3682


  471. arxiv-id: 1210.6602v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Conformal embeddings and simple current extensions
    Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi, Feng Xu
    Published: 2012-10-24
    Journal Reference: IMRN (2015), 14, 5229-5288


  472. arxiv-id: 1210.6303v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Sign changing solutions of Lane Emden problems with interior nodal line and semilinear heat equations
    Francesca De Marchis, Isabella Ianni, Filomena Pacella
    Published: 2012-10-23
    Journal Reference: Journal of Differential Equations 254 (2013) 3596-3614


  473. arxiv-id: 1210.1688v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Non-local Hamiltonian structures and applications to the theory of integrable systems I
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac
    Published: 2012-10-05


  474. arxiv-id: 1210.0728v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Non-radial sign-changing solutions for the Schroedinger-Poisson problem in the semiclassical limit
    Isabella Ianni, Giusi Vaira
    Published: 2012-10-02
    Journal Reference: Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (2015) 22 (4) 741--776


  475. arxiv-id: 1208.4279v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The fine structure of Kontsevich-Zorich strata for genus 3
    Eduard Looijenga, Gabriele Mondello
    Published: 2012-08-21
    Journal Reference: Geom. Dedicata 169 (2014), pp. 109-128


  476. arxiv-id: 1208.1738v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A cyclic extension of the earthquake flow II
    Francesco Bonsante, Gabriele Mondello, Jean-Marc Schlenker
    Published: 2012-08-08
    Journal Reference: Annales scientifiques de l'ENS 48 n. 4 (2015), 811-859


  477. arxiv-id: 1207.6344v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A new symmetry criterion based on the distance function and applications to PDE's
    Graziano Crasta, Ilaria Fragalà
    Published: 2012-07-26
    Journal Reference: J. Differential Equations 255 (2013), pp. 2082-2099


  478. arxiv-id: 1207.6286v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    Classical W-algebras and generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov bi-Hamiltonian systems within the theory of Poisson vertex algebras
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac, Daniele Valeri
    Published: 2012-07-26
    Journal Reference: Comm. Math. Phys. 323 (2013), n. 2, 663-711


  479. arxiv-id: 1206.5366v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Hardy Uncertainty Principle and unique continuation properties of covariant Schrodinger flows
    Juan Antonio Barcelo, Luca Fanelli, Susana Gutierrez, Alberto Ruiz, Mari Cruz Vilela
    Published: 2012-06-23


  480. arxiv-id: 1206.4165v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Rational matrix pseudodifferential operators
    Sylvain Carpentier, Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac
    Published: 2012-06-19
    Journal Reference: Selecta Mathematica (2013)


  481. arxiv-id: 1206.3846v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Froth-like minimizers of a non local free energy functional with competing interactions
    Paolo Buttà, Raffaele Esposito, Alessandro Giuliani, Rossana Marra
    Published: 2012-06-18
    Journal Reference: Commun. Math. Phys. 322 (2013), 593-632


  482. arxiv-id: 1205.4500v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Structured conditioning of Hamiltonian eigenvalue problems
    Paolo Buttà, Silvia Noschese
    Published: 2012-05-21
    Journal Reference: J. Comput. Appl. Math. 272 (2014), 304-312


  483. arxiv-id: 1205.3351v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Existence and regularity of strict critical subsolutions in the stationary ergodic setting
    Andrea Davini, Antonio Siconolfi
    Published: 2012-05-15


  484. arxiv-id: 1204.6669v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Two remarks on the Weierstrass flag
    Enrico Arbarello, Gabriele Mondello
    Published: 2012-04-30
    Journal Reference: Conference on Compact Moduli and Vector Bundles, University of Georgia, Athens GA 21-24/10/2010, Contemporary Mathematics 564 (2012), pp. 137-144


  485. arxiv-id: 1204.1134v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The strength of Ramsey Theorem for coloring relatively large sets
    Lorenzo Carlucci, Konrad Zdanowski
    Published: 2012-04-05


  486. arxiv-id: 1203.6495v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    Periods of Double EPW-sextics
    Kieran G. O'Grady
    Published: 2012-03-29


  487. arxiv-id: 1203.2482v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On asymptotically harmonic manifolds of negative curvature
    Philippe Castillon (I3M), Andrea Sambusetti
    Published: 2012-03-12
    Journal Reference: Journal of Functional Analysis 259 (2010) 79-103


  488. arxiv-id: 1202.2815v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Small, medium and large shock waves for non-equilibrium radiation hydrodynamic
    Corrado Mascia
    Published: 2012-02-13


  489. arxiv-id: 1202.0254v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Computing the structured pseudospectrum of a Toeplitz matrix and its extreme points
    Paolo Buttà, Nicola Guglielmi, Silvia Noschese
    Published: 2012-02-01
    Journal Reference: SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 33 (2012), 1300-1319


  490. arxiv-id: 1201.1992v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Some algebraic properties of differential operators
    Sylvain Carpentier, Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac
    Published: 2012-01-10
    Journal Reference: J. Math. Phys. 53, 063501 (2012)


  491. arxiv-id: 1112.0425v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    Semiregularity and obstructions of complete intersections
    Donatella Iacono, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2011-12-02
    Journal Reference: Advances in Mathematics 235 (2013) pag. 92-125


  492. arxiv-id: 1109.4501v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the structure of Borel stable abelian subalgebras in infinitesimal symmetric spaces
    Paola Cellini, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi, Marco Pasquali
    Published: 2011-09-21
    Journal Reference: Selecta Mathematica, Vol.19, Issue 2 (2013), 399-437


  493. arxiv-id: 1109.4309v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Formality of Koszul brackets and deformations of holomorphic Poisson manifolds
    Domenico Fiorenza, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2011-09-20
    Journal Reference: Homology, Homotopy and Applications, Vol. 14 (2012), No. 2, pp.63-75


  494. arxiv-id: 1107.3337v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On a conjecture of Oguiso about rational curves on Calabi-Yau threefolds
    Simone Diverio, Andrea Ferretti
    Published: 2011-07-17


  495. arxiv-id: 1107.1263v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A survey on hyperbolicity of projective hypersurfaces
    Simone Diverio, Erwan Rousseau
    Published: 2011-07-06
    Journal Reference: Publica\c{c}\~oes Matem\'aticas do IMPA, 2011


  496. arxiv-id: 1107.0228v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    From a kinetic equation to a diffusion under an anomalous scaling
    Giada Basile
    Published: 2011-07-01
    Journal Reference: Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar\'e - Probabilit\'es et Statistiques 2014, Vol. 50, No. 4, 1301-1322


  497. arxiv-id: 1106.5882v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Essential variational Poisson cohomology
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac
    Published: 2011-06-29
    Journal Reference: Communications in Mathematical Physics: Volume 313, Issue 3 (2012), Page 837-864


  498. arxiv-id: 1106.0525v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A cyclic extension of the earthquake flow
    Francesco Bonsante, Gabriele Mondello, Jean-Marc Schlenker
    Published: 2011-06-02
    Journal Reference: Geom. Topol. 17 (2013) 157-234


  499. arxiv-id: 1106.0082v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    The variational Poisson cohomology
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac
    Published: 2011-06-01
    Journal Reference: Japan. J. Math. 8 (2013), 1-145


  500. arxiv-id: 1105.5930v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Stein-Weiss and Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities with angular integrability
    Piero D'Ancona, Renato Luca'
    Published: 2011-05-30


  501. arxiv-id: 1105.5777v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Irreducible representations of Yangians
    Sergey Khoroshkin, Maxim Nazarov, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2011-05-29
    Journal Reference: Journal of Algebra 346 (2011) 189-226


  502. arxiv-id: 1103.4014v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Endpoint estimates and global existence for the nonlinear Dirac equation with potential
    Federico Cacciafesta, Piero D'Ancona
    Published: 2011-03-21


  503. arxiv-id: 1103.0111v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A nonhomogeneous boundary value problem in mass transfer theory
    Graziano Crasta, Annalisa Malusa
    Published: 2011-03-01
    Journal Reference: Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 44 (2012), pp. 61-80


  504. arxiv-id: 1102.3785v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Denominator identities for finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras and Howe duality for compact dual pairs
    Maria Gorelik, Victor G. Kac, Pierluigi Moseneder Frajria, Paolo Papi
    Published: 2011-02-18
    Journal Reference: Japanese Journal of Mathematics M Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2012), 41-134


  505. arxiv-id: 1102.2334v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Weak KAM theoretic aspects for nonregular commuting Hamiltonians
    Andrea Davini, Maxime Zavidovique
    Published: 2011-02-11


  506. arxiv-id: 1101.0475v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Boundary effects in the gradient theory of phase transitions
    L. Bertini, P. Buttà, A. Garroni
    Published: 2011-01-03
    Journal Reference: SIAM J. Math. Anal. 44 (2012), 926-945


  507. arxiv-id: 1011.0910v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A chain rule formula in BV and applications to conservation laws
    Graziano Crasta, Virginia De Cicco
    Published: 2010-11-03
    Journal Reference: SIAM J. Math. Anal. 43 (2011), pp. 430-456


  508. arxiv-id: 1010.6028v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the horoboundary and the geometry of rays of negatively curved manifolds
    Dal'bo Françoise, Peigné Marc, Sambusetti Andréa
    Published: 2010-10-28


  509. arxiv-id: 1010.3433v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Dispersive estimate for the 1D Schrödinger equation with a steplike potential
    Piero D'Ancona, Sigmund Selberg
    Published: 2010-10-17


  510. arxiv-id: 1007.3707v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Calculus structure on the Lie conformal algebra complex and the variational complex
    Alberto De Sole, Pedram Hekmati, Victor Kac
    Published: 2010-07-21
    Journal Reference: J. Math. Phys. 52 (2011), no. 5, 053510


  511. arxiv-id: 1005.1489v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Lagrangian phase transitions in nonequilibrium thermodynamic systems
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2010-05-10


  512. arxiv-id: 1004.5387v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    On classification of Poisson vertex algebras
    Alberto De Sole, Victor Kac, Minoru Wakimoto
    Published: 2010-04-29
    Journal Reference: Transform.Groups 15, 883-907, 2010


  513. arxiv-id: 1004.2225v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Action functional and quasi-potential for the Burgers equation in a bounded interval
    Lorenzo Bertini, Alberto De Sole, Davide Gabrielli, Giovanni Jona-Lasinio, Claudio Landim
    Published: 2010-04-13
    Journal Reference: Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 64 (2011) 649-696


  514. arxiv-id: 1002.4126v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Navier-Stokes equations on the flat cylinder with vorticity production on the boundary
    Carlo Boldrighini, Paolo Buttà
    Published: 2010-02-22
    Journal Reference: Nonlinearity 24 (2011), 2639-2662


  515. arxiv-id: 0910.2184v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Speedy motions of a body immersed in an infinitely extended medium
    P. Buttà, G. Ferrari, C. Marchioro
    Published: 2009-10-12
    Journal Reference: J. Stat. Phys. 140 (2010), 1182-1194


  516. arxiv-id: 0909.3385v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Convergence of a kinetic equation to a fractional diffusion equation
    Giada Basile, Anton Bovier
    Published: 2009-09-18
    Journal Reference: Markov Processes and Related Fields, 16, 15-44, 2010


  517. arxiv-id: 0907.5334v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Weak KAM Theory topics in the stationary ergodic setting
    Andrea Davini, Antonio Siconolfi
    Published: 2009-07-30


  518. arxiv-id: 0907.5332v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A metric analysis of critical Hamilton--Jacobi equations in the stationary ergodic setting
    Andrea Davini, Antonio Siconolfi
    Published: 2009-07-30


  519. arxiv-id: 0907.1275v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Poisson vertex algebras in the theory of Hamiltonian equations
    Aliaa Barakat, Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac
    Published: 2009-07-07
    Journal Reference: Jpn. J. Math. 4 (2009), no. 2, 141-252


  520. arxiv-id: 0902.3741v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    A remark on the codimension of the Green-Griffiths locus of generic projective hypersurfaces of high degree
    Simone Diverio, Stefano Trapani
    Published: 2009-02-21


  521. arxiv-id: 0902.2315v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the growth of nonuniform lattices in pinched negatively curved manifolds
    Françoise Dal'Bo (IRMAR), Marc Peigné (LMPT), Jean-Claude Picaud (LMPT), Andrea Sambusetti
    Published: 2009-02-13


  522. arxiv-id: 0902.0732v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    An algebraic proof of Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov theorem
    Donatella Iacono, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2009-02-04
    Journal Reference: Deformation spaces, Vieweg Aspects Math. (2010) 113-133


  523. arxiv-id: 0812.4897v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Lie conformal algebra cohomology and the variational complex
    Alberto De Sole, Victor Kac
    Published: 2008-12-29
    Journal Reference: Comm. Math. Phys. 292, no. 3, 667-719 (2009)


  524. arxiv-id: 0812.1602v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Poisson structures on the Teichmueller space of hyperbolic surfaces with conical points
    Gabriele Mondello
    Published: 2008-12-09
    Journal Reference: "In the Tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, V", Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 510, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010, pp. 307-329


  525. arxiv-id: 0811.2346v6 [Abstract, pdf]
    Effective algebraic degeneracy
    Simone Diverio, Joel Merker, Erwan Rousseau
    Published: 2008-11-14
    Journal Reference: Invent. Math. 180 (2010), 161-223


  526. arxiv-id: 0810.4414v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Directed current in quasi-adiabatically ac-driven nonlinear systems
    Paolo Buttà, Piero Negrini
    Published: 2008-10-24
    Journal Reference: Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 20 (2010), 223-236


  527. arxiv-id: 0808.0140v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A period map for generalized deformations
    Domenico Fiorenza, Marco Manetti
    Published: 2008-08-01
    Journal Reference: Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009; pp. 579-597


  528. arxiv-id: 0807.4497v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Smooth metrics on jet bundles and applications
    Simone Diverio
    Published: 2008-07-28


  529. arxiv-id: 0807.4457v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Towards a nonequilibrium thermodynamics: a self-contained macroscopic description of driven diffusive systems
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2008-07-28
    Journal Reference: J Stat Phys (2009) 135: 857-872


  530. arxiv-id: 0807.2280v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Smoothing estimates for the Schrodinger equation with unbounded potentials
    Piero D'Ancona, Luca Fanelli
    Published: 2008-07-14


  531. arxiv-id: 0806.0778v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Magnetic virial identities, weak dispersion and Strichartz inequalities
    Luca Fanelli, Luis Vega
    Published: 2008-06-04


  532. arxiv-id: 0804.4388v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the Finsler metrics obtained as limits of chessboard structures
    Micol Amar, Graziano Crasta, Annalisa Malusa
    Published: 2008-04-28
    Journal Reference: Adv. Calc. Var. 2 (2009), pp. 321-360


  533. arxiv-id: 0804.0605v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Riemann surfaces with boundary and natural triangulations of the Teichmueller space
    Gabriele Mondello
    Published: 2008-04-03
    Journal Reference: J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 13 (2011), pp. 635-684


  534. arxiv-id: 0803.0520v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Spectral stability of weak relaxation shock profiles
    Corrado Mascia, Kevin Zumbrun
    Published: 2008-03-04


  535. arxiv-id: 0802.2011v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A criterion of convergence in the augmented Teichmueller space
    Gabriele Mondello
    Published: 2008-02-14
    Journal Reference: Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 41 (2009), pp. 733-746


  536. arxiv-id: 0802.0045v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Existence of global invariant jet differentials on projective hypersurfaces of high degree
    Simone Diverio
    Published: 2008-02-01


  537. arxiv-id: 0801.3809v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    An existence result for the sandpile problem on flat tables with walls
    G. Crasta, S. Finzi Vita
    Published: 2008-01-24
    Journal Reference: Netw. Heterog. Media 3 (2008), pp. 815-830


  538. arxiv-id: 0710.2281v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Non-linear Lie conformal algebras with three generators
    Bojko Bakalov, Alberto De Sole
    Published: 2007-10-11
    Journal Reference: Selecta Math.14, 163-198, 2009


  539. arxiv-id: 0709.0349v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Resonances and O-curves in Hamiltonian systems
    Paolo Buttà, Piero Negrini
    Published: 2007-09-04
    Journal Reference: Regul. Chaotic Dyn. 12 (2007), 521-530


  540. arxiv-id: 0707.1078v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Vascular Network Formation
    Paolo Buttà, Fiammetta Cerreti, Vito D. P. Servedio, Livio Triolo
    Published: 2007-07-07
    Journal Reference: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiments (2009) P05013, 10 pages


  541. arxiv-id: 0706.1031v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Differential Equations on Complex Projective Hypersurfaces of Low Dimension
    Simone Diverio
    Published: 2007-06-07


  542. arxiv-id: 0705.2996v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the long range correlations of thermodynamic systems out of equilibrium
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2007-05-21


  543. arxiv-id: 0705.1792v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Riemann surfaces, ribbon graphs and combinatorial classes
    Gabriele Mondello
    Published: 2007-05-12
    Journal Reference: "Handbook of Teichm\"uller theory II", EMS (2009), pp. 151-216


  544. arxiv-id: 0705.1247v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Stochastic interacting particle systems out of equilibrium
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona--Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2007-05-09
    Journal Reference: J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp., (2007) P07014


  545. arxiv-id: 0705.0491v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the blow-up threshold for weakly coupled nonlinear Schroedinger equations
    Luca Fanelli, Eugenio Montefusco
    Published: 2007-05-03


  546. arxiv-id: math/0701148v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    The L^p-continuity of the wave operators for the three dimensional Schroedinger operator
    Luca Fanelli
    Published: 2007-01-04


  547. arxiv-id: math/0612600v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A sharp uniqueness result for a class of variational problems solved by a distance function
    G. Crasta, A. Malusa
    Published: 2006-12-20
    Journal Reference: J. Differential Equations 243 (2007), pp. 427-447


  548. arxiv-id: math/0612597v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    A variational approach to the macroscopic electrodynamics of anisotropic hard superconductors
    G. Crasta, A. Malusa
    Published: 2006-12-20
    Journal Reference: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 192 (2009), pp. 87-115,


  549. arxiv-id: math/0612227v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On a system of partial differential equations of Monge-Kantorovich type
    G. Crasta, A. Malusa
    Published: 2006-12-09
    Journal Reference: J. Differential Equations 235 (2007), pp. 484-509


  550. arxiv-id: math/0612226v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    The distance function from the boundary in a Minkowski space
    G. Crasta, A. Malusa
    Published: 2006-12-09
    Journal Reference: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), pp. 5725-5759


  551. arxiv-id: math-ph/0611077v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Dobrushin states in the φ^4_1 model
    L. Bertini, S. Brassesco, P. Buttà
    Published: 2006-11-27
    Journal Reference: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 190 (2008), 477-516


  552. arxiv-id: math-ph/0611076v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Soft and hard wall in a stochastic reaction diffusion equation
    L. Bertini, S. Brassesco, P. Buttà
    Published: 2006-11-27
    Journal Reference: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 190 (2008), 307-345


  553. arxiv-id: math/0610698v4 [Abstract, pdf]
    Triangulated Riemann surfaces with boundary and the Weil-Petersson Poisson structure
    Gabriele Mondello
    Published: 2006-10-23
    Journal Reference: J. Differential Geometry 81 (2009), pp. 391-436


  554. arxiv-id: math-ph/0607023v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    On the propagation of a perturbation in an anharmonic system
    P. Buttà, E. Caglioti, S. Di Ruzza, C. Marchioro
    Published: 2006-07-12
    Journal Reference: J. Stat. Phys. 127 (2007), 313-325


  555. arxiv-id: math/0606354v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Shock waves for radiative hyperbolic--elliptic systems
    Corrado Lattanzio, Corrado Mascia, Denis Serre
    Published: 2006-06-15


  556. arxiv-id: math/0602557v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Large deviation approach to non equilibrium processes in stochastic lattice gases
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2006-02-24
    Journal Reference: Bull Braz Math Soc, New Series (2006) 37, 611-643


  557. arxiv-id: math/0602111v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    A remark on the virtual homotopical dimension of some moduli spaces of stable Riemann surfaces
    Gabriele Mondello
    Published: 2006-02-06
    Journal Reference: Journal of the European Mathematical Society, vol.10 (1) 2008, pp.231-241


  558. arxiv-id: math/0512394v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Large deviations of the empirical current in interacting particle systems
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2005-12-16
    Journal Reference: Theory Probab. Appl. (2007) 51, 2-27


  559. arxiv-id: math-ph/0511055v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Finite vs. affine W-algebras
    Alberto De Sole, Victor Kac
    Published: 2005-11-16
    Journal Reference: Jpn. J. Math. 1 (2006), no. 1, 137-261


  560. arxiv-id: cond-mat/0506664v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Non equilibrium current fluctuations in stochastic lattice gases
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2005-06-24
    Journal Reference: J. Stat. Phys. (2006) 123, 237-276


  561. arxiv-id: math/0502138v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Characterizing Jacobians via flexes of the Kummer variety
    E. Arbarello, G. Marini, I. Krichever
    Published: 2005-02-07


  562. arxiv-id: cond-mat/0407161v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Macroscopic current fluctuations in stochastic lattice gases
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2004-07-07
    Journal Reference: Phys. Rev. Lett. (2005) 94, 030601


  563. arxiv-id: math-ph/0312042v3 [Abstract, pdf]
    Freely generated vertex algebras and non-linear Lie conformal algebras
    Alberto De Sole, Victor Kac
    Published: 2003-12-15
    Journal Reference: Comm. Math. Phys. 254 (2005), no. 3, 659-694


  564. arxiv-id: cond-mat/0310072v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Minimum dissipation principle in stationary non equilibrium states
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2003-10-03
    Journal Reference: J. Statist. Phys. (2004) 116, 831-841


  565. arxiv-id: cond-mat/0309659v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Vertex Intrinsic Fitness: How to Produce Arbitrary Scale-Free Networks
    Vito D. P. Servedio (INFM UdR Roma1 and Dip. Fisica, Univ. "La Sapienza"), Guido Caldarelli (INFM UdR Roma1 and Dip. Fisica, Univ. "La Sapienza"), Paolo Butta` (Dipartimento di Matematica, Univ. "La Sapienza")
    Published: 2003-09-29
    Journal Reference: Physical Review E 70 (2004), 056126, 4 pages


  566. arxiv-id: cond-mat/0307280v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Large deviations for the boundary driven symmetric simple exclusion process
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2003-07-11
    Journal Reference: Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. (2003) 6, 231-267


  567. arxiv-id: math/0303207v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Combinatorial classes on the moduli space of curves are tautological
    Gabriele Mondello
    Published: 2003-03-17
    Journal Reference: Int. Math. Res. Not. 2004, no. 44, 2329-2390


  568. arxiv-id: math/0302032v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    On integral representations of q-gamma and q-beta functions
    Alberto De Sole, Victor Kac
    Published: 2003-02-04
    Journal Reference: Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl., 16 (2005) 11-29


  569. arxiv-id: math-ph/0112028v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Subalgebras of $\gc_N$ and Jacobi polynomials
    Alberto De Sole, Victor G. Kac
    Published: 2001-12-13
    Journal Reference: Canad. Math. Bull. 45 (2002), no. 4, 567-605


  570. arxiv-id: cond-mat/0108040v2 [Abstract, pdf]
    Macroscopic fluctuation theory for stationary non equilibrium states
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2001-08-02
    Journal Reference: J. Stat. Phys. 107 (2002), 635-675


  571. arxiv-id: cond-mat/0104153v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Fluctuations in Stationary non Equilibrium States
    L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim
    Published: 2001-04-09
    Journal Reference: Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001), 040601


  572. arxiv-id: cond-mat/9809331v1 [Abstract, pdf]
    Hydrodynamic Limit of Brownian Particles Interacting with Short and Long Range Forces
    Paolo Butta`, Joel L. Lebowitz
    Published: 1998-09-24
    Journal Reference: J. Statist. Phys. 94 (1999), pp. 653-694


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