Notiziario Scientifico

Notiziario dei seminari di carattere matematico
a cura del Dipartimento 'G. Castelnuovo'
Sapienza Università di Roma

Settimana dal 11 al 17 settembre 2017

Lunedì 11 settembre 2017
Ore 10:00, sala multimediale, Uninettuno, piazza Grazioli 17
National symposium on interdisciplinary and science based research on nuclear fusion and high energy plasmas (honoring Arrigo Sestero)

Lunedì 11 settembre 2017
Ore 11:00, aula B
discussione tesi di Dottorato
Martino Cantadore (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Dg categories of cubic fourfolds

Martedì 12 settembre 2017
Ore 09:30, aula Picone
summer school and workshop Harmonic Analysis, Spectral Theory and PDE's
09:30 Ari Laptev Spectral and Functional Inequalities I
10:30 Roland Donninger Self-similar blow up for supercritical wave maps
11:30 Coffee break (Aula Ponti)
12:00 David Krejcirik Absence of eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators with complex potentials
15:00 Ari Laptev Spectral and Functional Inequalities II
16:00 Ari Laptev Spectral and Functional Inequalities III

Mercoledì 13 settembre 2017
Ore 09:30, aula Picone
summer school and workshop Harmonic Analysis, Spectral Theory and PDE's
09:30 Carlos Kenig The energy critical wave equation I
10:30 Nicola Visciglia Scattering Theory for the generalized KdV equation in the energy space
11:30 Coffee break (Aula Ponti)
12:00 Valeria Banica 1-D cubic NLS with several Diracs as initial data and consequences
15:00 Carlos Kenig The energy critical wave equation II
16:00 Carlos Kenig The energy critical wave equation III

Mercoledì 13 settembre 2017
Ore 17:15, aula di Consiglio
seminario di Fisica Matematica
Paolo Antonelli (GSSI, L'Aquila)
Emergent dynamics for a model of quantum synchronization
In this talk I will discuss a model (introduced by Lohe, J. Phys. A 2010) describing quantum synchronization. More specifically, this is a system of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations where the wave functions have the tendency to align their phases. I will describe the link with the classical Kuramoto model for synchronization, then show the emergence of collective behaviors in the model.

Giovedì 14 settembre 2017
Ore 09:30, aula Picone
summer school and workshop Harmonic Analysis, Spectral Theory and PDE's
09:30 James Wright Connection between Classical Fourier Series and Calderon-Zygmund Theory I
10:30 Carlos Perez TBA
11:30 Coffee break (Aula Ponti)
12:00 Albert Mas Shell interactions for Dirac operators and approximation by short range potentials
15:00 James Wright Connection between Classical Fourier Series and Calderon-Zygmund Theory II
16:00 James Wright Connection between Classical Fourier Series and Calder0n-Zygmund Theory III

Venerdì 15 settembre 2017
Ore 09:30, aula Picone
summer school and workshop Harmonic Analysis, Spectral Theory and PDE's
09:30 Loic Letreust Asymptotic expansion of eigenvalues for the MIT bag model
10:30 Julien Sabin Maximizers for the Stein-Tomas inequality
11:30 Coffee break (Aula Ponti)
12:00 Sebastian Herr Nonlinear Dirac Equations and related systems

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