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Notiziario dei seminari di carattere matematico
a cura del Dipartimento di Matematica Guido Castelnuovo, Sapienza Università di Roma

Settimana dal 21-10-2024 al 27-10-2024

Martedì 22 ottobre 2024
Ore 14:30, Aula Primo Piano, CNR-IAC, via dei Taurini 19 00185 Roma
Seminari Generali dell'IAC
Marta Menci (Campus Biomedico )
Simulating Crowd Dynamics: from low to high-density scenarios
In this talk I will present some recent results concerning modelling and simulations of collective behaviors emerging in pedestrian dynamics. Starting from the '70s, a great variety of models have been proposed, spanning different scales of descriptions and approaches. The focus will be on a novel distance-based zeroth-order discrete-in-time model, which offers a powerful tool for simulating crowd behavior at a microscopic level. This model is specifically designed to reproduce key self-organizing patterns typically observed in crowds, as well as the propagation of material waves that emerge in high-densities scenarios. Unlike well-established models of the literature, the proposed model provides a novel perspective by eliminating common issues found in the widely-used social force model, such as unrealistic inertia and oscillatory movements. These refinements make the model more reliable and accurate for practical applications. I will show how the models considered during the talk can handle a variety of real-world scenarios and challenges through a series of numerical simulations.
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Venerdì 25 ottobre 2024
Ore 12:00, Aula INdAM, INdAM, Dipartimento di Matematica, Sapienza Università di Roma
Number Theory Seminar
Andrea Bandini (Università di Pisa)
Iwasawa theory for $\ell$-parts in pro-$p$-extensions and a theorem of Sinnott
Iwasawa theory studies arithmetically significant modules (e.g. class groups and Selmer groups) associated with pro-$p$-extensions $K/k$ of global fields ($p$ a prime). It usually focuses on $p$-parts of such modules and few results are known on $\ell$-parts ($\ell\neq p$ another prime), mainly obtained by means of analytic methods. We present an algebraic approach to study $\ell$-parts as modules over the algebra $\mathbb{Z}_\ell[[\text{Gal}(K/k)]]$, providing structure theorems, characteristic ideals, orders, $\mathbb{Z}_\ell$-ranks and so on. In the case of class groups, such modules naturally verify a theorem of Sinnott on the $p$-adic limit of their orders (or their $\mathbb{Z}_\ell$-ranks when they are not finite). We show that this holds for more general modules and (if time permits) conclude with a (tentative) formulation of a Main Conjecture for this setting. This is joint work with Ignazio Longhi (Torino).
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