Notiziario Scientifico

Notiziario dei Seminari di carattere matematico
a cura del Dipartimento 'G. Castelnuovo'
Sapienza Università di Roma

Settimana dal 19 al 25 settembre 2016

Lunedì 19 settembre 2016
Ore 15:00, aula Rasetti (edificico Marconi), dipartimento di Fisica
trimestre intensivo INdAM 'Mathematics and Physics at the Crossroads'
Jurg Frohlich (ETH Zurich)
Strolling Through Some Landscapes of Modern Physics
Minicorso di 12 ore, calendario:
19.09 ore 15:00 (aula Rasetti, edificio Marconi) Topics in modern physics that would deserve our attention - preview and summary of lectures
21.09 ore 15:00 (aula Rasetti, edificio Marconi) An introduction to the quantum Hall effect and to topological insulators
23.09 ore 15:00 (aula Rasetti, edificio Marconi) More details on the quantum Hall effect and on the chiral anomaly
26.09 ore 11:00 (aula Majorana, edificio Marconi) Effective quantum dynamics and the arrow of time - a general survey
28.09 ore 11:00 (aula Majorana, edificio Marconi) Examples of effective dynamics: Anderson localization, quantum Brownian motion, mean-field limit, 'atomism and quantization', etc.
30.09 ore 11:00 (aula Majorana, edificio Marconi) Direct and indirect observations of events in quantum mechanics, including an analysis of some recent experiments

Mercoledì 21 settembre 2016
Ore 15:00, aula 311, Università di Roma Tre, l.go san Leonardo Murialdo 1
Seminario di Analisi Matematica
Luis Lopez Rios (Università di Roma Tre)
Concentration phenomena near to a critical setting
In this talk I will present some concentration phenomena near to a critical setting, where 'critical' is understood in the sense of the Sobolev embedding. Typical models involve the semilinear nonlocal elliptic equation with the fractional Laplacian with power-like or exponential nonlinearity. We construct solutions of these kind of problems when the parameters force the Sobolev and Moser-Trudinger inequalities to be almost critical. We provide also the location of the concentration points and the precise asymptotic concentration profile of these solutions. This is a joint work with P. Esposito (Roma), J. Davila (Santiago de Chile) and Y. Sire (Baltimore).

Venerdì 23 settembre 2016
Ore 09:45, aula II, dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Recente Developments in Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
A Conference in honour of Enzo Orsingher on the occasion of his 70TH Birthday

09:45 Opening
10:00 Aimé Lachal (University of Lyon/ Institute Camille Jordan CNRS) Some distributions on pseudo-Brownian motion and pseudo-random walk
10:25 Fabio Spizzichino ('Sapienza' University of Rome) Special classes of exchangeable occupancy models. Related transformations and related closure properties
10:50 Marina Santacroce (Turin Polytechnic) Forward backward semimartingale systems for utility maximization
11:35 Nikolai Leonenko (Cardiff University) Fractional Poisson fields and martingales
12:00 Laura Sacerdote (University of Turin) Generalized nonlinear Yule models
12:25 Stefano Iacus (University of Milan) On statistical analysis of the telegraph process and related processes
15:00 Antonio Di Crescenzo (University of Salerno) Recent advances on the telegraph process
15:25 Mirko D'Ovidio ('Sapienza' University of Rome) Delayed diffusions on random Koch domains
15:50 Elvira Di Nardo (University of Turin) Symbolic calculus in probability and mathematical statistics
16:35 Federico Polito (University of Turin) The space-fractional Poisson process and extensions
17:00 Personal recollections from Enzo's colleagues and closing

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