Notiziario Scientifico

Settimana dal 11 al 17 maggio 2015

Lunedì 11 maggio 2015
Ore 14:30, aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Analisi Matematica e Probabilità
Max Fathi (University of Paris Jussieu)
A gradient flow approach to large deviations for diffusion processes
In the 80s, De Giorgi introduced the notion of abstract gradient flows, which allowed to define a notion of solutions to ordinary differential equations of the form x' = -grad F(x) on metric spaces (rather than Riemannian manifolds for the usual definition).
In 2005, Ambrosio, Gigli and Savare showed that when we consider the space of probability measures on Rd endowed with the Wasserstein metric, this notion allows to give an alternate formulation for Fokker-Planck equations. These equations are the PDEs whose solutions are the flow of marginals of solutions of stochastic differential equations of the form dX = -grad H(X)dt + dB.
In this talk, I will explain how we can use this notion to study large deviations for sequences of SDEs. The main result is that proving a large deviation principle is equivalent to studying the limit of a sequence of functionals that appear in the abstract gradient flow formulation for Fokker-Planck equations. As an application, I will show how to obtain large deviations from the hydrodynamic scaling limit for a system of interacting continuous spins in a random environment.

Mercoledì 13 maggio 2015
Ore 11:00, aula 211, Unversità di Roma Tre (largo s. Leonardo Murialdo)
Seminario di Probabilità
Quentin Berger (Università Parigi 6)
Disorder relevance for the pinning model (joint work with Hubert Lacoin)
A central question in the study of disordered systems (and in particular of their phase transition) is that of disorder relevance: one wants to determine whether an arbitrarily small quantity of disorder affects or not the critical behavior of the system. The physicist Harris provided a simple and general criterion to know whether disorder was relevant or irrelevant for a given d-dimensional system. In this talk, we will introduce the pinning model, a family of disordered systems, which has attracted much attention in the past decade: it considers a 1-dimensional polymer chain interacting with an inhomogeneous defect line, undergoing a localization phase transition. For this model, Harris' prediction has been rigorously proved, but the marginal case (for which Harris criterion gives no prediction) was partially left open. We will present here a necessary and sufficient condition for disorder relevance for the pinning model, solving completely the question for this model.

Mercoledì 13 maggio 2015
Ore 14:30, aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Claus Michael Ringel (Bielefeld)
Representations of quivers over the algebra of dual numbers
The representations of a quiver Q over a field k (the kQ-modules, where kQ is the path algebra of Q over k) have been studied for a long time, and one knows quite well the structure of the module category Mod(kQ). It seems to be worthwhile to consider also representations of Q over arbitrary finite-dimensional k-algebras A. The lecture will draw the attention to the case when A=k[ε] is the algebra of dual numbers (the factor algebra of the polynomial ring k[T] in one variable T modulo the ideal generated by T2), thus to the A-modules, where A=kQ[ε]=kQ[T]/. The algebra Λ is a 1-Gorenstein algebra, thus the torsionless -modules are known to be of special interest (as the Gorenstein-projective or maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules). They form a Frobenius category L, thus the corresponding stable category L is a triangulated category. Actually, this category L is the category of perfect differential kQ-modules and L is the corresponding homotopy category. As we will see, the homology functor H from Mod to Mod(kQ) yields a bijection between the indecomposables in L and those in Mod(kQ) and the kernel of H is a finitely generated ideal of the category L which will be described explicitly. This is a report on joint investigations with Zhang Pu (Shanghai).

Mercoledì 13 maggio 2015
Ore 15:30, aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Ulrike Riess (Bonn)

Giovedì 14 maggio 2015
Ore 14:00, aula di Consiglio
Seminario P(n): Problemi Differenziali non Lineari
Elvira Mascolo (Università di Firenze)
Regularity of solutions to quasilinear elliptic systems
We present some recent results on the local boundedness and Lipschitz continuity of weak solutions to quasilinear systems and/or local minimizers to vector-valued integral functionals. We consider systems and functionals under non standard p-q growth conditions. Moreover, in this context the existence of weak solutions is also examined.

Giovedì 14 maggio 2015
Ore 14:00, aula 311, Unversità di Roma Tre (largo s. Leonardo Murialdo)
Seminario di Probabilità
Thomas Richthammer (Univ. Hildesheim)
The variance of particle positions in the hard disk model
The hard disk model describes random configurations of disks in the plane, interacting only via hard core exclusion. It is believed that the model exhibits a weak form of crystallization for large activity (i.e. high particle density). In spite of its simplicity, there are only very few rigorous results on the hard disk model. I will present a very recent result which can be interpreted as a lower bound on the variance of particle positions in terms of the size of the system. The result is obtained via a certain tansformation on particle configurations. It builds on an earlier result concerning the absence of positional order.

Giovedì 14 maggio 2015
Ore 16:00, aula Zorzi, Unversità di Roma Tre (largo G.B. Marzi)
Seminario Formulas
Fabrizio Bonatti (MCA)
Progettazione parametrica per un'architettura sostenibile
Secondo MCA (studio del quale faccio parte come co-responsabile dell'area ricerca e sviluppo), forme e materiali sono gli elementi principali dell'architettura sostenibile. L'intento è di adattare le soluzioni architettoniche alle condizioni ambientali così da massimizzare il comfort interno minimizzando il ricorso all'impiantistica. Una grande attenzione è rivolta quindi alla progettazione dell'involucro architettonico. La possibilità di controllare la geometria dell'edificio e della struttura attraverso parametri ambientali (oltre che economici) è quindi fondamentale nella metodologia di lavoro del nostro studio. A volte geometrie più complesse possono essere anche più efficienti, ma diventa fondamentale la capacità di gestire molte variabili contemporaneamente all'interno di uno stesso modello; comunicare e trasferire i dati a tutti gli attori del processo di progettazione (strutturisti, impiantisti, ecc.); automatizzare il più possibile la modellazione digitale dell'edificio in funzione dei parametri di input; poter ottimizzare in qualunque momento la geometria anche in funzione di dati non previsti inizialmente. In altre parole progettare e modellare in maniera parametrica e con strumenti e algoritmi personalizzabili. Attraverso tre esempi rappresentativi delle tre diverse fasi di progettazione: preliminare, definitiva ed esecutiva, proveremo ad illustrare alcune applicazioni del metodo di progettazione parametrica come strumento per ottimizzare il processo di progettazione, rendere più efficiente l'edificio, e facilitarne la fase di costruzione. Illustreremo:
1- un approccio di tipo generativo: variazione di una geometria per massimizzare le superfici esposte ad illuminazione diretta per più di 2 ore al giorno in inverno.
2- Modellazione e controllo geometrico di una facciata 'non standard', estrapolazione e scambio di dati
3- Ottimizzazione strutturale di una griglia tridimensionale per ridurre il numero di componenti e di nodi diversi tra loro

Giovedì 14 maggio 2015
Ore 15:30, aula G
Luca Biasco (Unversità di Roma Tre)
On the measure of invariant tori in hamiltonian systems
We discuss the measure of (Lagrangian) invariant tori in nearly-integrable hamiltonian systems. It is well known in KAM theory that the measure of the complementary of invariant tori (where chaotic motions possibly occur) is smaller than the sqare root of ε, ε being the perturbative parameter. A conjecture by Arnold, Kozlov and Neishtadt claims that such measure is actually of order ε. We prove that such conjecture holds true for 'general' mechanical systems (namely systems of the form: kinetic energy plus potential energy). Joint work with L. Chierchia.

Venerdì 15 maggio 2015
Ore 10:30, stanza 34, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Giovanni Luca Torrisi (IAC-CNR)
Probability approximation of spatial point processes
We give a quantitative Gaussian and Poisson approximation for the first chaos (or innovation) of spatial point processes with conditional intensity. To this aim we use a Malliavin-Stein-Chen approach. This method is essentially based on the following two steps. First, we provide an integration by parts (IBP) formula which relates the first chaos with the discrete Malliavin operator. Second, we derive the probability approximations by combining the IBP formula with the Stein and Chen methods. Our findings extend the corresponding results on the Poisson space due to Peccati, Solè, Taqqu and Utzet (2010) and Peccati (2011). The general bounds presented in this talk are applied to stationary, inhibitory and finite range Gibbs point processes with pair potential, providing explicit error bounds and quantitative limit theorems.

Venerdì 15 maggio 2015
Ore 12:00, aula di Consiglio
Seminari MoMa
Antonio Carcaterra
Mathematical Methods and Inventive Engineering
Engineering, intended as the capability of producing innovation and new technology, pays an important tribute to mathematics. It is well known how the increasing computer power open the door to sophisticated models of physical and engineering systems. But there is much more in engineering for the use of mathematics. The word of new sensors, keeping information from the environment (airplanes, cars, industrial plants to the human body) for monitoring purposes to predict and prevent faults and dangerous scenarios through data signal processing, is one of the challenging opportunity. Special controls to realize new self-controlled devices or unmanned vehicles is another exciting example. Probabilistic models for optimizing the matching between technology performances and economics is another aspect of valuable importance. The seminar aims to provide a glimpse on the use of advanced mathematics in the world of applications in industrial engineering, through concrete examples on running projects.

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