Notiziario Scientifico

Settimana dal 14 al 20 luglio 2014

Lunedì 14 luglio 2014
Ore 11:00, Aula 50 (palazzina G, viale Regina Elena 295), Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Workshop di Statistica
Competing Risks Predictions on Two Time Scales
Jason Fine (Department of Biostatistics; Department of Statistics, UNC-Chapel Hill)

Representation, estimation and prediction in multi-state models - the obstacles of multiple time scales
Bendix Carstensen (STENO Diabetes Center; Department of Statistics, University of Copenhagen)

Random coefficient based dropout models: a finite mixture approach
Marco Alfò, Alessandra Spagnoli (Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Sapienza Universita' di Roma)

Martedì 15 luglio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula Dal Passo, Università di Roma II
Seminario di Equazioni Differenziali
David Ruiz (Università di Granada)
The Toda System in dimension 2: degree and blow-up
In this talk we will address the so-called Toda System, posed either on compact surfaces or on planar domains (under Dirichlet boundary conditions). In the first part of the talk, we will give some comments on the Leray Schauder degree. As a consequence we will derive new existence results. Motivated by the above discussion on the degree, in the second part of the talk we will consider the existence of blow-up solutions. For the Toda System, one expects the existence of continua of blow-up solutions. We shall give some results in this direction.

Giovedì 17 luglio 2014
Ore 10:30, Aula dei Seminari (sezione di Fisica), Dipartimento SBAI
Seminario di Analisi Matematica
Filippo Cagnetti (University of Sussex)
The rigidity problem for symmetrization inequalities
Steiner symmetrization is a very useful tool in the study of isoperimetric inequality. This is also due to the fact that the perimeter of a set is less or equal than the perimeter of its Steiner symmetral. In the same way, in the Gaussian setting, it is well known that Ehrhard symmetrization does not increase the Gaussian perimeter. We will show characterization results for equality cases in both Steiner and Ehrhard perimeter inequalities. We will also characterize rigidity of equality cases. By rigidity, we mean the situation when all equality cases are trivially obtained by a translation of the Steiner symmetral (or, in the Gaussian setting, by a reflection of the Ehrhard symmetral). We will achieve this through the introduction of a suitable measure-theoretic notion of connectedness, and through a fine analysis of the barycenter function for a special class of sets. These results are obtained in collaboration with Maria Colombo, Guido De Philippis, and Francesco Maggi.

Giovedì 17 luglio 2014
Ore 15:00, Aula 1B1
Seminario di Geometria
Iosif Polterovich (Università di Montreal)
Spectral geometry of the Steklov problem
The Steklov problem is an eigenvalue problem with the spectral parameter in the boundary conditions. It has many physical applications, particularly to hydrodynamics, vibration theory, etc. Recently, there has been a growing interest in the Steklov problem from the viewpoint of spectral geometry. I will discuss some recent advances, in particular on the study of spectral invariants, eigenvalue estimates and asymptotics. The talk is based on joint works with Alexandre Girouard (Université Laval), Leonid Parnovski (University College London) and David Sher (University of Michigan).

Giovedì 17 luglio 2014
Ore 16:15, Aula 1B1
Seminario di Geometria
Cristiano Husu (University of Connecticut)
From partitions to the Jacobi identity for vertex operators: a (very brief) sketch of Lie algebra structures and combinatorial analysis
There is a "long journey" that begins with the formal calculus of the Jacobi identities for vertex operator algebras and modules, passes through complex analysis, Galois theory, generalized commutators and anticommutators for standard representations of affine Lie algebras, and leads to partition identities in which the parts are restricted by differences and congruences. The similar nature of the combinatorial analysis of the Jacobi identity, at the beginning, and the combinatorics of the partitions, at the end, suggests that part of this journey may be circular.

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