Notiziario Scientifico

Settimana dal 12 al 18 maggio 2014

Lunedì 12 maggio 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula D'Antoni, Università di Roma II
Florin Diacu (University of Victoria)
Newton's Equations in Spaces of Constant Curvature
We consider a natural extension of Newton's equations of the N-body problem to spaces of constant curvature. We first present some qualitative results regarding the motion of the bodies, focusing on relative equilibria and rotopulsators, which generalize the notion of homographic orbits from Euclidean to curved space. Then we write the equations in intrinsic coordinates and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. Finally we come up with a new and simple form of the equations that brings together the Euclidean case (of Gaussian curvature k=0), the hyperbolic case (of Gaussian curvature k < 0), and the elliptic case (of Gaussian curvature k > 0). Thus Newton's classical equations can be regarded in a broader context, namely that in which the motion of the bodies takes place in spaces of constant curvature. The equations of motion depend on the curvature k, and the Euclidean case is recovered when k=0. This conclusion could not be drawn from previously known forms of the equations of motion in curved space since taking k- > 0, for both k > 0 and k < 0, led to undetermined limits. This new form of the equations of motion allows the study of the classical case, k=0, in a larger framework and will help us better understand Newton's original approach.

Lunedì 12 maggio 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Algebra Commutativa
Evan Houston (University of North Carolina)
Star operations on local Noetherian domains with finite residual fields

Lunedì 12 maggio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Analisi Matematica
Miguel Escobedo (Università di Bilbao)
Some remarks on the fully parabolic Keller-Segel system in the plane
We will describe recent results on the doubly parabolic Keller-Segel system in the plane, when the initial data belong to critical scaling-invariant Lebesgue spaces. We analyze the global existence of integral solutions, their optimal time decay, uniqueness and positivity, together with the uniqueness of self-similar solutions. We are then able to study the large time behavior of global solutions and prove that in the absence of the degradation term the solutions behave like self-similar solutions, while in presence of the degradation term global solutions behave like the heat kernel.

Lunedì 12 maggio 2014
Ore 15:30, aula XII, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Corso di Dottorato
Jan Bulla (Università di Caen)
A gentle introduction to hidden Markov models, I

Martedì 13 maggio 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula B
Corso di Dottorato
Pierre Albin (University of Illinois)
Introduction to Microlocal Analysis, I
In this course we will develop the theory of pseudodifferential operators on Euclidean and curved geometries. We will use these operators to construct refined parametrices and inverses of natural differential operators. For example given a Riemannian manifold, the resolvent of the Laplacian, the solution to the wave equation and the solution of the heat equation are all best understood using the techniques of microlocal analysis. Topics will include: pseudodifferential operators on R^n, wave front set and pseudolocality, pseudodifferential operators on manifolds, the resolvent of the Laplacian, elliptic regularity, de Rham cohomology and Hodge theory, Further topics depending on student interest: Wave equation, Dirac operators, heat equation, Atiyah-Singer index theory, Kahler package, analysis on non-compact and singular spaces.

Martedì 13 maggio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula Zorzi, ex-Mattatoio, Università di Roma III
Seminari Formulas
Marco Spada (Università di Roma I)
Geometria, topologia e storia delle città ideali tra il XV e il XVII secolo
L'idea rinascimentale della città ideale, realizzata con una forma geometrica, è stata vista come la dtruttura che meglio ha saputo interpretare l'ideale rinascimentale della città comunale. Insieme alle due "sorelle", la città-fortezza e la città-utopia, la città ideale ha impresso sul territorio un marchio duplice, da un lato ha rappresentato la presenza militare di stati quasi pernennemente in guerra, dall'altro la capacità tecnica di trasformare in oggetti fisici le analisi teoriche della geometria dell'epoca. Queste città si prestano ad essere la base per uno studio geometrico e topologico della loro organizzazione, utilizzando gli strumenti della space syntax e della teoria dei grafi. Le teorie morfologiche classiche (ad esempio quelle di Conzen e Caniggia) possono essere descritte in termini di teoria dei grafi utilizzando un procedimento di contrazione degli spazi omogenei e urbanisticamente isomorfi. L'analisi permette di confrontare le strutture delle differenti città ideali e di misurarne le proprietà urbanistiche.

Martedì 13 maggio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula Dal Passo, Università di Roma II
Seminario di Equazioni Differenziali
Friedemann Schuricht (Università di Dresda)
Eigenvalue problem of the 1-Laplace operator
The eigenvalue problem of the p-Laplace operator is extensively studied for p > 1. We are interested in the highly degenerated limit case p=1 where some new phenomena can be observed. First, the formal eigenvalue equation is not well defined and one has to clarify what an eigensolution of the 1-Laplace operator should be. Then the existence of a sequence of eigensolutions can be shown. Since the corresponding eigenvalue equation has too many solutions, a further equation satisfied by eigensolutions is derived.

Martedì 13 maggio 2014
Ore 16:00, Aula D'Antoni, Università di Roma II
Seminario di Analisi Complessa
Eleonora Di Nezza (Università di Roma II)
Equazioni di Monge-Ampere su varieta' quasi-proiettive
Sia X una varietà di Kaehler compatta e D un divisore in X. Studiamo le equazioni di Monge-Ampere complesse sulla varietà quasi-proiettiva XD e stabiliamo stime a priori uniformi che generalizzano sia le stime di Yau che quelle di Kolodziej. In particolare, data una densità f liscia solo su XD, mostriamo che l'unica soluzione dell'equazione di Monge-Ampere con densità f è anch'essa liscia su XD. I risultati presentati sono stati ottenuti in collaborazione con Hoang-Chinh Lu.

Mercoledì 14 maggio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Charles Vial (University of Cambridge)
On multiplicative Chow--Kunneth decompositions
This is joint work with Mingmin Shen. I will introduce the notion of multiplicative Chow--Kunneth decomposition and give first examples of varieties endowed with such a decomposition. I will then explain why we expect hyperkahler varieties to be endowed with such a decomposition, sketch a proof that the Hilbert scheme of length-2 subschemes on a K3 surface is endowed with such a decomposition and relate this to the Fourier decomposition.

Mercoledì 14 maggio 2014
Ore 15:00, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Analisi e Sistemi Dinamici
Andrea Davini (Università di Roma I)
Convergence of the solutions of the discounted equation
We consider the discounted equation lambda u_[lambda](x) + H(x,d_x u_[lambda])=c set on a compact and connected Riemannian manifold M, where lambda is a positive parameter, H is a continuous Hamiltonian, coercive in the momentum, and c is the associated critical value. Under these assumptions, the corresponding solutions u_[lambda]: Mtomathbb R are equi--bounded and equi--Lipschitz, hence they uniformly converge, along subsequences as the discount factor lambda goes to 0, to a viscosity solution of the critical equation H(x,d_x u)=c. Due to the lack of a comparison principle for this latter equation, it is not clear at this point that the solutions selected at the limit along different subsequences are the same. When H is additionally assumed convex in the momentum, we prove that the u_[lambda] uniformly converge to a specific solution of the critical equation, characterized in terms of a class of probability measures introduced in the framework of weak KAM Theory. This is a joint work with A. Fathi, R. Iturriaga and M. Zavidovique.

Mercoledì 14 maggio 2014
Ore 15:45, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Mingmin Shen (Università di Amsterdam)
On Fourier decomposition of the Chow ring of certain hyperkahler fourfolds
This is joint work with Charles Vial. I will explain how to define a Fourier transform using a conjecturally canonical codimension-2 cycle on the self product of certain hyperkahler fourfolds. Under certain conditions, the Fourier transform induces a decomposition of the Chow ring. I will explain how this can be carried out for the variety of lines on a cubic fourfold and the Hilbert scheme of two points on a K3 surface.

Giovedì 15 maggio 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario P(n): Problemi differenziali non lineari
Francesco Petitta (Università di Roma I)
Large solutions for singular elliptic and parabolic problems
In this talk I will discuss some recent results concerning the existence and uniqueness of large solutions for singular elliptic and parabolic problems. In the elliptic case a general condition on the absorption term of the 1-Laplace elliptic equation is given in order to get both existence and uniqueness. This condition can be considered as the correspondent Keller-Osserman condition for the p-Laplacian in the case p = 1. In the framework of parabolic p-Laplace equations we will show how existence and uniqueness of suitable large solutions can be obtained for singular problems (i.e. 1 < = p < 2) without the presence of lower order absorption terms. All these results have been obtained in collaboration with Salvador Moll (Universitat de Valencia).

Venerdì 16 maggio 2014
Ore 11:00, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Logica Matematica
Margherita Zorzi
Quantum Computing, Linear Logic and Lambda Calculi
One of the strongest trend in computer science is the (relatively recent) interest in exploiting new computing paradigms which go beyond the usual, classical one. Among these paradigms, quantum computing plays an important role. In the first part of the talk, we introduce some basic notions about quantum computing. In the second part, we explain the state of art of (functional) quantum languages, focusing on the crucial role played by Linear Logic and on the so called "quantum data+classical" control approach to computation. Finally, we briefly show how Geometry of Interaction represents a promising tool in order to address the challenging problem of the definition of (good) semantics for functional calculi.

Venerdì 16 maggio 2014
Ore 15:00, Aula INdAM
Albert Fathi (Ecole Normale Superieure)
Lyapunov Functions: Towards an Aubry-Mather theory for homeomorphisms?
This is a joint work with Pierre Pageault. For a homeomorphism h of a compact space, a Lyapunov function is a real valued function that is non-increasing along orbits for h. By looking at simple dynamical systems(=homeomorphisms) on the circle, we will see that there are systems which are topologically conjugate and have Lyapunov functions with various regularity. This will lead us to define barriers analogous to the well known Peierls barrier or to the Mañé potentialin Lagrangian systems. That will produce by analogy to Mather's theory of Lagrangian Systems an Aubry set which is the generalized recurrence set introduced in the 60's by Joe Auslander (via transfinite induction) and a Mañé set which is essentially Conley's chain recurrent set. No serious knowledge of Dynamical Systems is necessary to follow the lecture.

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