Module page
Programming languages for scientific computing
academic year: | 2017/2018 |
instructor: | Alessandra Seghini |
degree courses: | Mathematics (magistrale), I year Mathematics for applications (magistrale), I year |
credits: | 3 (24 class hours) |
teaching language: | italiano |
period: | II sem (06/03/2018 - 22/05/2018) |
Presence: highly recommended
Module aims: Aim of the course is to provide the essential elements of syntax language and to introduce the analysis and implementation of some basic algorithms to solve simple numerical problems. The students will be introduced to use fortran compiler on linux operating system.
Detailed module subject:
- Quick introduction about origin of progamming languages: machine languages, assembler languages and high-level languages; source code and executable code: compiler and linker.
- Fortran programming language:
- program stucture: compiler directive and executable statements.
- Variables and constants of intrinsic type; floting-point representation of real numbers; arrays of fixed size and allocatable arrays; derived data types.
- Operators and expressions.
- Control statements (IF contruct, CASE construct, DO construct).
- Procedures and functions; local and global variables; recursive subroutines.
- I/O instructions and operations on external files.
- Pointers.
- Analysis and implementation of simple algorithms.
- Use of fortran compiler in linux environment.
Suggested readings:
- STEPHEN J.CHAPMAN, Fortran 90/95 - Guida alla programmazione, Mc Graw Hill.
- METCALF & REID, Fortran 90/95 Explained, Oxford University Press.
- G. CIABURRO, Programmare con Fortran, Edizioni FAG
Type of course: standard
Useful link:
- gfortran - the GNU Fortran compiler: Documentazione, Download
- g95: a free, open source Fortran 95 compiler (per Linux e Windows)
- Expanded description of Fortran 90/95 intrinsic procedures, by S. J. Chapman
- Fortran Wiki Tutorials
- The University of Liverpool - Fortran 90 Course Notes
- Fortran 90 tutorial, by C-K. Shene, Department of Computer Science,Michigan Technological University
- gnuplot programma per disegnare grafici 2D e 3D
Prerequisites: There are no special prerequisites but knowledge of programming skills in any language is certainly useful.
Knowledge and understanding: The student will know the function and the essential elements of languages.
Skills and attributes: The students will be able to write and run simple codes for the solution of elementary numerical problems.
Personal study: the percentage of personal study required by this course is the 50% of the total.