Module page

Fisica generale I                  

academic year:   2013/2014
instructor:  Giovanni Battista Bachelet
degree course:  Mathematics - DM 270/04 (triennale)
type of training activity:  di base
credits:  9 (72 class hours)
scientific sector:  FIS/01 Fisica sperimentale
teaching language:  italiano
program:   I-Z
period:  I sem (01/10/2013 - 18/01/2014)

Lecture meeting time and location

Presence: highly recommended

Module subject:

  • Mechanics:
    Kinematics, Newton's laws and dynamics, work and energy, conservation laws, oscillatory motion, systems of particles, collisions.
  • Thermodynamics:
    Temperature, thermodynamic equilibrium, first and second laws of thermodynamics, equation of ideal gas, cycle of Carnot, Entropy, kinetic theory of gas.

Suggested reading: V. Ferrari - C. Luci- C. Mariani - A. Pelissetto
Fisica I - Meccanica e Termodinamica
Editore: Idelson- Gnocchi ISBN: 9788879474887 Volume: primo

Type of course: standard

Knowledge and understanding:
Successful students will be able to deal with basic topics concerning Mechanics and Thermodynamics. They will become proficient and acquainted with subjects such as work and energy, conservation laws.

Skills and attributes:
Successful students will be able to solve problems of mechanics and thermodynamics by applying the main laws of Physics.

Personal study: the percentage of personal study required by this course is the 65% of the total.

Examination dates on Infostud

Statistical data on examinations

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma