PhD research topic - Alessandra Faggionato
Research areas
Probability, Mathematical Physics
Stochastic processes, statistical physics, disordered/glassy systems.
Research topics
My interest is mainly for stochastic processes and mathematical physics (out-of-equilibrium statistical physics and dynamics in disordered/glassy systems). In particular my research has covered the following topics: Hydrodynamic limit of interacting particle systems in random environment; Random walks in random environment; Random walks in dynamic random environment; Mott variable range hopping; Piecewise deterministic Markov processes; Large deviations of empirical measure, flow, current; Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry (fluctuation theorems); Discrete kinetic models of molecular motors; Kinetically constrained models; Coalescence processes; h-extrema of Brownian motion; Plaquette models for glassy dynamics; aging; random resistor networks; linear response theory.
[1] A. Faggionato, N. Gantert, M. Salvi. The velocity of 1d Mott variable range random walk with external field. Ann. Inst. H. Poincar ´e Probab. Statist. To Appear.
[2] P. Chleboun, A. Faggionato, F. Martinelli. Relaxation to equilibrium of generalized East processes on Z^d: renormalization group analysis and energy–entropy competition. Ann. Probab. 44, n.3, 1817–1863 (2016).
[3] L. Bertini, A. Faggionato, D. Gabrielli. Large deviations of the empirical flow for continuous time Markov chains. Ann. Inst. H. Poincar ´e Probab. Statist. 51, 867–900 (2015).