PhD research topic - Paolo Buttà
Research areas
Mathematical physics
Interface dynamics, stochastic PDEs, interacting particle systems, kinetic models, fluid dynamics.
Research topics
My research activity mainly concerns the derivation of collective and macroscopic properties of systems with many degrees of freedom, in the frame of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, kinetic theories, and fluid mechanics. Such as:
i) long-time behavior of Hamiltonian systems with infinitely many degrees of freeedom;
ii) microscopic models of viscous friction;
iii) sharp interface limit of systems undergoing a first order phase transition which are modeled as stochastic perturbations of local mean-field evolutionary equations;
iv) macroscopic description of incompressible fluids with concentrated vorticity;
v) kinetic models of self-propelled particles.
[1] P. Buttà, E. Caglioti, S. Di Ruzza, C. Marchioro, On the propagation of a perturbation in an anharmonic system, J. Stat. Phys. 127 (2007), 313-325.
[2] P. Buttà, G. Cavallaro, C. Marchioro: Mathematical models of viscous friction. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2135, Springer (2015).
[3] L. Bertini, P. Buttà, A. Pisante, Stochastic Allen-Cahn approximation of the mean curvature flow: large deviations upper bound, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 224 (2017), 659-707.
[4] P. Buttà, C. Marchioro, Long time evolution of concentrated Euler flows with planar symmetry, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 50 (2018), 735-760.