Editor di testi (emacs, xemacs, pico,etc)
TeX (latex, pdflatex, etc + kile ambiente di sviluppo)
Compilatori gcc, g++, gfortran
Python, con i moduli matplotlib, numpy, scipy
Java, eclipse
Programmi per la lettura e la conversione di file dvi, ps, pdf (xdvi, a2ps, dvips, evince)
Programmi per la grafica e la visualizzazione di grafici ed immagini (gnuplot,gimp etc.)
Claw (Conservation LAW PACKage)
CoCoA (Computations in Commutative Algebra)
GAP (Groups, Algorithms and Programming)
GeoGebra (Dynamic Geometry, Algebra and Calculus for Schools)
Kexi (data management application, competitor for programs like MS Access or Filemaker)
Matlab (con toolbox PDE, Optimization, Image Processing e Statistics)
Octave, Scilab, FreeFEM++
Polymake (tool to study the combinatorics and the geometry of convex polytopes and polyhedra)
R (Statistical Data Analysis)
Rstudio (Integrated development environment for R)
SQLite (SQL database engine)
Xcas/giac (free computer algebra system to perform computer algebra, geometry 2-d and 3-d, and spreadsheet) |