Elenco delle pubblicazioni scientifiche di Gabriele Mondello

Compattificazioni di Deligne-Mumford dello spazio dei moduli delle curve con strutture di livello, Tesi di Laurea (2000).
Combinatorial classes on the moduli space of curves are tautological (2003), Tesi di Perfezionamento.

Combinatorial classes on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces are tautological, Int. Math. Res. Not.  2004,  no. 44, 2329-2390.

A remark on the homotopical dimension of some moduli spaces of stable Riemann surfaces, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 2008, no. 1, vol. 10, pp. 231-241.

Triangulated Riemann surfaces with boundary and the Weil-Petersson Poisson structure, J. Differential Geometry 81 (2009), pp. 391-436.

Riemann surfaces, ribbon graphs and combinatorial classes, "Handbook of Teichmüller theory, vol.2", European Mathematical Society, ed. Athanase Papadopoulos(2009), pp. 151-216.

Riemann surfaces, arc systems and Weil-Petersson form, Bollettino U.M.I. (9) I (2008), pp. 751-766.

A criterion of convergence in the augmented Teichmüller space, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 41 (2009), pp. 733-746.

Riemann surfaces with boundary and natural triangulations of the Teichmüller space, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 13 (2011), pp. 635-684.

Poisson structures on the Teichmüller space of hyperbolic surfaces with conical points, in In the Tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, V, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 510, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010, pp. 307-329.

A cyclic extension of the earthquake flow (con Francesco Bonsante e Jean-Marc Schlenker), Geometry & Topology 17 (2013), pp. 157-234.

Two remarks on the Weierstrass flag (con Enrico Arbarello), “Conference on Compact Moduli and Vector Bundles”, University of Georgia, Athens GA 21-24/10/2010, Contemporary Mathematics 564 (2012), pp. 137-144

A cyclic extension of the earthquake flow II (con Francesco Bonsante e Jean-Marc Schlenker), accettato per la pubblicazione su Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér.

The fine structure of the moduli space of abelian differentials in genus 3 (con Eduard Looijenga), Geom. Dedicata 169 (2014), pp. 109-128.

On the cohomological dimension of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces (2014), inviato ad una rivista per la pubblicazione.

Stratifications of the moduli space of curves and related questions, Rendiconti di Matematica, Serie VII,  35 (2014), pp. 131 – 158.