di Stefano Marchiafava
Personal data
Born April 28,1943 in Rome, Italy
Professional Address: Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di Matematica, P.le A. Moro 2, 00185- Roma, Italy
tel. (39)-06-4991-3246 - fax: (39)-06-44701007 - e-mail: marchiaf@
Laurea in Matematica (Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza", 1965)
Academic position
Professore ordinario I fascia (Geometria) (Facolta' di Scienze Mat. Fis. Nat. della Univ. di Roma "La Sapienza", 1981)
Unione Matematica Italiana, European Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, Mathematical Association of America, Societe' Mathematique de France
Research interests
Differential geometry, with special regard to quaternionic geometry and related structures.
Professional Activities
Member of G.N.S.A.G.A. (Gruppo Naz. Strutt. Alg. Geom.
Appl.) of I.N.d.A.M.
Organizing member of the Seminar of Algebraic and Differential Topology of the Mathematical Department "G. Castelnuovo".
Responsible for the local Unit of Rome I of the national projects "Geometric properties of real and complex manifolds" co-financed by M.U.R.S.T. (Ministero Univ. Ric. Scient. Tecn.) 1998-2000-2002 and "Riemannian Geometry and Differentiable structures" co-financed by M.U.R. (Ministero Univ. Ric.) 2005-2007.
Member of the European Research Training Network EDGE (European Diff. Geom. Endeavour), Rome node (2000/04).
Referee for several International Journals.
Participation to the research programs "Quaternionic and hyper-Kaehler manifolds, spinor fields and twistor theory" (academic year 1994/95) and "Holonomy groups in differential geometry" (1999 Fall Semester) organized by the Institute E.S.I. of Vienna.
Participation as invited lecturer to international congresses (Mulhouse 1989, Bucarest 1991/93, Debrecen 1994, Sibiu 1997, Brno 1998, Granada and Debrecen 2000, Varna 1998 and 2001, Timisoara 2001, Budapest 2002, Cluj-Napoca 2003, Belgrade and Deva 2005, Bedlewo 2006 and 2011, Lecce and Bucarest 2007, Luxembourg 2009 and 2012).
Participation to the Organizing Committee of national and international Congresses, as the "Meeting on Quaternionic Structures in Mathematics and Physics", Trieste, Sept. 1994 (, the "Workshop on Differential Geometry and Topology" Palermo, June 1996, the meeting "Recent Developments in Diff. Geom." Roma, June 1996, the "Second meeting on Quaternionic Structures in Mathematics and Physics" Roma, Sept. 1999 (
Member of the
- Scientific Committee of the workshop "The first int. Workshop on Diff. Geometry", Bucarest, July 1993 - Program Committee of the "Conference on Differential Geometry", Budapest, July 1996 - Scientific Committee of the Workshops "Complex structures and vector fields" Varna, Bulgaria, 1998; "Second meeting on Quaternionic Structures in Mathematics and Physics" Roma, Sept. 1999 ( - Program Committee of the "Colloquium on Differential geometry", Debrecen July 2000; of the Scientific Committee of the "Black Sea EDGE Workshop, Albena, Bulgaria, July 2003 - Scientific Committee of the Workshop "Curvature in Geometry", Lecce, June 2003. Organizer, together with
h D. Blair (Michigan State Univ.), of the special session "Complex, Contact and Quaternionic Geometry" at the "First Joint International Meeting A.M.S. - U.M.I, June 12-16, 2002". Organizer of the workshops "Heat equation and curvature flows", Roma, settembre 2004 ( and ''Symmetry in Geometry and Physics'', Roma, September 14-17, 2005. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Workshop "GLAM, Global Analysis on Manifolds", Roma, September 8-10, 2008.
Several scientific collaborations with italian and foreign mathematicians.
Over 45 publications on international mathematical journals and on books.
Publications in 3 last years
between quaternionic manifolds", Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, vol. IX, issue 1, p. 47-67,(2010), doi: 10.2422/2036-2145.2010.1.0
IANUS S., MARCHIAFAVA S., VILCU G.E. "Paraquaternionic CR-submanifolds of paraquaternionic Kaehler manifolds and semi-riemannian submersions, Central Eurean Journal of Mathematics , vol. 8, pp. 735-753, (2010)
LAWRINOWICZ J., MARCHIAFAVA S., NIEMCZYNOWICZ A. ''An approach to models of order-disorder and Ising lattices, Advances in applied Clifford algebras , vol. 20, pp. 733-743, (2010)
MARCHIAFAVA S., ORNEA L., PANTILIE R. "Twistor theory for CR quaternionic manifolds and related structures, Monatshefte fuer Mathematik , vol. 167, p. 531-545, (2010)
MARCHIAFAVA S., PANTILIE R. "Twistor theory for co-CR quaternionic manifolds and related structures", Israel Journal of Mathematics , pp. 1-25 (in print)
MARCHIAFAVA S., PANTILIE R., "A note on CR-quaternionic maps", Advances in Geometry , pp. 1-8, in print
Activity as editor
Proceedings of the Meeting "Quaternionic Structures in Mathematics and Physics" held in Trieste, September 5-9, 1994. Edited by G. Gentili, S. Marchiafava and M. Pontecorvo. The papers are available electronically at International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Laboratorio Interdisciplinare per le Scienze Naturali ed Umanistiche, Trieste, 1998. front matter+267 pp. (electronic).
Proceedings of the "Workshop on Differential Geometry and Topology". Held in Palermo, June 6--9, 1996. Edited by Renata Grimaldi and Stefano Marchiafava. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) Suppl. No. 49 (1997). Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Palermo, 1997. pp. 1--287.
Proceedings of the "2nd Meeting on Quaternionic Structures in Mathematics and Physics". Held in Rome, September 6--10, 1999. Edited by S. Marchiafava, P. Piccinni and M. Pontecorvo. Printed electronically on the e-library of EMS and in paper version by World Scientific, 2001.