Guida rapida ai comandi Vi.

Vi filename...
Text editor with the following commands (in command mode, unless preceded by a :)
a Add text
cc Substitute a line with a string <enters insert mode>
cw Substitute, or change, a word with a string <enters insert mode>
dd Delete the entire line the cursor is on
dw Delete the word, or portion of the word, under and after the cursor
h Move left, or "west", one character
i Mnsert text under the cursor <enters insert mode>
j Move down, or "south", one line
k Move up, or "north", one line
l Move right, or "east", one character
o Insert text on a new blank line after the current line <enters insert mode>
O Insert text on a new blank line before the current line <enters insert mode>
s Substitute a character with a string
x Delete the character under the cursor
:q Quit vi
:q! Quit vi, without writing changes
:w Save, or write a file