Notiziario Scientifico

Notiziario dei seminari di carattere matematico
a cura del Dipartimento di Matematica Guido Castelnuovo, Sapienza Università di Roma

Settimana dal 21-03-2022 al 27-03-2022

Martedì 22 marzo 2022
Ore 14:30, Aula Dal Passo, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Tor Vergata
Seminari di Geometria
Davide Lombardo (Universita' di Pisa)
On the distribution of rational points on ramified covers of abelian varieties
Let A be an abelian variety over a number field K, with A(K) Zariski-dense in A. In this talk I will show that for every irreducible ramified cover π : X → A the set A(K) \ π (X(K)) of K-rational points of A that do not lift to X(K) is still Zariski-dense in A, and that in fact it even contains a finite-index coset of A(K). This result is motivated by Lang's conjecture on the distribution of rational points on varieties of general type and confirms a conjecture of Corvaja and Zannier concerning the "weak Hilbert property" in the special case of abelian varieties.
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Martedì 22 marzo 2022
Ore 15:00, Sala di Consiglio e via zoom ID riunione: 867 4440 2839 Passcode: MDN, Dipartimento di Matematica, Sapienza Università di Roma
Seminario di Modellistica Differenziale Numerica
Anna Thünen (Clausthal University of Technology)
Multiscale Control of Stackelberg Games
We introduce a bilevel problem of the optimal control of an interacting agent system that can be interpreted as as Stackelberg game with a large number of followers. It is shown that the model is well posed by providing conditions that allow to formally reduce the problem to a single level unconstrained problem. The mean-field limit is derived formally for infinitely many followers at three different stages of the optimization and the commutativity of these operations (the mean-field limit and first-order optimality on leader and on follower level) is studied. Further, we establish conditions for consistency for the relation between bilevel optimization and mean-field limit. Finally, we propose a numerical method based on the derived models and present numerical examples.
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Martedì 22 marzo 2022
Ore 16:00, Aula "Dal Passo" and online on this link, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Seminario di Analisi Matematica
Piero Montecchiari (Università Politecnica Delle Marche)
Nondegeneracy Conditions and Multiplicity of Solutions for Differential Equations
We discuss some results about the existence and multiplicity problem of different kind of entire solutions for some systems of semilinear elliptic equations, including the Allen Cahn and the NLS type models, under weak global non degeneracy conditions.
NB:This talk is part of the activity of the MIUR Excellence Department Project MATH@TOV CUP E83C18000100006
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Martedì 22 marzo 2022
Ore 16:00 [Si NOTINO il giorno e l'orario inusuali!], Aula 211, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università degli Studi RomaTre
Seminario di Fisica Matematica
Giovanni Gallavotti (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Un lavoro giovanile di Boltzmann, l'ipotesi ergodica e il teorema KAM
Nel 1868 Boltzmann propose un esempio di sistema ergodico; la sua proposta è un esempio (il primo in assoluto) dell'importanza della distribuzione microcanonica. Il lavoro si presta a ulteriori sviluppi (anche molto recenti): in vari lavori una mia congettura (2014) è stata studiata in collaborazione con I. Jauslin e precisata in molti dettagli. E' stata infine dimostrata da G.Felder e generalizzata da Lei-Zhao. Cercherò di illustrare il lavoro di Boltzmann, la genesi della congettura, i risultati ottenuti e alcuni problemi che restano. Ci sarà la possibilità di seguire il seminario in remoto, cliccando sul seguente Link

Mercoledì 23 marzo 2022
Ore 14:00, Sala di Consiglio, Dipartimento di Matematica, Sapienza Università di Roma
seminario di Algebra e Geometria
François Charles (ENS/DMA)
Geometry of numbers in infinite rank and an arithmetic analogue of affine varieties
I will outline how to extend classical results in the theory of euclidean lattices to infinite rank. When applied to polynomial rings, these results will allow us to describe an analogue in arithmetic geometry to the notion of affine algebraic variety. We will provide applications to the study of approximation of holomorphic functions by polynomials with integral coefficients. Joint work with Jean-Benoît Bost.
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Giovedì 24 marzo 2022
Ore 14:15, Aula M1, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università Roma Tre
Seminario di geometria
François Charles (ENS)
Formal-analytic geometry in dimension 2
We will describe the geometry of so-called formal-analytic arithmetic surfaces, which are an arithmetic analogue of neighborhoods of curves embedded in complex surfaces. We will study those under some positivity assumptions, proving a simple inequality that will allow us to prove an algebraization theorem that generalizes a result of Calegari-Dimitrov-Tang, as well, as bounds on fundamental groups. This is joint work with Jean-Benoît Bost.
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Giovedì 24 marzo 2022
Ore 14:30, Sala di Consiglio -, Dipartimento di Matematica, Sapienza Università di Roma
P(n)/N(p) : Problemi differenziali nonlineari/Nonlinear differential problems
Gaetano Siciliano (Universidade de São Paulo e Università di Bari)
Critical points at prescribed energy level
In the talk we discuss the existence of multiple critical points for abstract energy functionals depending on a parameter under the constraint of fixed energy level. We use the Ljusternick-Schnirelmann Theory and the method of nonlinear generalized Rayleigh quotient developed by Il’yasov to obtain general results which are then applied to some elliptic PDEs giving existence of solutions and bifurcation results.
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Venerdì 25 marzo 2022
Ore 14:30, Aula "Roberta Dal Passo", Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar
Andrea Santi (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
G(3) supergeometry and a supersymmetric extension of the Hilbert--Cartan equation
I will report on the realization of the simple Lie superalgebra \(G(3)\) as symmetry superalgebra of various geometric structures -- most importantly super-versions of the Hilbert--Cartan equation and Cartan's involutive system that exhibit \(G(2)\) symmetry -- and compute, via Spencer cohomology groups, the Tanaka--Weisfeiler prolongation of the negatively graded Lie superalgebras associated with two particular choices of parabolics. I will then discuss non-holonomic superdistributions with growth vector \((2|4,1|2,2|0)\) obtained as super-deformations of rank 2 distributions in a 5-dimensional space, and show that the second Spencer cohomology group gives a binary quadric, thereby providing a ``square-root'' of Cartan's classical binary quartic invariant for \((2,3,5)\)-distributions. This is a joint work with B. Kruglikov and D. The.
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