Notiziario Scientifico

Notiziario dei seminari di carattere matematico
a cura del Dipartimento 'G. Castelnuovo'
Sapienza Università di Roma

Settimana dal 22 al 28 gennaio 2018

Lunedì 22 gennaio 2018
Ore 11:30, aula 311, Università di Roma Tre, largo san Leonardo Murialdo 1
seminario di Fisica Matematica
N.J.B. Aza (Universidade de Sao Paulo)
On Large Deviation Principles and Lattice Fermion Systems
In this talk, I will present the existence of Large Deviation Principles in the scope of fermionic systems at equilibrium. The physical motivations beyond these studies are experimental measures of electric resistance of nanowires in silicon doped with phosphorus atoms. The latter demonstrates that quantum effects on charge transport almost disappear for nanowires of lengths larger than a few nanometers, even at a very low temperature (4.2 K). This presentation is closely related to proving (mathematically speaking) for interacting fermions (in presence of impurities) at equilibrium these experimental results. In the first part, I will describe the existence of a Large Deviation Principle for free fermion systems subjected to external electric fields. After that, I will state that for weakly interacting fermions on the lattice, the logarithm moment generating function of probability distributions associated with KMS states can be written as the limit of logarithms of Gaussian Berezin integrals. The covariances of the Gaussian integrals are shown to have a uniform determinant bound and to be summable even in the disorder setting. Finally, I will discuss how to prove a Large Deviation Principle for current observables in the interacting setting. Based on joint works with J.B. Bru and W. de Siqueira Pedra.

Lunedì 22 gennaio 2018
Ore 14:15, aula di Consiglio
seminario di Equazioni Differenziali
Juan Casado Diaz (Universidad de Sevilla)
A semi-linear Dirichet problem with a singular term at u=0 which can change the sign
In this work in collaboration with Francois Murat, we consider an elliptic equation of second order with a homogeneous Dirichlet condition where the right-hand side F(x,u) tends to plus infinity when u tends to zero. This problem has been considered by several authors when F is nonnegative. Here we show that even if F changes the sign there always exists a nonnegative solution and it is unique if if F(x,u) is non-increasing in u. If F(x,u)≥c/|u| with c>0 in the set -d<u<0, for some d>0, then we prove that all the solutions are nonnegative. An example in dimension one shows that this is not the case if this condition is not satisfied.

Lunedì 22 gennaio 2018
Ore 16:00, aula di Consiglio
seminario di Probabilità
A. Chiarini (ETH Zurigo)
Invariance principle for the degenerate dynamic random conductance model
After the brilliant result of Papanicolau and Varadhan (1979) in the case of bounded stationary and ergodic environments, there has been a recent upsurge in the research of quenched homogenization in random media. In particular, to identify the optimal conditions that a general stationary and ergodic environment must satisfy in order to obtain the convergence to a non-degenerate Brownian motion, is still an open problem. In this talk, we study a continuous-time random walk on Zd in an environment of dynamic random conductances. We assume that the law of the conductances is ergodic and stationary with respect to space-time shifts. We prove a quenched invariance principle for the random walk under some moment conditions on the environment. The key result on the sublinearity of the corrector is obtained by the celebrated Moser's iteration scheme. This is joint work with S. Andres, J-D. Deuschel and M. Slowik.

Martedì 23 gennaio 2018
Ore 11:00, aula 211, Università di Roma Tre, largo san Leonardo Murialdo 1
minicorso di Geometria
Stefano Urbinati (Università di Padova)
Polyhedral structures in algebraic geometry, I
Algebraic geometry studies the zero locus of polynomial equations connecting the related algebraic and geometrical structures. In several cases, nevertheless the theory is extremely precise and elegant, it is hard to read in a simple way the information behind such structures. A possible way of avoiding this problem is that of associating to polynomials some polyhedral structures that immediately give some of the information connected to the zero locus of the polynomial. In relation to this strategy I will introduce Newton-Okounkov bodies and Tropical Geometry, underlying the connection between the two theories. I will conclude stating a recent result in collaboration with E. Postinghel, where the interplay of tropical geometry and Newton-Okounkov bodies gives a flat degeneration for Mori Dream Spaces.

Martedì 23 gennaio 2018
Ore 14:00, aula B
seminario di Geometria Algebrica
Kieran O'Grady (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Jacobiana intermedia di varietà hyperkaehler di tipo Kummer generalizzata, II
Discuterò la costruzione di Kuga-Satake che associa a ogni varietà hyperkaehler proiettiva X una varietà abeliana di dimensione 2n, dove n=b_2(X)-3. Se X è una varietà iperkaehler di tipo Kummer, il gruppo di coomologia H3(X) ha dimensione 8, e quindi la Jacobiana intermedia J3(X) è un toro complesso compatto di dimensione 4, proiettivo se X è proiettiva. Farò vedere come ricostruire esplicitamente J3(X) a partire dalla struttura di Hodge su H2(X). Seguirà che la varietà di Kuga-Satake di una X proiettiva è il prodotto di 4 copie di J3(X). Segue anche che, se X è proiettiva, allora J3(X) è una varietà abeliana di tipo Weil. Lo studio di J3(X) suggerisce come (tentare di) costruire famiglie esplicite localmente complete di varietà iperkaehler di tipo Kummer proiettive.

Martedì 23 gennaio 2018
Ore 14:30, aula Dal Passo, dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, viale della Ricerca Scientifica 1
seminario di Equazioni Differenziali
Emanuele Haus (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Time quasi-periodic gravity water waves in finite depth
We prove the existence and the linear stability of Cantor families of small amplitude time quasi-periodic standing water wave solutions -i.e. periodic and even in the space variable x- of a bi-dimensional ocean with finite depth under the action of pure gravity. Such a result holds for all the values of the depth parameter in a Borel set of asymptotically full measure. This is a small divisor problem. The main difficulties are the quasi-linear nature of the gravity water waves equations and the fact that the linear frequencies grow just in a sublinear way at infinity. To overcome these problems, we first reduce the linearized operators obtained at each approximate quasi-periodic solution along the Nash-Moser iteration to constant coefficients up to smoothing operators, using pseudo-differential changes of variables that are quasi-periodic in time. Then we apply a KAM reducibility scheme that requires very weak Melnikov non-resonance conditions (which lose derivatives both in time and space), which we are able to verify for most values of the depth parameter using degenerate KAM theory arguments. This is a joint work with P. Baldi, M. Berti and R. Montalto.

Martedì 23 gennaio 2018
Ore 14:30, aula De Vecchi piccola, Università di Roma Tre, Via della Madonna dei Monti 40
seminario di Geometria
Benjamin Charlier (Institut Montpellierain Alexander Grothendieck (IMAG), Université de Montpellier)
About the Functional Shape framework
Functional shapes can be described as signal functions supported on varying geometrical supports. Typical examples are segmented surface medical brain imaging (e.g. cortical surface) on which a signal is defined (e.g. a thickness). Analyzing variability of fshapes' ensembles requires the modeling and quantification of joint variations in geometry and signal, which have been treated separately in previous approaches. Instead, building on the ideas of shape spaces for purely geometrical objects, we propose the extended concept of fshape bundles and define Riemannian metrics for fshape metamorphoses to model geometric-functional transformations within these bundles. We also generalize previous works on data attachment terms based on the notion of varifolds and demonstrate the utility of these distances that do not require a point to point correspondence. This talk will contain a lot of examples to give an idea of the possible applications. I will also give a broad overview of the mathematical results that we have used in this work. The balance between applications and theoretical results can be modified depending on the interests of the audience. This work has been done with N. Charon and A. Trouvé.

Martedì 23 gennaio 2018
Ore 15:00, aula di Consilgio
seminario di Modellistica Differenziale Numerica
Margherita Porcelli (Università di Firenze)
Preconditioning semismooth Newton methods for optimal control problems with L1-sparsity and control constraints
PDE-constrained optimization aims at finding optimal setups for partial differential equations so that relevant quantities are minimized. Including sparsity promoting terms in the formulation of such problems results in more practically relevant computed controls but adds more challenges to the numerical solution of these problems. The needed L1-terms as well as additional inclusion of box control constraints require the use of semismooth Newton methods. We propose robust preconditioners for different formulations of the Newton's equation. With the inclusion of a line-search strategy and an inexact approach for the solution of the linear systems, the resulting semismooth Newton's method is reliable for practical problems. We present results on the theoretical analysis of the preconditioned matrix and numerical experiments that illustrate the robustness of the proposed scheme. This is joint work with Valeria Simoncini and Martin Stoll.

Martedì 23 gennaio 2018
Ore 16:00, aula D'Antoni, dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, viale della Ricerca Scientifica 1
seminario di Analisi Complessa
Anna Miriam Benini (Universitat de Barcelona)
Singular values and non-repelling cycles for entire transcendental maps
Let f be a map with bounded set of singular values for which periodic dynamic rays exist and land. We prove that each non-repelling cycle is associated to a singular orbit which cannot accumulate on any other non-repelling cycle. When f has finitely many singular values this implies a refinement of the Fatou-Shishikura inequality. Our approach is combinatorial in the spirit of the approach used by [Ki00], [BCL+16] for polynomials

Mercoledì 24 gennaio 2018
Ore 15:00, aula I
Adele La Rana (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Le origini della ricerca delle onde gravitazionali in Italia
A partire dalla metà degli anni Cinquanta, il risveglio dell'interesse verso le verifiche sperimentali della Relatività Generale riporta la teoria di Einstein dall'ambito della ricerca matematica a quello dell'indagine fisica. Allo stesso tempo, la necessità di interpretare le nuove straordinarie osservazioni in campo astrofisico -le quasar (1963), la radiazione cosmica di fondo (1964), le pulsar (1967)- riassegna alla Relatività un ruolo fondamentale, con la nascita dell'astrofisica relativistica. A Roma fioriscono sinergie tra fisici e matematici relativisti. In questo contesto internazionale e interdisciplinare si sviluppa, già dal 1959-60, l'interesse di Edoardo Amaldi per gli esperimenti sulla gravità e in particolare per la rivelazione delle onde gravitazionali. Nella comunità scientifica internazionale l'interesse per le onde gravitazionali cresce rapidamente a partire dalla fine degli anni Sessanta, stimolato da alcuni articoli di Joseph Weber, padre dei rivelatori a barre risonanti, che con convinzione crescente sostiene di aver rivelato i primi segnali gravitazionali. Nei primi anni Settanta, in Italia le attività sperimentali per la rivelazione delle onde gravitazionali sono due: una a Frascati, presso l'European Space Research Institute (ESRIN), portata avanti da Karl Maischberger e Donato Bramanti fin dal 1969, con il sostegno del fisico teorico relativista Bruno Bertotti; la seconda intrapresa nel 1971 dal gruppo di Edoardo Amaldi e Guido Pizzella dell'Università Sapienza di Roma. Questa seconda attività ha aperto la strada al settore dei rivelatori a barre risonanti criogenici, che hanno dominato la ricerca italiana (e internazionale) delle onde gravitazionali fino agli anni Novanta, quando ha avuto inizio la costruzione della grande antenna interferometrica italo-francese Virgo, sotto la guida di Alain Brillet e Adalberto Giazotto.

Giovedì 25 gennaio 2018
Ore 11:00, aula 211, Università di Roma Tre, largo san Leonardo Murialdo 1
minicorso di Geometria
Stefano Urbinati (Università di Padova)
Polyhedral structures in algebraic geometry, II

Giovedì 25 gennaio 2018
Ore 14:30, aula di Consiglio
seminario P(n)/N(p)
Chiara Leone (Università di Napoli Federico II)
Lipschitz regularity for orthotropic p-harmonic functions
In this seminar, we discuss a variant of the p-Laplacian operator, which arises as the first variation of a suitable Dirichlet integral. The corresponding elliptic equation, called the p-orthotropic equation, is much more degenerate than that for the standard p-Laplacian operator and regularity of solutions appears to be a difficult issue. We will show that local weak solutions of the orthotropic p-harmonic equation are locally Lipschitz, for every p>2 and in every dimension. The results presented are contained in a recent paper in collaboration with Pierre Bousquet (Toulouse), Lorenzo Brasco (Ferrara) and Anna Verde (Napoli).

Giovedì 25 gennaio 2018
Ore 14:30, aula 211, Università di Roma Tre, largo san Leonardo Murialdo 1
seminario di Geometria
Stefano Urbinati (Università di Padova)
Newton-Okounkov bodies over discrete valuation rings
In this talk I will present some surprising relations between Baker-Norine theory of linear systems on graphs and Newton-Okounkov bodies over discrete valuation rings. This can be thought as a step further connecting Tropical Geometry and Newton-Okounkov bodies. This is joint work with Eric Katz.

Giovedì 25 gannaio 2018
Ore 15:30, aula Dal Passo, dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, viale della Ricerca Scientifica 1
colloquium di Dipartimento
M. Iannelli (Università di Trento)
2018, the year of Biomathematics: an overview for the centennial, along the trail of Volterra and Lotka

Venerdì 26 gennaio 2018
Ore 14:30, aula 311, Università di Roma Tre, largo san Leonardo Murialdo 1
seminario di Fisica Matematica
Y. Spinka (Tel Aviv University)
A condition for long-range order in discrete spin systems
We present a new condition for the existence of long-range order in discrete spin systems, which emphasizes the role of entropy and high dimension. The condition applies to all symmetric nearest-neighbor discrete spin systems with an interal symmetry of 'dominant phases'. Specific applications include a proof of Kotecky's conjecture (1985) on anti-ferromagnetic Potts models, a strengthening of results of Lebowitz-Gallavotti (1971) and Runnels-Lebowitz (1975) on Widom-Rowlinson models and of Burton-Steif (1994) on shifts of finite type, and a significant extension of results of Engbers-Galvin (2012) on random graph homomorphisms on the hypercube. Joint work with Ron Peled.

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