Notiziario Scientifico

Notiziario dei seminari di carattere matematico
a cura del Dipartimento 'G. Castelnuovo'
Sapienza Università di Roma

Settimana dal 9 al 15 ottobre 2017

Lunedì 9 ottobre 2017
Ore 14:14, aula di Consiglio
seminario di Equazioni Differenziali
Ireneo Peral (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Traveling between Dirichlet and Neumann. Applications

Martedì 10 ottobre 2017
Ore 13:00, aula Dal Passo, dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
seminario di Geometria Algebrica
Israel Vainsencher (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
Counting singular surfaces
How many surfaces of a given degree present singularities of some specified type and pass through an appropriate number of points? We focus on counting singular surfaces with certain non isolated singularities: e.g., Whitney's umbrella, quartics singular along atwisted cubic, etc. We give a proof for the polynomial nature of the formulae and make it explicit in a few cases. Conjecturally the degree of the formula is twice the dimension of the family of curves imposed in the singular locus. We manage to bound it by thrice that dimension. We draw essentially from previous joint work with Angelo Lopez and Fernando Cukierman.

Martedì 10 ottobre 2017
Ore 15:00, aula Dal Passo, dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
seminario di Equazioni Differenziali
Roberto Peirone (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
Existence of self-similar energies on finitely ramified fractals
An important problem in analysis on fractals is the construction of a self-similar energy on the fractal. An old conjecture is whether on a specific important class of finitely ramified self-similar fractals there exists a self-similar energy. In this talk, it is shown a recent example where we have no self-similar energy. On the other hand, a self-similar energy always exists if the self-similarity is considered with respect to a suitable set of maps that define the fractal.

Martedì 10 ottobre 2017
Ore 15:00, aula B, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università di Roma Tre, via della Vasca Navale 84
colloquio di Fisica
Nicoletta Mauri
Shedding light on the Dark Universe with the ESA Euclid satellite
Euclid is an ESA mission designed to explore the dark side of the Universe and to understand the nature of the dark energy responsible for its accelerated expansion. It will map the geometry of the dark Universe by investigating the distance-redshift relationship and the evolution of cosmic structures over the past 10 billion years. By measuring two cosmological probes simultaneously, the Weak Gravitational Lensing and the Galaxy Clustering (BAOs and Redshift-Space distorsions), Euclid will constrain dark energy, general relativity, dark matter and the initial conditions of the Universe with unprecedented accuracy. Each probe has a dedicated instrument in the payload: an imager in the visible domain (VIS) and an imager-spectrometer (NISP) covering the near infrared. The Euclid spacecraft will be launched in 2020 and will take data for over six years, observing more than 1 billion of galaxies with photometric redshift and more than 30 millions of spectra of galaxies. The combination of GC and WL over this huge data set will allow to reach a sensitivity at least an order of magnitude better than current limits on cosmological parameters as the ones characterising the dark energy equation of state and the sum of neutrino masses. In this talk, the Euclid mission, the instruments and the scientific reach will be presented.

Mercoledì 11 ottobre 2017
Ore 14:30, aula Picone
Simone Giovannini (Padova)
n-representation infinite algebras from McKay quivers of metacyclic groups
Tame hereditary algebras play an important role in the representation theory of associative algebras: over the complex numbers, they are classified by the simply laced extended Dynkin diagrams. Moreover the latter are in bijection, via the so-called McKay correspondence, with the finite subgroups of SL(2,C). In this talk we will show how this picture can be generalized in 'higher dimension'. In particular we will show how some families of finite subgroups of SL(n+1,C), with n greater or equal than 1, can be used to generate examples of n-representation infinite algebras, which are the generalization of tame hereditary algebras in the context of higher dimensional Auslander-Reiten theory.

Giovedì 12 ottobre 2017
Ore 14:30, aula 211, Università di Roma Tre, l.go san L. Murialdo 1
seminario di Geometria
Enrico Fatighenti (Università di Roma Tre)
Hodge Theory in Grassmannians and Fano varieties of K3 type
Subvarieties of Grassmannian (and especially Fano varieties) obtained from section of homogeneous vector bundles are far from being classified. A case of particular interest is given by the Fano varieties of K3 type, for their deep links with hyperkahler geometry. In this talk we will give a survey of some recent techniques we developed to study the Hodge theory of this particular class of varieties, and we will present some new examples.

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