Notiziario Scientifico

Notiziario dei Seminari di carattere matematico
a cura del Dipartimento 'G. Castelnuovo'
Sapienza Università di Roma

Settimana dal 29 febbraio al 6 marzo 2016

Lunedì 29 febbraio 2016
Ore 14:30, aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Analisi Matematica
Andrea Davini (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Convergence of the solutions of the discounted H-J equation
We consider a continuous coercive Hamiltonian on the cotangent bundle of the compact connected manifold M which is convex in the momentum. We prove that the viscosity solutions uλ of the critical Hamilton-Jacobi equation with positive discount factor λ converge uniformly, as λ goes to 0, to a specific solution u0 of the limit equation. We characterize u0 in terms of Peierls barrier and projected Mather measures. As a corollary, we infer that the ergodic approximation, as introduced by Lions, Papanicolaou and Varadhan in 1987 in their seminal paper on periodic homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, selects a specific corrector in the limit. The talk is based on a joint work with A. Fathi, R. Iturriaga and M. Zavidovique that will appear on Inventiones Mathematicae.

Martedì 1 marzo 2016
Ore 14:30, aula Dal Passo, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Seminario di Equazioni Differenziali
Annalisa Cesaroni (Università di Padova)
Homogenization of a mean field game system in the small noise limit
Mean field game systems describe the behaviour of a large population of identical agents who control their dynamics minimizing a cost which depends on the distribution law of the individual states. We consider the case in which the game takes place in a periodically heterogeneous medium, and the dynamics of the agents is disturbed by a (vanishing) white noise. We analyse the simultaneous effect of homogenization (assuming then that the frequency of heterogeneities in the medium is going to +∞) and of the small noise limit, for a 2nd order mean field games system with local coupling and quadratic Hamiltonian. An interesting feature of the problem is that generically the effective system loses the MFG structure. Joint work with N. Dirr (Cardiff) and C. Marchi (Padova).

Martedì 1 marzo 2016
Ore 15:00, aula F
Seminario di Didattica e Storia della Matematica
Enrico Rogora (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Considerazioni critiche sui modelli statistici per l'analisi dei test
I modelli statistici utilizzati nell'analisi dei test sono stati sviluppati per estrarre 'misure di abilità' dai risultati. Nel seminario si discuteranno alcune limitazioni intrinseche di tali misure e le possibili distorsioni nell'interpretazione dei dati che si possono originare nel non considerarle.

Martedì 1 marzo 2016
Ore 16:00, aula Picone
Seminario per insegnanti (Piano Lauree Scientifiche)
Dario Benedetto (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Problemi di matematica 'contestualizzati'

Mercoledì 2 marzo 2016
Ore 14:30, aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geoetria
Dennis Gaitsgory (Harvard)
Classical and geometric Langlands for functions fields
Let X be a curve over a finite field Fq and G a reductive group. On the automorphic side of Langlands one studies the moduli space Y=BunG(X) of principal G-bundles on X. The classical theory of automorphic functions studies the space of functions on Y(Fq) - the set of Fq-points of Y. The geometric theory studies the category of sheaves on Y defined of the algebraic closure of Fq. Langlands correspondence aims to relate both of these problems to the study of homomorphisms of the fundamental group of X to the Langlands dual group of G. In the talk we will explain what Langlands correspondence actually says in each of these contexts and how the two problems, the classical and the geometric, are related.

Giovedì 3 marzo 2016
Ore 14:15, aula di Consiglio
Seminario P(n)
Gianmaria Verzini (Politecnico di Milano)
Bifurcation and segregation in quadratic two-populations Mean Field Games systems
We consider a two-populations stationary Mean Field Games system, which describes Nash equilibria in differential games with identical players. In these models, each population consists of a very large number of indistinguishable rational agents, aiming at minimizing some long-time average criterion. Via the Hopf-Cole transformation, such system reduces to a semilinear elliptic one, for normalized densities. Firstly, we discuss existence of nontrivial solutions; secondly, for selected families of nontrivial solutions, we address the appearing of segregation in the vanishing viscosity limit.

Venerdì 4 marzo 2016
Ore 10:30, aula riunioni (primo piano), IAC-CNR, via dei Taurini 19
Seminario di Matematica Applicata
Abdul Barakat (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Mechanics and Atherosclerosis: From Cells to Smart Devices
The pathological complications of atherosclerosis, namely heart attacks and strokes, are the leading cause of mortality in the world. We are interested in understanding the development of atherosclerosis and in devising novel treatments for the disease. To this end, we are studying the role of mechanics in two central events in the development of atherosclerosis: dysfunction of the endothelial cells that line blood vessels and the increased movement of leukocytes from the bloodstream into the arterial wall. We are also investigating ways by which today's treatments for atherosclerosis, most notably stent performance, can be improved to minimize patient complications. Finally, we are exploring novel therapeutic and diagnostic pathways including nanoparticle-based targeted drug delivery and smart implantable devices. In this talk, I will provide an overview of our work on: 1) endothelial cell mechanotransduction, 2) leukocyte-endothelial interactions, 3) nanoparticle-based drug delivery, and 4) optimization of today's stents and development of tomorrow's smart and communicating stents.

Venerdì 4 marzo 2016
Ore 14:00, aula B
Corso di Dottorato
Lorenzo Bertini (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Grandi Deviazioni, I

Venerdì 4 marzo 2016
Ore 15:00, aula INdAM
Control, Dynamics and PDE's
Pierre Cardaliaguet (Univ. Paris Dauphine)
The master equation and the mean field limit in mean field games
In this joint work with F. Delarue, J.M. Lasry and P.L. Lions, we discuss the convergence of the Nash system for an N-Player differential game as N tends to infinity and the mean field limit of the optimal trajectories. The proof relies on the construction of a solution to the master equation, a transport equation in the space of probability measures.

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