Notiziario Scientifico

Notiziario dei Seminari di carattere matematico
a cura del Dipartimento 'G. Castelnuovo'
Sapienza Università di Roma

Settimana dall'8 al 14 febbraio 2016

Lunedì 8 febbraio 2016
Ore 14:30, aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Analisi Matematica
Pier Domenico Lamberti (Università di Padova)
Sensitivity analysis for the Lp Hardy constant
Given a bounded domain D in Rn and p in (1,∞), the Lp Hardy constant Hp is the best constant for the Hardy inequality in W1,p. In this talk we present monotonicity, continuity and differentiability results concerning the dependence of Hp on p. Time permitting, we shall also discuss the dependence of such constant on D. The focus is on non-convex domains in which case the value Hp is in general not explicitly known.

Lunedì 8 febbraio 2016
Ore 14:30, B
Corso di Dottorato
Giovanni Cerulli Irelli (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Quiver Grassmannians, I
Quiver Grassmannians are the natural generalization in the world of quivers of the usual Grassmannians of linear subspaces: given a representation M of a quiver Q and a dimension vector e, the quiver Grassmannians Gre(M) parametrizes subrepresentations of M of dimension vector e. We say that a quiver Grassmannian is of Dynkin type, if it is associated with a complex representation of a Dynkin quiver (i.e. an orientation of a simply-laced Dynkin diagram). In this lectures I will extensively recall the representation theory of (Dynkin) quivers. Then I will introduce quiver Grassmannians and some of their properties. Notice that every projective variety can be realized as a quiver Grassmannian, so we cannot expect to find general results. We will instead restrict our attention to 'generic' quiver Grassmannians of Dynkin type and we will prove several interesting geometric properties. Those varieties include flag varieties and some Schubert varieties of type A.

Martedì 9 febbraio 2016
Ore 12:00, aula 207, LUISS Guido Carli, viale Romania 32
Decision science community seminar @ LUISS
Roberto Cominetti (Universidad Adolfo Ibanez)
Risk measures and shortest paths in network games
We consider network congestion games with risk-averse players. We review some recent proposals for computing risk-sensitive optimal paths, starting from the simplest Markowitz approach based on mean-stdev optimization. This approach presents some significant drawbacks in terms of its computational complexity, lack of monotonicity, as well as a dynamic inconsistency phenomenon which arises when one re-evaluates an optimal path along the way. This inconsistency also affects other popular measures of risk such as VaR, CVaR, and semi-deviations. As a matter of fact, under minimal conditions, we show that the only risk measures that are dynamically consistent are the so-called 'entropic risk measures'. With these measures, and assuming that link travel times are independent, a risk-sensitive optimal path reduces to a standard shortest path problem which can be solved efficiently. This extends directly to equilibrium situations where the network is used concurrently by many players. However, link travel time correlations are to be expected in game situations, which gives rise to a number of issues and questions that will be pointed out during the talk. This talk is based on joint work with Alfredo Torrico.

Martedì 9 febbraio 2016
Ore 15:00, aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Modellistica Differenziale Numerica
Simone Cacace (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Un nuovo approccio alla risoluzione numerica di problemi ergodici per equazioni di Hamilton-Jacobi
L'approssimazione numerica della 'Hamiltoniana effettiva' costituisce un passo essenziale per l'analisi qualitativa di numerosi problemi di grande interesse applicativo, tra cui l'omogenizzazione e il comportamento asintotico di equazioni di Hamilton-Jacobi, la teoria KAM debole, i giochi a campo medio e la dinamica delle dislocazioni. Questa funzione gioca il ruolo di un autovalore generalizzato e la sua valutazione in ogni singolo punto richiede la risoluzione di un problema non lineare generalmente mal posto, il cosiddetto 'problema di cella'. In letteratura sono disponibili numerosi schemi numerici per la sua approssimazione, e tutti si basano principalmente su due approcci differenti: la regolarizzazione del problema di cella tramite problemi ben posti e la rappresentazione della Hamiltoniana effettiva tramite formule di tipo inf-sup. In questo seminario introdurrò un nuovo approccio numerico che permette la risoluzione 'diretta' del problema di cella, tramite un metodo di tipo Newton per sistemi inconsistenti di equazioni nonlineari. Attraverso una vasta collezione di esperimenti numerici, mostrerò come il nuovo metodo sia in grado di risolvere, in modo efficiente, problemi di cella per Hamiltoniane del primo e secondo ordine, convesse e non convesse, sistemi debolmente accoppiati, problemi non locali per le dislocazioni e giochi a campo medio, anche nel caso di più popolazioni in competizione. Lavoro in collaborazione con Fabio Camilli (SBAI Sapienza).

Mercoledì 10 febbraio 2016
Ore 14:30, aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Simon Riche (Clermont-Ferrand)
The geometry of modular representations of reductive algebraic groups
In this talk we will present a joint work with P. Achar which provides some equivalences of categories allowing to describe the principal block of a connected reductive algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic in terms of geometry (in fact both in terms of coherent sheaves and of constructible sheaves). This geometric picture is analogous to a similar picture for representations of Lusztig's quantum groups at a root of unity due to Arkhipov-Bezrukavnikov-Ginzburg, and is expected to help solving important questions in the representation theory of reductive groups. More directly, it allows to prove a 'graded analogue' of a conjecture by Finkelberg-Mirkovic.

Giovedì 11 febbraio 2016
Ore 14:15, aula di Consiglio
Seminario P(n)
Sergio de Moura Almaraz (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
On the set of conformal scalar-flat metrics on manifolds with boundary
Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary. In this talk I will be interested in the set of scalar-flat metrics on M which are in the conformal class of g and have the boundary as a constant mean curvature hypersurface. I will mainly focus on some compactness and noncompactness theorems concerning this set.

Giovedì 11 febbraio 2016
Ore 14:30, aula 211, Università di Roma Tre, largo san L. Murialdo,1
Seminario di Geometria
Jacopo Stoppa (Università di Pavia)
Some geometric structures on spaces of stability conditions
There is an expectation (arising in work of Bridgeland) that spaces of stability conditions should come with some additional geometric structure such as that of a Frobenius manifold. I will discuss some results in the toy model of finite length hearts with a well-defined Donaldson-Thomas theory. The upshot is that they come with natural formal families of infinite-dimensional Frobenius type and CV-structures in the sense of C. Hertling. A convergence result can be proved for the latter. Special collections of objects in the category reduce the structures to genuine, finite dimensional Frobenius manifolds. Joint work (partially in progress) with A. Barbieri and with T. Sutherland.

Giovedì 11 febbraio 2016
Ore 15:45, aula 211, Università di Roma Tre, largo san L. Murialdo,1
Seminario di Geometria
Tom Sutherland (Università di Pavia)
Quadratic differentials as stability conditions
I will introduce a class of triangulated categories associated to marked surfaces to which the results of the previous talk can be applied. Following Bridgeland-Smith stability conditions for such a category are given by certain meromorphic quadratic differentials and can be understood by studying their foliations. Finally I will discuss what we can learn about geometric structures on spaces of stability conditions from these examples.

Venerdì 12 febbraio 2016
Ore 12:00, aula di Consiglio
Esame finale di dottorato
Ilaria Spassiani (Sapienza Università di Roma)
A new version of the ETAS model for seismic events with correlated magnitudes

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