Notiziario Scientifico

Settimana dal 6 al 12 ottobre 2014

Lunedì 6 ottobre 2014
Ore 16:30, Aula C
Seminario di Probabilità e Fisica Statistica
Marco Ribezzi Crivellari (Universita' di Barcellona)
Experimental measurements of entropy production at the nano-scale: an application for the 'fluctuation theorems'
The study of non-equilibrium systems has led to several mathematically rigorous and general results on the statistics of entropy production in non-equilibrium systems. These results are generally known under the name of 'fluctuation theorems' and include the Gallavotti-Cohen theorem or the Jarzynski equality. My research focuses on performing experiments in which such results can be tested in real physical systems. I am interested in assessing their range of validity but even more interested in exploiting them to develop new measurement techniques. I will present some recent experiments, in which focused laser beams (optical tweezers) are used to perform thermodynamic transformations on single DNA molecules. As a first example I will show how to use fluctuation theorems to measure the free energy change across the transformation. As a second example I will discuss how, in specific cases, fluctuation theorems can be used to measure the full entropy production in a nano-scale system starting from a partial measurement through what we call an 'inference' procedure. This last example provides a new and general application of fluctuation theorems which we are only beginning to explore.

Martedì 7 ottobre 2014
Ore 09:00, Aula Libera, Ex mattatoio, Largo G.B. Marzi
Workshop origAMI

ore 9,00 Saluti
ore 9,15 "Presentazione del workshop" Paola Magrone, ricercatore di Matematica, responsabile scientifico
ore 9,30 "Punti critici e origami" Paola Magrone
ore 10,15 "Architettura e forma" Luca Montuori, ricercatore di Composizione architettonica e urbana
ore 11,00 "Forma e resistenza" Stefano Gabriele, ricercatore di Scienza delle Costruzioni
ore 11,45 "Strutture pieghevoli" Giovanni Formica, ricercatore di Scienza delle Costruzioni
ore 12,30 "Tecnologie di carta" Adolfo F. L. Baratta, ricercatore di Tecnologia Architettura

Martedì 7 ottobre 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Discussione di tesi di dottorato
Fabio Fantozzi (Universita' di Roma I)
The Target-Based Utility Model. The role of Copulas and of Non-Additive Measures

Mercoledì 8 ottobre 2014
Ore 10:00, Aula Picone
Mini-Workshop "Stochastic Processes, Orderings and Dependence"
Contributions by Bruno Bassan and recent development
14:30 - 15:10 Franco Pellerey (Politecnico di Torino) Stochastic orders: a brief introduction and Bruno's contributions
15:15 - 15:45 Time for short contributions
15:45 - 16:15 Break
16:15 - 16:55 Enzo Orsingher (University of Rome La Sapienza) Random fields and processes at finite velocity
17:00-17:40 Isaac Meilijson (Tel Aviv University) Granule membranes play dice. The quantal nature of secretion
17:45 - 18:00 Closing remarks

Mercoledì 8 ottobre 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Matthieu Gendulphe (Universita' di Roma I)
A theorem of Maryam Mirzakhani: the asymptotic of the growth of simple closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces
Last summer, Maryam Mirzakhani received the Fields medal for "her outstanding contributions to the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces." We will describe one of her most famous results, which illustrates the sentence above. This talk is intended for non-experts.

Mercoledì 8 ottobre 2014
Ore 16:00, Aula F, Universita' di Roma III
Seminario di Logica Matematica
Jean-Yves Girard (CNRS)
Most philosophers won't hesitate to nominate 2+2=4 as the paragon of a mathematical theorem: a complete misunderstanding. We can either see 2+2=4 as a computation, i.e., an activity not involving any sense, any reasoning: analytic in the kantian acception. Or we can see 2+2=4 as the result of a reasoning - hence synthetic - however based on experience : everything can be checked, there is no room for doubt. This synthetic a posteriori is not typical of mathematics, which is naturally synthetic a priori. This means that mathematics cannot be justified - hence the failure of the foundational programs of a century ago. If these programs didn't succeed in alleviating our - however, unreasonable - doubts, they however individuated, inside mathematics, a synthetic a posteriori layer. This on a large scale, not limited to finite computations. How is it possible to deal with infinity and still be based on experience? And what does this mean?

Giovedì 9 ottobre 2014
Ore 10:30, Aula Riunioni (secondo piano), IAC-CNR (via dei Taurini 19)
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Emiliano Cristiani (IAC-CNR)
Stampanti 3D: una nuova sfida per la modellistica matematica?

Giovedì 9 ottobre 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula D'Antoni, Universita' di Roma II
Christophe Poquet (Universita' di Roma II)
Slow convergence to non-equilibrium stationary states for coupled rotors
We will consider a chain composed of three coupled rotors, attached to thermal baths (with possibly different temperatures) at each extremity. An important feature of this system is that when the middle rotors oscillates rapidly, the energy of this rotor decreases very slowly, due to averaging phenomena. We will construct an effective dynamics for the middle rotor, using averaging techniques, and deduce a family of Lyapunov functions which will allow us to prove the ergodicity of the process with arbitrary polynomial rates. This is a work in collaboration with N. Cuneo and J.-P. Eckmann.

Giovedì 9 ottobre 2014
Ore 16:15, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Fisica Matematica
Wolfgang Wagner (WIAS Berlin)
Random cloud models for the Schrödinger equation

Venerdì 10 ottobre 2014
Ore 11:00, Aula Verra, Universita' di Roma III
Seminario di Logica Matematica
Jean-Yves Girard (CNRS)
En termes kantiens, l'objet nu et son type, c'est analytique/synthétique. L'analytique est ce qu'il reste quand on a évacué le sens, ie, l'engagement : tout est sur la table. Il se décline en constatatif (incrémental) et performatif (destructif). Le paradigme d'unification permet de représenter le performatif sans agent extérieur. Le synthétique est ce qui donne le sens à l'analytique ; engagé, il est soumis au doute. Il se divise en deux branches. L'a posteriori ou format, qui donne un sens à l'analytique constatatif, consiste à passer des sortes de tests de sortie d'usine, comme dans les réseaux de démonstration : c'est le sens comme question. L'a priori ou socialisation donne un sens à l'analytique performatif, c'est ici que s'insinue le doute fondationnel: c'est le sens comme usage. Les deux synthétiques sont les deux façons de dire « A est A » : axiome (a posteriori) et coupure (a priori), rallonge entre deux prises opposées vs raccordement de prises. Alors que la rallonge n'est pas soumise au doute, le branchement est problématique, dangereux. Y a-t-il équilibre entre les droits (la prise comme sortie) et les devoirs (sa prise opposée comme entrée) ? Le synthétique a posteriori est formulable à travers une sorte d'analytique non déterministe. L'objet mathématique se présente finalement comme une épure, une combinaison véhicule (analytique) + gabarit (synthétique). Le synthétique a priori combine les épures selon leurs gabarits, leurs types ; et il n'y a pas de certitude absolue, légitime, quant à ces combinaisons. Techniquement parlant, le passage aux épures devrait répondre à un certain nombre de questions irritantes, comme celle de trouver des habitants au type vide: ce seraient des entités qui ne séparent pas nettement l'objet et le sujet.

Venerdì 10 ottobre 2014
Ore 12:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario MoMa
Cladio Zannoni
Modelling liquid crystals in the bulk and close to their boundaries
Liquid Crystals (LC) are anisotropic fluids characterized by long range orientational order and pair correlations. Mesoscale models, based on the drastic simplification of representing molecules as simple rigid objects such as spherocylinders or ellipsoids or even spins on a lattice have been the cornerstone of the first generation of liquid crystal (LC) theories and computer simulations. While these approaches are still very valuable in obtaining the general properties of complex LC one of the most important current challenges is to relate a realistic molecular structure to physical observables and predict properties such as morphologies, order parameters, and phase-transition temperatures. Atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, consisting in the numerical solution of Newton equations of motion for all the atoms in the system now start to make this possible, also allowing the test of classical theories for bulk LC (e.g. Maier-Saupe or Onsager). However, for most practical applications LC are not used in bulk but in thin films where the LC is aligned with the help of surface interactions, so it is somewhat surprising that surface effects are still described only empirically, while little is known on their molecular origin. In the talk we shall show that computer simulations start to shed some light on the interfacial behavior of liquid crystals and show examples for the prediction of the alignment and anchoring of LC at the interface with different solid surfaces e.g. silicon or crystalline and glassy silica with different roughness (see figure). Simulations show in various cases that molecular organizations at the interface differ radically from those in the bulk, showing either discontinuities or broad distributions of orientations rather than the simple Dirichlet type boundary conditions assumed by many continuum type theories. In the talk an introduction to these systems and a discussion of some open problems will be presented.

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