Notiziario Scientifico

Settimana dal 19 al 25 maggio 2014

Lunedì 19 maggio 2014
Ore 14:15, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Algebra Commutativa
Carmelo Antonio Finocchiaro (Università di Roma III)
Sulla topologia di Zariski su spazi di operazioni semistar

Lunedì 19 maggio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Analisi Matematica
David Arcoya (Università di Granada)
Nonlinear problems with natural growth on the gradient and lack of an a priori L^\infty estimates

Martedì 20 maggio 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula D'Antoni, Università di Roma II
Dynamical Systems working seminars
Mikko Stenlund (Università di Helsinki)
Quasistatic dynamical systems
We introduce the notion of a quasistatic dynamical system (QDS), inspired by the namesake processes in thermodynamics. The latter are idealized processes in which the observed system transforms (infinitesimally) slowly due to external influence, tracing out a continuous path of thermodynamic equilibria over an (infinitely) long time span. We then prove limit theorems for a paradigmatic QDS consisting of strongly chaotic expanding circle maps. (This is joint work with Neil Dobbs.)

Martedì 20 maggio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula 34 (quarto piano), Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Rebecca Steorts (Carnegie Mellon University)
Will the Real Steve Fienberg Please Stand Up: A Bayesian Approach to Graphical Record Linkage
Information about social entities in spread across multiple databases, which often do not share unique identifiers. This information must be assembled in some way. One such way is record linkage, which does just this. We approach this problem as one of discovering a latent bipartite network, which links manifest records to a common set of unique individuals. This novel representation lets use a hierarchical Bayesian model to simultaneously infer the linkage structure, attributes and the number the latent individuals in the population. This Bayesian method quantifies the uncertainty in the inference and allows us to propagate the uncertainty into later substantive analyses. We test our model using data from the National Long Term Care Survey (NLTCS), a longitudinal study of the health of elderly (65+) individuals ( The NLTCS was conducted approximately every six years, with each wave containing roughly 20,000 individuals. Two aspects of the NLTCS make it suitable for our purposes: individuals were tracked from wave to wave with unique identifiers, but at each wave, many patients had died (or otherwise left the study) and were replaced by newly-eligible patients. We can test the ability of our model to link records across files by seeing how well it is able to track individuals across waves, and compare its estimates to the ground truth provided by the unique identifiers. Furthermore, we touch on new work using an empirical Bayesian model, which has been tested on simulated data and shows improved results for non-English names.

Martedì 20 maggio 2014
Ore 15:45, Aula Dal Passo, Università di Roma II
Seminario di Analisi Reale ed Armonica
Maria Carmen Reguera Rodriguez (University of Birmingham)
Lower bounds for fractional Riesz transforms acting on measures supported on Cantor sets
We look for lower L^[2] bounds for the s-dimensional Riesz transform acting on very general measures with support on Cantor sets in R^d, for sin(d-1,d). The bounds obtained are written in terms of the densities of the cubes appearing in the construction of the Cantor sets. Our estimates allow us to establish an equivalence between the capacity gamma_[s] associated with the s-dimensional Riesz kernel and the capacity dot[C]_[frac[2][3](d-s),frac[3][2]] from non-linear potential theory related to the Wolff potential. This is joint work with Xavier Tolsa (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona).

Martedì 20 maggio 2014
Ore 16:00, Aula D'Antoni, Università di Roma II
Seminario di Analisi Complessa
Sergio Venturini (Università di Bologna)
Mappe gradiente mediante prolungamento analitico
Si descrive una costruzione geometrica che produce mappe di tipo gradiente mediante estensione analitica di opportune rappresentazioni di spazi vettoriali reali nei campi vettoriali di una sottovarietà reale di una varietà complessa. Nel caso scalare tale costruzione fornisce in modo naturale equazioni di ipersuperfici reali Levi non degeneri che sono soluzioni dell'equazione scalare di Monge-Ampère (dd^cu)^n = 0.

Mercoledì 21 maggio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Christophe Hohlweg (Universite' du Quebec a Montreal)
Weak order and imaginary cone in infinite Coxeter groups
The weak order is a nice combinatorial tool intimately related to the study of reduced words in Coxeter groups. In finite Coxeter groups, it is a lattice and an orientation of the 1-skeleton of the permutahedron that provides a nice framework to construct generalized associahedra (via N. Reading's Cambrian lattices). In this talk, we will discuss a conjecture of Matthew Dyer that proposes a generalization of the framework weak order/reduced words to infinite Coxeter groups. On the way, we will talk of the relationships between limits of roots and tilings of their convex hull, imaginary cones, biclosed sets and inversion sets of reduced infinite words (partially based on joint works with M. Dyer, J.P. Labbé and V. Ripoll).

Mercoledì 21 maggio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Analisi e Sistemi Dinamici
Livia Corsi (Università di Roma I)
An abstract Implicit Function Theorem and quasi-periodic solutions for Hamiltonian PDEs on homogeneous manifolds
I will present an abstract Implicit Function Theorem with parameters for smooth operators defined on sequence scales of Hilbert spaces, modeled for the search of quasi-periodic solutions for PDEs. As an application, I will deduce the existence of quasi-periodic solutions for forced NLW and NLS equations on any compact manifold which is homogeneous with respect to a compact Lie group. (Joint work with M. Berti and M. Procesi)

Mercoledì 21 maggio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula dei seminari di Fisica, Dipartimento SBAI
Bogdan Vernescu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Homogenization for Heterogenous Materials

Mercoledì 21 maggio 2014
Ore 16:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Fisica Matematica
Bernard Helffer (Università di Parigi Sud)
On Harper's equation for the Kagome lattice (after Kerdelhué-Royo-Letellier and Helffer-Kerdelhué-Royo-Letellier)
If the first mathematical results were obtained more than 30 years ago with the interpretation of the celebrated Hofstadter butterfly, more recent experiments in Bose-Einstein theory suggest new questions. I will start with a partial survey on old results (Helffer-Sj"ostrand, Avila-Jitomirskaya-Krikorian,...) and then discuss more recent questions with generalized butterflies (Dalibard and coauthors, Hou, Kerdelhué-Royo-Letelier). These new questions are strongly related to the Harper on triangular or hexagonal lattices (in connexion with the now very popular graphene). Our historics is focused on the mathematical results.

Mercoledì 21 maggio 2014
Ore 16:00, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Analisi e Sistemi Dinamici
Riccardo Montalto (SISSA)
KAM for Hamiltonian quasi-linear autonomous perturbations of KdV
In my talk I will discuss a recent result obtained with M.Berti and P. Baldi about the existence of quasi-periodic solutions for Hamiltonian quasi-linear autonomous perturbations of KdV equation. The proof is based on a Nash-Moser scheme with approximate inverse. The core of the work is the construction of the approximate inverse for the linearized operator. To do this we apply a recent method developed by M.Berti and P. Bolle which decouples the dynamic on the action-angle variables from the dynamic on the normal variables. By means of this method we are reduced to invert a third order non constant coefficients partial differential operator on the normal directions, to which we apply a reduction procedure that allows to reduce it to constant coefficients.

Giovedì 22 maggio 2014
Ore 11:00, Aula 1B1, Dipartimento SBAI
Seminario di Geometria
Bernard Helffer (Università di Parigi Sud)
Dirichlet eigenfunctions of the square membrane: Courant's property, and A.Stern's and Pleijel's analyses (after Berard-Helffer)
The celebrated nodal domain theorem by Courant says that the number of nodal domains of an eigenfunction associated with a k-th eigenvalue of the Dirichlet Laplacian (eigenvalues listed in increasing order) should be less than or equal to k. Pleijel proved in 1956 that equality holds only for finitely many values of k. In this case we speak of the Courant sharp situation (this has a strong connection with the question of minimal spectral partitions). If we look at the square, it is immediate that the first, second and fourth eigenvalues are Courant sharp. We would like to analyze the statement by Pleijel that there are no other cases. We also discuss some statements of Antonie Stern who was a PhD student of R. Courant and defended her PhD in 1924. Although we focus on her results concerning the square, let us mention that she also has similar results in the case of the sphere, fifty years before the paper of H. Lewy.

Giovedì 22 maggio 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario P(n): Problemi differenziali non lineari
Antonio Masiello (Politecnico di Bari)
Metriche di Finsler ed applicazioni
Si presentano alcune proprietà analitiche e geometriche delle metriche di Finsler, e qualche applicazione alla Relatività Generale

Giovedì 22 maggio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula 34 (quarto piano), Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Cosma Shalizi (Carnegie Mellon University)
Dynamics of Bayesian updating with dependent data and misspecified models
Much is now known about the consistency of Bayesian updating on infinite-dimensional parameter spaces with independent or Markovian data. Necessary conditions for consistency include the prior putting enough weight on the correct neighborhoods of the data-generating distribution; various sufficient conditions further restrict the prior in ways analogous to capacity control in frequentist nonparametrics. The asymptotics of Bayesian updating with mis-specified models or priors, or non-Markovian data, are far less well explored. Here I establish sufficient conditions for posterior convergence when all hypotheses are wrong, and the data have complex dependencies. The main dynamical assumption is the asymptotic equipartition (Shannon-McMillan-Breiman) property of information theory. This, along with Egorovu2019s Theorem on uniform convergence, lets me build a sieve-like structure for the prior. The main statistical assumption, also a form of capacity control, concerns the compatibility of the prior and the data-generating process, controlling the fluctuations in the log-likelihood when averaged over the sieve-like sets. In addition to posterior convergence, I derive a kind of large deviations principle for the posterior measure, extending in some cases to rates of convergence, and discuss the advantages of predicting using a combination of models known to be wrong. An appendix sketches connections between these results and the replicator dynamics of evolutionary theory.

Venerdì 23 maggio 2014
Ore 11:00, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Logica e Informatica Teorica
Claudio Bonanno (Università di Pisa)
On an unexpected connection between the bifurcation parameters of two families of dynamical systems and applications
In the study of families of dynamical systems depending on a parameter, one interesting issue is the identification of "bifurcation parameters", that is values for the parameter at which the dynamical properties of the system change. We are interested in the sets of bifurcation parameters for the quadratic family and the alfa-continued fractions transformations. It turns out that these sets are unexpectedly strongly connected, and using this connection some interesting properties for the two sets are easily derived. Finally we show some applications to seemingly unrelated problems. This is joint work with C.Carminati, S.Isola and G.Tiozzo.

Venerdì 23 maggio 2014
Ore 15:30, Aula 1B1, Dipartimento SBAI
Seminario di Analisi
Giampiero Palatucci
Sul comportamento locale delle estremali degli integrali non locali
Presentero' la teoria di De Giorgi-Nash-Moser estesa ad operatori integro-differenziali non locali.

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