Notiziario Scientifico

Settimana dal 21 al 27 aprile 2014

Martedì 22 aprile 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Siye Wu (Università di Hong Kong)
Hitchin's equations over a non-orientable manifold
We study Hitchin's equations and Higgs bundles over a non-orientable manifold whose oriented cover is compact Kahler. Using the involution induced by the deck transformation, we show that Hitchin's moduli space is Langrangian/complex with respect to the hyper-Kahler structure on Hitchin's moduli space associated to the oriented cover. We then establish a Donaldson-Corlette type correspondence and relate Hitchin's moduli space to representation varieties. This is a joint work with N.-K. Ho and G. Wilkin

Mercoledì 23 aprile 2014
Ore 9:30, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
An Induction Day to Super-Geometry
We will have four introductive lectures. No Background in Super-Geometry will be assumed. Everyone is welcome!
9.30-11:00 R. Fioresi "Introduction to complex analytic and algebraic super-geometry"
11.30 -13:00 F. Gavarini "Algebraic Supergroups"
14:00-15:00 S. Kwok "Pi-projective space, SUSY curves ans super theta functions"
15.30 - 16:30 G. Codogni "Moduli of SUSY curves"

Mercoledì 23 aprile 2014
Ore 16:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Fisica Matematica
Yan Guo (Brown University)
Absence of shocks for Euler-Maxwell system in a plasma
The important two-fluid model for describing plasma dynamics is given by the Euler-Maxwell system, in which compressible ion and electron fluids interact with their own self-consistent electromagnetic field. The Euler-Maxwell system is also the origin for many well-known dispersive PDE. In contrast to the neutral compressible Euler system, shock waves can not form and smooth solutions with small amplitude persists forever in such a two-fluid theory, due to stronger dispersion created by electromagnetic interactions. This is a joint work with Ionescu and Pausader.

Giovedì 24 aprile 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario P(n): Problemi differenziali non lineari
Hatem Zaag (Université Paris XIII)
Blow-up behavior for subconformal semilinear wave equations
We consider the blow-up question for the semilinear wave equation with subconformal power nonlinearity. First, we give a full picture for blow-up in one space dimension: the blow-up rate, the blow-up profile and the regularity to the blow-up curve. A great difference exists between characteristic and non-characteristic points. Then, in higher dimensions, we show prove some stability results related to the notion of non-characteristic points.

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