Notiziario Scientifico

Settimana dal 7 al 13 aprile 2014

Lunedì 7 aprile 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula B
Claudio Procesi (Università di Roma I)
Algebre con Identità Polinomiali. I

Lunedì 7 aprile 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Analisi Matematica
J.M. Mazon (Università di Valencia)
Some mass transport problems as limits of p-Laplacian problems
Following the method introduced by Evans y Gangbo to solve the classical Monge-Kantorovich mass transport problem, in this lecture we present two mass transport problems obtained as limit when pto infty of the solutions of some problem related with the p-Laplacian operator. The first one is an optimal matching problem that consists in transporting two commodities to a prescribed location, the target set in such a way that they match there and the total cost of the operation, measured in terms of the Euclidean distance that the commodities are transported, is minimized. We show that such a problem has a solution with matching measure concentrated on the boundary of the target set. Furthermore we perform a method to approximate the solution of the problem taking limit as pto infty in a system of PDès of p-Laplacian type. The second problem consists in moving optimally (paying a transport cost given by the Euclidean distance) an amount of a commodity larger or equal than a fixed one to fulfill a demand also larger or equal than a fixed one, with the obligation of paying an extra cost of -g_1(x) for extra production of one unit at location x and an extra cost of g_2(y) for creating one unit of demand at y. The extra amounts of mass (commodity/demand) are unknowns of the problem. Our approach to this problem is by taking the limit as ptoinfty to a double obstacle problem (with obstacles g_1, g_2) for the p-Laplacian. In fact, under a certain natural constraint on the extra costs (that is equivalent to impose that the total optimal cost is bounded) we prove that this limit gives the extra material and extra demand needed for optimality and a Kantorovich potential for the mass transport problem involved.

Martedì 8 aprile 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula Dal Passo, Università di Roma II
Seminario di Equazioni Differenziali
Giampiero Palatucci (Università di Parma)
Sul comportamento locale delle estremali degli integrali non locali
Presenterò la teoria di De Giorgi-Nash-Moser estesa ad operatori integro-differenziali non locali.

Martedì 8 aprile 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Fisica Matematica
Cristian Giardina' (Università di Modena)
Stochastic energy-exchange models of non-equilibrium
A class of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics models that can be exactly solved by duality will be reviewed. The class includes both interacting diffusions (Brownian Energy Process) and interacting particle systems (Inclusion Process). The exact solution is based on the link between quantum spin chains and generators of Markov processes. The duality property arises a change of representation of an underlying Lie-algebra. Some universal properties of non-equilibrium (e.g. long-range correlations) will be shown as a consequence of the exact solution. The presentation will be based on joint works with G. Carinci, C. Giberti, J. Kurchan, F. Redig.

Martedì 8 aprile 2014
Ore 15:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Modellistica differenziale numerica
H. Zidani (ENSTA-INRIA, Parigi)
Reachability analysis and general control problems
In this talk, we will review some known results on the link between reachability analysis and optimal control problems in the deterministic setting. We will show how this link can be used to get a constructive way for the characterization of the epigraph of the value function of constrained control problems, without assuming any controllability assumption. Some extensions of these results to the stochastic setting will be also discussed.

Martedì 8 aprile 2014
Ore 16:00, Aula Dal Passo, Università di Roma II
Zhenghan Wang (Microsoft Station Q, Santa Barbara)
Topological Quantum Computation
Topological phases of matter can be used to build inherently fault-tolerant quantum computers. I will give an introduction to this approach as pursued in Microsoft Station Q, where topological quantum field theories and modular categories play an essential role.

Mercoledì 9 aprile 2014
Ore 11:00, Aula 1B1, Dipartimento SBAI
Seminario di Geometria
Valentina Pepe (Università di Roma I)
Sul numero di Turan dei grafi bipartiti completi
Sia H un grafo fissato. Il numero di Turan di H, ex(H,n), è il massimo numero di spigoli che un grafo con n vertici può avere senza contenere una copia di H. Il problema è aperto per i grafi bipartiti. Se H è un grafo bipartito completo, allora esistono sia un lower bound, ottenuto con metodi probabilistici, che un upper bound, congetturato essere sharp, per ex(H,n). Grafi con parametri estremali risultano essere il più delle volte derivanti da costruzioni geometriche (su campi finiti). In questo seminario vorrei illustrare come, attraverso l'uso di un particolare tipo di varietà algebriche su campi finiti, sia stato possibile migliorare il lower bound per il numero di Turan di una famiglia di grafi bipartiti completi.

Mercoledì 9 aprile 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula G
Corso di Dottorato
H. Zidani (ENSTA-INRIA, Parigi)
Reachability analysis for non linear systems and motion planning: Hamilton-Jacobi approach I

Mercoledì 9 aprile 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Analisi e Sistemi Dinamici
Wei Cheng (Nanjing University, Cina)
Critical points of viscosity solutions and barrier functions
The singular set of weak KAM solutions associated with mechanical systems on the n-torus has common structural aspects with the analogous set for general Hamilton-Jacobi equations but also unexpected specific features, some of which were detected in joint papers with P. Cannarsa, and Q. Zhang. In this talk, we will discuss analogies and differences starting with the propagation of singularities for weak KAM solutions in the supercritical case. Then, applying these results to the barrier function we will see that, whenever zero is a limiting gradient at a singular point of such a function, a homoclinic orbit with respect to the Aubry set is produced. Finally, we will analyze different conditions ensuring the above limiting property of zero at a critical point.

Mercoledì 9 aprile 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Sarah Scherotzke (Università di Bonn)
Graded quiver Varieties and Derived Categories
Nakajimàs quiver varieties are important geometric objects in representation theory that can be used to give geometric constructions of quantum groups. Very recently, graded quiver varieties also found application to monoidal categorification of cluster algebras. Nakajimàs original construction uses geometric invariant theory. In my talk, I will give an alternative representation theoretical definition of graded quiver varieties. I will show that the geometry of graded quiver varieties is governed by the derived category of the quiver Q. This approach brings about many new and surprising results: for instance, it turns out that a large class of quiver varieties has a very simple geometry, indeed they are isomorphic to affine spaces. Also, I will explain that familiar geometric constructions in the theory of quiver varieties, such as stratifications and degeneration orders, admit a simple conceptual formulation in terms of the homological algebra of the derived category of Q. If time permits, I will also explain interesting applications of our work to desingularization of quiver Grassmannians.

Mercoledì 9 aprile 2014
Ore 16:00, Aula F, Università di Roma III
I tè di matematica
Antonio Di Carlo (Università di Roma III)
In matematica circolano diverse nozioni di bordo. Io ne introduco un'altra: quella di bordo di un campo vettoriale - e, più in generale, multi-vettoriale. Con questo tè, cerco di convincervi della sua sensatezza e della sua utilità; in particolare, essa consente di dare una definizione della derivata esterna per dualità - definizione che io trovo più soddisfacente.

Giovedì 10 aprile 2014
Ore 11:00, Aula 1B1, Dipartimento SBAI
Seminario di Geometria
Miguel Manzano (Università di Granada)
Stable constant mean curvature surfaces of parabolic type
In this talk we will discuss some properties of abstract Schrodinger operators over parabolic manifolds, and particularize them to the stability operator of a parabolic constant mean curvature surface immersed in a 3-manifold that admits a Killing vector field. As an application, we will give restrictions on the range of H such that some homogeneous 3-manifolds admit complete parabolic stable surfaces with constant mean curvature H. This is a joint work with Joaquin Perez and Magdalena Rodriguez.

Giovedì 10 aprile 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario P(n): Problemi differenziali non lineari
Felipe Linares (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro)
On decay properties of solutions of the k-generalized KdV equation
In this talk I will describe recent results regarding special decay properties of solutions to the initial value problem associated to the k-generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation. These are related with persistence properties of the solution flow in weighted Sobolev spaces and with sharp unique continuation properties of solutions to this equation. If time allows I will talk on recent extensions of some of the results above for higher order dispersive equations.

Giovedì 10 aprile 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula B
Claudio Procesi (Università di Roma I)
Algebre con Identità Polinomiali. II

Venerdì 11 aprile 2014
Ore 12:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminari MoMa
Guido Montorsi
Analog Digital Belief Propagation and its application to channel decoders
As required by information theory, channel codes with long code words are necessary building blocks in a transmission system to achieve reliable communications with minimal power and maximal throughputs over noisy physical channels. Nowadays capacity-achieving large random binary codes are actually adopted in most telecommunication standards. The breakthrough that allowed their practical use has been to substitute the optimal maximum likelihood decoding techniques at the receiver with suboptimal iterative techniques based on u201cbeliefu201d propagation. Belief propagation is a powerful inference technique working on graphs used in many different applications. Graph nodes are associated to factors or constraints of the model while graph edges are associated to random variables. Belief propagation algorithm proceeds by iteratively updating messages associated to the random variables, according to the constraints imposed by nodes. In the framework of channel decoding the graph nodes represent the deterministic, usually linear, code constraints. They are either associated to a (binary) parity check sum, or to a repetition of the variable. Belief propagation is initialized with a set of messages obtained from the noisy channel observations of the transmitted bits and proceeds iteratively, updating the messages according to the code constraints until convergence is reached. Most practically used codes are linear and binary codes, so that messages propagated in the graph are binary messages usually represented with a single scalar (the Log-Likelihood Ratio). In order to increase the throughput of communication systems, the use of non binary codes is an attractive solution as each symbol can carry more information bits. Non binary codes can be constructed over groups, rings, or fields and there is a vast literature on the design of capacity achieving non binary codes. The extension of the application of belief propagation to the non binary codes however poses several complexity problems as both message representation and message updating at check node grows at least linearly with the cardinality of the non binary alphabet and consequently exponentially with the increase of required throughput. In this talk I will start by recalling the fundamental ideas and terminology beyond binary channel coding constructions and corresponding iterative decoding with belief propagation and other iterative techniques. I will then extend the concepts to non binary codes and summarize the main algorithms and complexity problems related with them. I will then introduce a new algorithm, named Analog Digital Belief Propagation (ADBP) which solves the complexity problems of belief propagation for non binary codes. I will discuss the main properties of the algorithm, its possible extensions and code design problems related to the adoption of this algorithm.

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