Notiziario Scientifico

Settimana dal 17 al 23 febbraio 2014

Martedì 18 febbraio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula Dal Passo, Università di Roma II
Seminario di Equazioni Differenziali
Giusi Vaira (Università di Roma I)
On the Brezis-Nirenberg problem
We present some recent results about the existence of positive and sign-changing solutions for the Brezis-Nirenberg problem. In particular we exhibit a new kind of blowing-up solution and a sign-changing tower of bubbles.

Martedì 18 febbraio 2014
Ore 15:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Modellistica differenziale numerica
Silvia Tozza (Università di Roma I)
Non-Lambertian Models for the Shape from Shading problem: Analysis and Approximation via a Semi-Lagrangian Approach
The Shape from Shading problem is a well known ill-posed problem. Several contributions have addressed the case of Lambertian surfaces improving the model with the introduction of perspective deformations or studying the corresponding photometric stereo problem. In our study we focus the attention on a different improvement which is intended to reduce the assumptions on the properties of the surface dealing with more general (and real) non-Lambertian surfaces. Our goal is to find a unique model which should be flexible enough to handle many different kinds of real images. As a starting point for this rather big project, we consider the basic model of a single nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) where we need to introduce new terms to tackle the general non-Lambertian case. In particular, in this talk we will consider the non-Lambertian diffusive Oren-Nayar reflectance model and the specular Phong model, we will construct semi-Lagrangian approximation schemes for the corresponding nonlinear PDEs and we will compare their performances with the classical Lambertian model in terms of some error indicators on a series of benchmarks images.

Mercoledì 19 febbraio 2014
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Giulio Codogni (Università di Roma III)
Satake compactifications, lattices and Schottky problem
We prove some results about the singularities of Satake compactifications of classical moduli spaces, this will give an insight into the relation among solutions of the Schottky problem in different genera. The moduli space A_g lies in the boundary of A^S_[g+m] for every m. We will show that the intersection between M^S_[g+m] and A_g contains the m-th infinitesimal neighbourhood of M_g in A_g, this implies that stable equations for M_g do not exist. In particular, given two inequivalent positive even unimodular quadratic forms P and Q, there is a curve whose period matrix distinguishes between the theta series of P and Q; we are able to compute its genus in the rank 24 case. On the other hand, the intersection of A_g and Hyp^S_[g+m] is transverse: this enables us to write down many new stable equations for Hyp_g in terms of theta series. Our work relies upon some formulae for the first order part of the period matrix of some degenerations.

Mercoledì 19 febbraio 2014
Ore 15:00, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Analisi e Sistemi Dinamici
Alessandra Celletti (Università di Roma II)
On the stability of some dissipative systems and efficient estimates of quasi-periodic attractors
I will talk about recent results concerning the stability of some dissipative systems, precisely conformally symplectic systems. I will start with the description of a suitable KAM theory, which allows to prove the persistence of invariant attractors. The proof is constructive and it provides efficient algorithms to evaluate the breakdown threshold of quasi-periodic attractors. Applications to model problems are provided. Most of these works are done in collaboration with R. Calleja and R. de la Llave.

Giovedì 20 febbraio 2014
Ore 14:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario P(n): Problemi differenziali non lineari
Daniela Giachetti (Università di Roma I)
Problemi con singolarità: soluzioni non negative, risultati di esistenza ed omogeneizzazione

Venerdì 21 febbraio 2014
Ore 11:00, Aula 34 (quarto piano), Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Julia Mortera (Università di Roma III)
Analysis of Forensic DNA Mixtures
DNA is now routinely used in criminal investigations and court cases, although DNA samples taken at crime scenes are of varying quality and therefore present challenging problems for their interpretation. We present a statistical model for the quantitative peak information obtained from an electropherogram (EPG) of a forensic DNA sample and illustrate its potential use for the analysis of criminal cases. In contrast to most previously used methods, we directly model the peak height information and incorporates important artefacts associated with the production of the EPG. Our model has a number of unknown parameters, and we show that these can be estimated by the method of maximum likelihood in the presence of multiple unknown contributors, and their approximate standard errors calculated; the computations exploit a Bayesian network representation of the model. A case example from a UK trial, as reported in the literature, is used to illustrate the efficacy and use of the model, both in finding likelihood ratios to quantify the strength of evidence, and in the deconvolution of mixtures for the purpose of finding likely profiles of one or more unknown contributors to a DNA sample. Our model is readily extended to simultaneous analysis of more than one mixture as illustrated in a case example. We show that combination of evidence from several samples may give an evidential strength close to that of a single source trace and thus modelling of peak height information provides for a potentially very efficient mixture analysis. Joint work with Robert Cowell, Therese Graversen and Steffen Lauritzen

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