Notiziario Scientifico

Settimana dal 28 ottobre al 3 novembre 2013

Lunedì 28 ottobre 2013
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Analisi Matematica
Alfonso Sorrentino (Università di Roma III)
Invariant Lagrangian graphs, Hamilton-Jacobi equation and action-minizing properties of Tonelli Hamiltonians
In the study of Hamiltonian systems a special role is played by invariant Lagrangian submanifolds. These objects arise quite naturally in many physical and geometric problems and besides sharing a deep relation with the dynamics of the system, they are also closely related to classical and 'weak' solutions of the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi equation(s). When does a Hamiltonian system possess an invariant smooth Lagrangian graph or a family thereof? In this talk I shall discuss how this very interesting (and difficult) question can be approached from different perspectives and describe several results related to the so-called Principle of least Lagrangian action.

Martedì 29 ottobre 2013
Ore 15:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Modellistica differenziale numerica
Roberto Ferretti (Università di Roma III)
Trattamento semi-lagrangiano degli operatori di secondo ordine in forma di divergenza
Tecniche abbastanza classiche (interpretabili in un quadro di calcolo stocastico) permettono di trattare termini diffusivi in forma di traccia negli schemi SL. Verrà discussa una estensione di queste tecniche al caso degli operatori in forma di divergenza, descrivendo due soluzioni, una conservativa ed una non-conservativa. Si presenterà anche una applicazione nonlineare del metodo non-conservativo su un modello di diffusività atmosferica turbolenta.

Mercoledì 30 ottobre 2013
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Loic Foissy (Università di Calais)
Feynman graphs, trees and combinatorial Dyson-Schwinger equations, II
Feynman graphs are used in Quantum Field Theory to represent the possible interactions between the particles studied by the theory. They are used to compute certain physical constants (mass or charge of the electron, for example). For this, several infinite series of Feynman graphs are considered; they can be uniquely defined as the solution of a certain system of equations, called the combinatorial Dyson-Schwinger equations of the system. Moreover, the combinatorial operations on Feynman graphs (insertion, extraction contraction) give them a structure of a Hopf algebra. The solution of the Dyson-Schwinger system should be compatible with this algebraic structure, and this imposes strong conditions on the system itself. We present a classification of the systems which satisfy these conditions, with the help of the Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra and its universal property, which allows to replace Feynman graphs by rooted trees.

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