Notiziario Scientifico

Settimana dal 21 al 27 ottobre 2013

Lunedì 21 ottobre 2013
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Presentazione delle tesi di dottorato
Giovanni Scilla (Università di Roma I)
Variational motion of discrete interfaces
We study the motion of discrete interfaces driven by ferromagnetic interactions in a two-dimensional periodic environment, by coupling the minimizing movements approach by Almgren, Taylor and Wang and a discrete-to-continuous analysis. In the case of a homogeneous environment, recently treated by Braides, Gelli and Novaga, the effective continuous motion is a flat motion related to the crystalline perimeter obtained by Gamma-convergence from the ferromagnetic energies, with an additional discontinuous dependence on the curvature, giving in particular a pinning threshold. In a joint work with A. Braides, we show that, in general, the motion does not depend only on the Gamma-limit, but also on geometrical features that are not detected in the static description. In particular, we show how the pinning threshold is influenced by the microstructure and that the effective motion is described by a new homogenized velocity. In the last part of the talk, I would like to present also the results of an ongoing joint work with A. Braides: we use a discrete approximation of the motion by crystalline curvature to define an evolution of sets from a single point (nucleation) following a criterion of "maximization" of the perimeter, formally giving a backward version of the motion by crystalline curvature.

Lunedì 21 ottobre 2013
Ore 15:10, Aula di Consiglio
Presentazione delle tesi di dottorato
Lucia De Luca (Università di Roma I)
Statics and dynamics of dislocations: a variational approach
Dislocations are line defects in crystals and they are considered the main mechanism of plastic deformations in metals. We will consider straight dislocations, so that their positions are completely identified by the intersections of the dislocation line with an orthogonal plane. In this talk we will present a purely variational approach, based on Gamma-convergence, to the study of the asymptotic behavior of the static energy induced by a finite system of dislocations as the atomic scale goes to zero. For a special class of dislocations, the so-called screw dislocations, we derive also an interaction between the defects, which drives their dynamics. The essential tool in all the results we will present is given by the analogy between dislocations and vortices in superconductors, studied within the Ginzburg-Landau framework. The results are obtained in collaboration with R. Alicandro, A. Garroni and M. Ponsiglione.

Lunedì 21 ottobre 2013
Ore 16:00, Aula G
Seminario di Fisica Matematica
Suren Poghosyan (Accademia delle Scienze della Repubblica Armena)
Large volume expansion of the log-partition function of the anisotropic Heisenberg model
We consider the log-partition function of the anisotropic quantum Heisenberg model in a finite box Lambda of the d-dimensional cubic lattice Z^d. Using Ginibre's random loop representation based on the discrete version of the Wiener process we derive the asymptotic expansion of the log-partition function when Lambda - > Z^d. The proof is based on the abstract cluster expansion method.

Martedì 22 ottobre 2013
Ore 14:15, Aula D'Antoni, Università di Roma II
Seminario di Equazioni Differenziali
Daniele Bartolucci (Università di Roma II)
Supercritical mean field equations and the Onsager's description of 2d-turbulence
We are motivated by the study of the Microcanonical Variational Principle within the Onsager's description of two-dimensional turbulence in the range of energies where the equivalence of statistical ensembles fails. We obtain sufficient conditions for the existence and multiplicity of solutions for the corresponding Mean Field Equation on convex and thin enough domains in the supercritical (with respect to the Moser-Trudinger inequality) regime. This result is of independent interest, since general existence results in the supercritical region were previously known only on multiply connected domains. Then we study the structure of these solutions by the analysis of their linearized problems and also obtain a new uniqueness result for solutions of the Mean Field Equation on thin domains whose energy is uniformly bounded from above. Finally we evaluate the asymptotic expansion of those solutions with respect to the thinning parameter and use it together with all the results obtained so far to solve the Microcanonical Variational Principle in a small range of supercritical energies where the entropy is eventually shown to be concave. This is a joint work with Francesca De Marchis.

Martedì 22 ottobre 2013
Ore 14:30, Aula B
Pietro Caputo (Università di Roma III)
Large deviations in sparse random graphs: a local weak convergence approach
Consider the Erdos-Renyi random graph on n vertices where each edge is present independently with probability p = c/n, with c > 0 fixed. For large n, a typical realization locally behaves like the Galton-Watson tree with Poisson offspring distribution with mean c. We discuss large deviations from this typical behavior, within the framework of the local weak convergence introduced by Benjamini-Schramm and Aldous-Steele. The associated rate function is expressed in terms of an entropy functional on unimodular measures and takes finite values only at measures supported by trees. Along the way, we present a new configuration model which allows one to sample uniform random graphs with a given finite neighborhood distribution, provided the latter is supported by trees. We also present a new class of unimodular random trees, which generalizes the Galton-Watson tree with given degree distribution to the case of neighborhoods of arbitrary finite depth. This is joint work with Charles Bordenave.

Martedì 22 ottobre 2013
Ore 14:30, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Fisica Matematica
Joachim Kerner (Università di Londra)
Interacting many-particle systems and Bose-Einstein condensation on general compact quantum graphs
In recent years, quantum graphs have become useful models in quantum chaos as well as other areas of physics. Most of the results, however, are concerned with one-particle quantum graphs only. In this talk, we will introduce models of interacting many-particle systems on general compact quantum graphs. The models will incorporate two types of interactions, singular interactions localised at the vertices and contact interactions which are also present along the edges. Subsequently, we use the developed models to discuss Bose-Einstein condensation in such systems. As a result, we show that many-particle systems, interacting with singular external potentials only, exhibit condensation if and only if the interaction is not fully repulsive. We then implement particle-particle interactions and show that repulsive hardcore interactions suppress Bose-Einstein condensation. Most importantly, this result holds independently of the singular interactions in the vertices.

Martedì 22 ottobre 2013
Ore 15:00, Aula L
Frederic Patras (Università di Nizza)
Leggere la matematica
Dare un senso a un testo matematico pone una serie di problemi. Ad esempio: come rendere conto di elementi programmatici, di contenuti "immanenti", che si rivelerano solo più tardi? Dalla soluzione a questi problemi dipende la relazione tra matematica e storia della matematica, o l'idea di cos'è e cosa dev'essere la cultura matematica. Affronteremo questi temi attraverso un esempio storico (i dibattiti sulla lettura di Euclide negli anni '70) e attraverso gli sviluppi filosofici del ventesimo secolo (l'ermeneutica, strettamente legata alla fenomenologia di Edmund Husserl e Gian Carlo Rota).

Martedì 22 ottobre 2013
Ore 18:00, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Logica e Geometria della Cognizione
Emanuel Beffara (Università di Marsiglia)
Interaction in proof theory: from classical realizability to concurrency
Classical realizability is a technique for extracting computational content from classical proofs. It was introduced by Krivine in the middle of the 1990's combining ideas from traditional Kleene realizability and from logical translations from classical to intuitionistic logics. Its fundamental contribution is to put the notion of interaction (between a proof and a counter-proof, or between a program and its environment) in a central position explicitly. Subsequently, it provides enlightening descriptions of the computational behaviour of classical tautologies as synchronization mechanisms between threads of a program. In this talk, I will survey the fundamental ideas that lead to the interactive study of proofs with the tools of classical realizability, in the original framework of the lambda-calculus with control operators. I will show how these ideas relate to other models for proof systems (games, ludicsÉ), how it can be extended to other models of computation and what it can teach us about the ongoing question of the proof-program correspondence for concurrent computation.

Mercoledì 23 ottobre 2013
Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Frederic Patras (Università di Nizza)
The fine structure of time-ordered products
Time ordered products are familiar objects: they appear in the Picard expansion of the solution of linear differential equations, almost everywhere in quantum physics and more generally, in disguise, in many computations in algebra, analysis and probability. There have have many advances recently in their understanding from a pure algebraic (Lie and group-theoretical) point of view. The keywords are: Rota-Baxter algebras, pre-Lie algebras, Lie idempotents. The talk will survey some of these developments, their background, and insist on the underlying pre-Lie structures. (Based on joint work with K. Ebrahimi-Fard).

Mercoledì 23 ottobre 2013
Ore 16:00, Aula 2001, Università di Roma II
Andre Henriques (Università di Utrecht)
A new proof of modularity for representations of conformal nets
In a celebrated paper, Kawahigashi-Longo-Mueger proved that the representation category of a conformal net with finite mu-index is modular. We will present a new proof of this result. On our way, we will define the conformal blocks that a conformal net associates to higher genus Riemann surfaces.

Giovedì 24 ottobre 2013
Ore 14:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario P(n): Problemi differenziali non lineari
David Arcoya (Università di Granada)
A journey through mountains with L^2
Some applications of the Mountain Pass Theorem are given for the study of some quasilinear boundary value problems.

Venerdì 25 ottobre 2013
Ore 11:00, Aula 311, Università di Roma III
Seminario di Logica e Geometria della Cognizione
Lorenzo Tortora de Falco (Università di Roma III)
Invarianti della normalizzazione e tempo di esecuzione

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