Notiziario Scientifico

Settimana dal 9 al 15 settembre 2013

Martedì 10 settembre 2013
Ore 11:00, Aula Dal Passo, Università di Roma II
Stephen Donkin (Università di York)
On the calculation of the cohomology of line bundles on flag varieties in characteristic p, I
Let G be an reductive algebraic group (for example a special linear group) and let B be a Borel subgroup (i.e., a maximal closed connected solvable subgroup). The representation theory of G is closely related to the algebraic geometry of the quotient space G/B. In characteristic 0 this connection is succinctly summarized by the Borel-Bott-Weil Theorem. This shows in particular that the cohomology of a line bundle is non-zero in at most one degree and its character is either a Weyl character or 0. In characteristic p the connection between the representation theory and geometry still exists and has been extremely useful (in work by Haboush, Andersen, Jantzen and others). Nevertheless there is no known analogue of the Borel-Bott-Weil Theorem. Earlier work (e.g. that of Andersen and Humphreys) has focused on the module structure of the cohomology spaces. However, concentrating only on the character one can get complete information in some low rank cases using infinitesimal methods. So far the cases worked out completely are G = SL(2) (classical), G = SL(3) (Donkin), and G = Sp(4) in characteristic2 (Donkin and Geranios). We describe an approach to this problem using infinitesimal methods and how they may be used to give recursive formulas for the characters of the cohomology of line bundles in favorable circumstances.

Giovedì 12 settembre 2013
Ore 11:00, Aula Dal Passo, Università di Roma II
Stephen Donkin (Università di York)
On the calculation of the cohomology of line bundles on flag varieties in characteristic p, II
Let G be an reductive algebraic group (for example a special linear group) and let B be a Borel subgroup (i.e., a maximal closed connected solvable subgroup). The representation theory of G is closely related to the algebraic geometry of the quotient space G/B. In characteristic 0 this connection is succinctly summarized by the Borel-Bott-Weil Theorem. This shows in particular that the cohomology of a line bundle is non-zero in at most one degree and its character is either a Weyl character or 0. In characteristic p the connection between the representation theory and geometry still exists and has been extremely useful (in work by Haboush, Andersen, Jantzen and others). Nevertheless there is no known analogue of the Borel-Bott-Weil Theorem. Earlier work (e.g. that of Andersen and Humphreys) has focused on the module structure of the cohomology spaces. However, concentrating only on the character one can get complete information in some low rank cases using infinitesimal methods. So far the cases worked out completely are G = SL(2) (classical), G = SL(3) (Donkin), and G = Sp(4) in characteristic2 (Donkin and Geranios). We describe an approach to this problem using infinitesimal methods and how they may be used to give recursive formulas for the characters of the cohomology of line bundles in favorable circumstances.

Venerdì 13 settembre 2013
Ore 15:10, Biblioteca, Università degli Studi Internazionali, via C.Colombo 200
Workshop "Matematica e economia, approcci plurali tra cooperazione, rischio e incertezza"
15:10 Giandomenico Boffi
15:15 Antonio Magliulo, Angelo Guerraggio
15:45 Guido Tortorella Esposito
16:30 Pausa caffè
17:00 Marco Papi
17:45 Antonio Di Cesare
18:30 Dibattito

Sabato 14 settembre 2013
Ore 9:10, Biblioteca, Università degli Studi Internazionali, via C.Colombo 200
Workshop "Matematica e economia, approcci plurali tra cooperazione, rischio e incertezza"
9:10 Introduzione
9:30 Ahmad Naimzada
10:15 Pausa caffè
10:45 Andrea Brandolini
11:30 Dibattito

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