giovedì 16 marzo, ore 12.30 in Sala di Consiglio


Giovedì 16 marzo, ore 12.30 in Sala di Consiglio, si terrà il seminario dipartimentale del Dott. Alberto Fachechi, risultato vincitore di una procedura di valutazione di RTDA in MAT07.

Speaker: Alberto Fachechi

Titolo: Artificial Intelligence from a Mathematical Physics perspective

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence is nowadays an ubiquitous concept, with a remarkable impact in every field of science and technology. Despite this, a clear understanding of information processing phenomena in neural networks and a comprehensive theoretical basis for it are still missing. In this talk, I will frame the topic of Machine Learning in the language of spin-glass theory for which rigorous statistical-mechanics techniques are available. I will discuss applications of these methods to paradigmatic models of Artificial Intelligence, such as the Hopfield model and the Deep Boltzmann Machine. The results presented can provide a starting point towards a mathematical control of state-of-the-art machine-learning networks.

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