Seminario di Dipartimento - 20/05/2019

20 maggio ore 14:30, in aula di Consiglio


Lunedì 20 maggio alle ore 14:30 in Aula Consiglio si terrà il seminario dipartimentale della D.ssa Vittoria Silvestri che è recentemente risultata vincitrice della procedura valutativa di chiamata a RTD-A nel SSD MAT/06.

Speaker: Vittoria Silvestri (Research Fellow in Mathematics, University of Cambridge)

Titolo: Fluctuations and mixing for random growth models

Obtaining a rigorous understanding of the formation of complex patterns in nature is a long-standing problem, which has motivated the introduction of several probabilistic models in the Mathematics and Physics literature. In this talk I will present some of these models, both discrete and continuous, discussing asymptotic behavior, fluctuations and mixing and presenting results obtained in collaboration with L. Levine, J. Norris and A. Turner.

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