Grafi aleatori di grandi dimensioni (2012-2013)

[Large Random Graphs]

Instructor: M. Isopi 

The course will take 20 hrs and will be taught in English unless everybody prefers Italian.

The course consists of three parts:
1) The Erdos-Renyi random graph. Introduced in the 50's, this model is still widely investigated. Its discussion will provide the occasion to introduce some
    terminology and techniques for the study of large random structures. Furthermore it will provide a benchmark for comparison with more complex models.
2) Some other models will be discussed depending on the interest of the audience (lattice percolation, preferential attachment, small world...)
3) Lovasz's theory of graph limits. In the last few years Lovasz and coworkers have developed an illuminating theory of graph limits (at least for dense graphs).
    We will present that theory, also in the more probabilistic formulation due to Diaconis and discuss some explicit example.

The course will take 20 hrs and will be taught in English, unless everybody prefers Italian.
If you are interested, please contact me.

Start date: february 11th
Schedule: monday and wednesday 4 6 pm
Venue: Aula B, Dipartimento di Matematica


Monday the 11th at 4pm there is a talk that maybe of interest to many:

Aula Picone, ore 16.00      Thomas G. Kurtz
"Identifying separated time-scales in stochastic models of reaction networks"

To allow those interest to attend, the class will exceptionally start at 5pm.

This is only for monday the 11th.