Il prof. Andrei PAJITNOV (Univ. DI Nantes), invitato come professore visitatore dell’Ateneo, sarà presente nel nostro Dipartimento nel periodo 9 aprile - 8 maggio 2004 e terrà un ciclo di seminari sulla Teoria di Morse, della durata di circa 12 ore.

Tali seminari avranno luogo due giorni a settimana: nel primo, la durata del seminario sarà di un’ora e mezzo, con intervallo, e vi saranno svolti gli argomenti indicati qui di seguito; il secondo, della durata di un’ora,  sarà dedicato ad approfondimenti degli argomenti svolti precedentemente, dando chiarimenti e fornendo esempi agli interessati.


Il primo appuntamento è previsto per mercoledì 14 oppure giovedì 15 aprile, ad esempio alle ore 14-15.45. In tale occasione si deciderà il calendario definitivo del ciclo, assieme agli interessati.

Gli interessati possono mettersi in contatto con Stefano Marchiafava (, tel. 06-49913246).




1) Morse functions and their gradients.


2) The Morse complex.


These two sections are devoted to the classical Morse theory, especially to the aspects which are less well known, and usually not included in the standard courses on Morse theory.We give a detailed  construction of the chain complex associated with a Morse function and its gradient (the Morse complex). 


3) Circle-valued Morse functions and the Novikov complex.


We give the construction  of the Novikov complex, prove its properties, and deduce the Novikov inequalities for the number of the critical points of a circle-valued Morse function.


4) Cellular gradients and generic rationality of the Novikov complex.


For any circle-valued Morse function f there is a particular class of  gradients of f, for which the gradient descent map has remarkable  properties, resembling the properties  of cellular maps. For this gradients the Novikov complex is defined over the  ring of rational functions of one variable.

We shall define this class of gradients, and prove the properties cited above in the general context of the Novikov exponential growth conjecture.


 5) Circle-valued Morse theory for knots and links.


A knot is called fibred if its complement in the three-dimensional sphere is the total space of a fibration over a circle. In other words, a knot is called fibred, if there is a circle-valued function on its complement without critical points. If the knot is not fibred, any circle-valued Morse function on its complement has a non-empty set of critical points, and their number can be estimated from below by the Morse-Novikov theory. The invariants which appear here are related to the Alexander polynomials and twisted Alexander polynomials of the knot. The recent progress in the software related to knot theory makes these invariants computable. We shall discuss this new branch of the knot theory, which is actively developing at present.


6)       Applications to geometry and physics.


We  shall present the applications of the circle-valued Morse theory, in particular, applications to the problem of existence of periodic solutions of the equations of Kirchhof type (S.P.Novikov) and the (generalized) Arnol'd conjecture about Lagrangian Intersections.