Gruppo di lavoro

Gruppo di lavoro
Cyclic cohomology and index theory for foliations

Martedi 14.00-16.00, Sala INdAM
Dipartimento di Matematica - Università La Sapienza

Paolo Piazza, Niels Kowalzig, Indrava Roy, Sara Azzali.

22/10/2013 Niels Kowalzig
Introduction to cyclic cohomology (1)
- the Hochschild complex
- simple definition: cyclic homology of an algebra A via a quotient of the Hochschild complex
- simplicial and cyclic objects
- Tsygan's bicomplex: cyclic homology as the homology of its total complex
- the SBI sequence as resulting from a short exact sequence of complexes and Connes' cyclic operator B
31/10/2013 (Giovedi, ore 12) Niels Kowalzig
Introduction to cyclic cohomology (2)
- the double complex lemma
- contracting Tsygan's bicomplex to obtain Connes' mixed complex
- the Connes-Rinehart operator
- the homology of (trivial) mixed complexes associated to cyclic objects
- the algebraic HKR-theorem

N. Kowalzig, Hopf Algebroids and Their Cyclic Theory, Ph. D. Thesis, 2009 PDF
J.-L. Loday, Cyclic homology, Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, vol 301, Springer-Verlag
C. A. Weibel, An introduction to homological algebra, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 38.
05/11/2013 Sara Azzali
Cyclic cohomology and Banach algebras
- cyclic cohomology of locally convex algebras
- unbounded derivations and 1-traces on a Banach algera
- n-traces
12/11/2013 Sara Azzali
Cyclic cohomology and Banach algebras (2)
- proof of the theorem: an n-trace induces a map in K-theory
- vanishing of Hochschild cohomology for nuclear C* algebras
- example of a 2-cocycle that is not a 2-trace

B. Blackadar, Operator Algebras, Theory of C* Algebras and von Neumann Algebras Encyclopaedia of Math. Sciences Vol.122, Springer 2006
A. Connes, Cyclic cohomology and the transverse fundamental class of a foliation, Geometric methods in operator algebras (Kyoto, 1983) 52-144, PDF
A. Connes, Noncommutative Geometry, Academic Press 1994
19/11/2013 Indrava Roy
The transverse fundamental class in the almost isometric case (1)
- Crossed product groupoid $X \rtimes \Gamma$ and definition of its reduced C*-algebra
- Definition of a Hilbert C*-bimodule on $A:=C_0(X) \rtimes \Gamma$ for non-isometric group actions on equivariant Euclidean vector bundles on X
- Construction of a dense holomorphically stable Banach subalgebra B of A
04/12/2013 (Mercoledi, ore 14.30) Indrava Roy
The transverse fundamental class in the almost isometric case (2)
- Lemmata to prove that the left action of A is well-defined on the Hilbert bimodule and that it is a closable homomorphism $\lambda$ of C^*-algebras
- Definition of almost-isometric action
- Example of a geometric situation with an almost-isometric action
- Proof that the Banach algebra B (the domain of $\lambda$) is holomorphically closed in A (after unitization).

E. C. Lance. Hilbert C*-modules - a toolkit for operator algebraists. London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series 210. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1995.
A. Connes, Cyclic cohomology and the transverse fundamental class of a foliation, Geometric methods in operator algebras (Kyoto, 1983) 52-144, PDF
Blackadar, Bruce, Operator Algebras: Theory of C*-Algebras and von Neumann Algebras. Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences. Springer-Verlag. (2005)
Alain Connes, Noncommutative Geometry, Academic Press, 1994
N.E. Wegge-Olsen, K-theory and C*-algebras, Oxford, 1993.
10/12/2013 (ore 11.15) Indrava Roy
The transverse fundamental class in the almost isometric case (3)
- Estimating multilinear functionals on the pre-Hilbert bimodule constructed using the action of \Gamma
- Definition of G-structures on a manifold, definition of action of \Gamma preserving the G-structure
- Almost-isometric action of $\Gamma$ preserving a G-structure, for a specific subgroup of $SL(n,R)$

21/01/2014 Indrava Roy
The transverse fundamental class in the almost isometric case (4)
Sara Azzali
Reduction to the almost isometric case (1)
- construction of the fibre bundle p: W\to V with W_x= symmetric positive definite quadratic forms on T_xV

28/12/2013 (ore 10.30) Sara Azzali
Reduction to the almost isometric case (2)
- the total space W has a G_q- structure (here q= n(n+1)/2)
- the action of \Gamma on W preserves the G_q-structure
- construction of an element in the equivariant KK-theory: \beta_0\in KK_\Gamma^{i}(C_0(V), C_0(W)), i=n(n+1)/2 mod 2
- using \beta_0, construct a 'Thom map' \beta: K_{j}(C_0(V)\rtimes \Gamma)\to K_{j+q}(C_0(W)\rtimes \Gamma)
- the algebraic HKR-theorem

A. Connes, Cyclic cohomology and the transverse fundamental class of a foliation, Geometric methods in operator algebras (Kyoto, 1983) 52-144, PDF
G. Kasparov, K-theory, group C* algebras and higher signatures (Conspectus), Novikov conjectures, index theorems and rigidity Vol. 1, Oberwolfach 1993 - London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes 226
T. Bröcker, T. tom Dieck, Representations of Compact Lie Groups, Springer.
13/03/2014 Paolo Piazza
Detailed summary. Further remarks on the reduction to the almost isometric case
- In preparation of the main theorem next time, I have stated Corollary 4.7
and I have given a sketch of the proof.
- I have stated Theorem 5.6 and Theorem 5.8 and I have given a sketch of their proof.

A. Connes, Cyclic cohomology and the transverse fundamental class of a foliation, Geometric methods in operator algebras (Kyoto, 1983) 52-144, PDF
18/03/2014 Paolo Piazza
Main theorem
- K-homology and the Baum-Coones map
- Old and new definitions
- Main theorem (THeorem 6.9) and main steps of its proof

A. Connes, Cyclic cohomology and the transverse fundamental class of a foliation, Geometric methods in operator algebras (Kyoto, 1983) 52-144, PDF
P. Baum and A. Coones, Geometric K-Theory for Lie Groups and Foliations, L'Enseignement Mathematique, Tome 46, 2000
P. Baum, A. Connes and N. Higson, Classifying space for proper actions and K-Theory of group C^*-algebras. Contemporary Math. Vol 167.
J. Raven, An equivariant bivariant chern character. Ph. Thesis 2004, Pennsylvania State University. Available at The Pennsylvania Digital Library.
04/04/2014 Niels Kowalzig
Gel'fand-Fuchs Cohomology I
- the Lie algebra of formal vector fields and its associated cochain complex
- the Weil algebra W and its quotient W_n
- Theorem of Gel'fand-Fuchs: a quasi-isomorphism between W_n and the cochain spaces of the Lie algebra
of formalk vector fields.
- finite-dimensionality of the Gel'fand-Fuchs cohomology groups
- existence of a special cocycle in each cohomology group

1] C. Godbillon, Cohomologies d'algebres de Lie de champs de vecteurs formels PDF
2] H. Cartan, Cohomologie reelle d'un espace fibre principal differentiable. I: notions d'algebre differentielle, algebre de Weil d'un groupe de Lie PDF
3] I. Gel'fand and D. Fuchs, Cohomology of the Lie algebra of formal vector fields PDF
18/04/2014 Niels Kowalzig
Gel'fand-Fuchs Cohomology II
- the Godbillon-Vey cocycle
- the relative cohomolgoy groups H^*(WSO_n) and H^*(WO_n)
- etale groupoid cohomology and Haefliger's differentiable cohomology
- Haefliger's theorem: H^*(\Gamma_M, \mathbb{R}) \simeq H^*(\mathfrak{a}_n, O)

[1] Andre HAEFLIGER Differential Cohomology PDF
12/05/2014 Indrava Roy
Bott-Thurston cocycle and the transverse fundamental class
- Definition of Bott-Thurston 2-cocycle arising from a Radon-Nikodym derivative associated with pullback of orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms
- Connes' 2-trace on $A:=C(S^1)\rtimes \Gamma$ associated with the Bott-Thurston cocycle
- Modular automorphism groups and left Hilbert-algebras
- Modular derivative of the transverse fundamental class and its invariance under the modular automorphism group
- General construction of contraction of a cyclic cocycle invariant under an automorphism group with its generator
- Application of above construction relating the Bott-Thurston-Connes 2-trace on $A$ and the modular derivative of the transverse fundamental class
29/05/2014 Indrava Roy
The Godbillon-Vey index theorem
- Reinterpretation of the Godbillon Vey class as a differential form on the jet bundles of positive frames J^+_k.
- Construction of 1-trace on the reduced C*-algebra over J^+_j, j=1,2, for with an action of a discrete subgroup of Diff^+ (S^1).
- Connes analogue of Thom isomorphism and dual weights on crossed-product C*-algebras
- Pairing with the 1-trace coming from the Bott-Thurston cocycle and its relationship with the pairing with the Godbillon-Vey class
- Deducing the following result of Hurder for foliations: if the Godbillon-Vey class of a foliation is non-zero then its von Neumann algebra must have a type III component.